I am a 31 year old mother of one and step mom of three all boys. They keep me very busy two of my step sons live with me and my husband. And also my son. I have been over weight all my life and now am hoping for a change. I started researching the surgery in February. Now I am just looking for more info on the surgery, there is always something new. Haven’t gotten a date yet still going through some steps. I will be seeing the dietician on Wednesday May the 28, I had my follow-up with my Psyche and she says everything is great. I have 4 more pounds to loose to reach the surgical teams requirements of 15 lbs. Then the paperwork will be submitted keep your fingers crossed for me as I will for everyone else.
Well I had my appt with the dietician and I am down 12 lbs 3 more to go to submit for ins approval I wish it would come off faster....now I have to get an appt to have my ekg done, blood work and ultra sound of my tummy, all I can say is I am one step closer....yea

June 3, 2003
I am at my required goal of loosing 15 lbs, a visit with the psyche, the dietician, and surgeon, also have attended 3 support group meetings. Now I am waiting to hear form the nurse to set up for the EKG and ultrasounds, then the next step would be to see my PCP for medical clearance for surgery. I am getting closer.

June 5, 2003
I know have a date for my abdominal ultra sound, chest x-rays
and echocardiogram for June 12 well I am on my way, then all I will need is medical clearance form my dr then we will submit INS paper for approval.

June 12, 2003
I just got back form having my test's and I also weighed in and I am down 17 lbs so I meet my goal for the 15 pounds I had to loose prior to surgery just waiting to here back on when I need to call my pcp to get medical clearance. Then the paperwork will be submitted to the INS co.

June 20, 2003
well I haven’t gotten any results from my test yet but I know have a date for a consult to see the Pulmonary Dr. to rule out sleep apnea. I had to fill out a form with all kinds of questions. I guess I will find out Wednesday if I will have to do a sleep study or not. Then from there we will submit to INS co for approval.

June 25, 2003
well I had my appt today with the Pulmonary Dr. She was great; she answered all my questions and made me feel very important. She was very understanding about the surgery and was willing to help me get the process moving along quickly. As a matter of fact I have my sleep study this Friday June 27. I cant wait this is my last step and when I come back from vacation everything will be out together and sent out to the ins co.

June 28, 2003
well I had my sleep study last night what a bunch of fun...lol. There were wires everywhere I slept pretty well until I started dreaming. I had seemed to awaken several times wishing it was 6 AM and it was time to get up. Didn’t have a clock so I wasn’t able to tell what time it was, but it seemed like the longest night ever. I was more worried about getting tangled up in the wires than anything else. Finally the nurse woke me up very gent ally and it was 6:15 AM. I took a shower filled out a survey about my sleep and was on my way home, I could of stayed for breakfast because they offered my a free meal but I passed and went home. Monday I will call my PCP to get an appt and medical clearance then the surgeon will submit the paperwork to the INS co. By the time I come back from vacation they will have my results of the sleep study. I have my follow-up appt July 14.

June 30, 2003
Today I made my appt with my PCP for my physical and medical clearance, I will go see him on July 16. I am so excited but now I am also getting butterflies in my belly, these are nervous butterflies. But I just keep telling my self that I am doing this for my health

July 14, 2003
well I have my appt tomorrow for my medical clearance. So after tomorrow I am hoping they will send in all the paperwork by the end of next week. And maybe I will have an answer by the end of the month. And then a date for surgery keeps reading I will keep you updated. I saw the sleep specialist and she told me I had slight sleep apnea. Nothing to worry about.

July 17, 2003
well my PCP gave me medical clearance now my surgeon has to go through all my paperwork and submit to the INS Company I am hoping they submit by the end of next week and I will have an answer by the end of the month. Then I will get my date. Hurray I am almost there they booking surgeries into September it's not that far away. Please keep your fingers crossed for me as I will for everyone else.

Aug 4, 2003
Yippy yippy ive got a date today. The Dr.'s office called to tell me that I got my approval and that they have a surgery date Sept 3 I can’t believe it; I am nervous and very excited. One more Month thank you all for keeping your fingers crossed for me.

Aug 21, 2003
well I am a week and a half away from surgery. Getting a little nervous not to much just thinking of the after affects. Did some shopping for my food after the surgery not to much to buy. I go see the surgeon for pre op on Tuesday the 26 to go over everything. Well good luck to all will put another update after pre op visit.

August 26, 2003
well today I went for my pre -op testing, that seemed to go well I am sure if there are any problems I will here in the next couple of day. I got my surgery time it’s at 9:30 so I have to be there at 7:30 am to get ready. I can’t believe how close I am getting I am really getting nervous.... The Dr. was great along with the nurse they answered all my questions and then some. Seven more days to go the count down has begun.

Sept 2, 2003
well one more day to go. I am not looking forward to bowl prep but I guess it something that has to be done. I really don’t have any emotions right now I am kind of numb right now. I went and had my last dinner last night at this new restaurant in town, boy was it yummy. Well I guess I will see every one else on the other side after tomorrow and good luck to all those who are still waiting approval and waiting for their surgery date. Hugs

SEPT 14, 2003

Oct 5, 2003
well its been a month since surgery and everything seems to be going well. I go back to work on Wednesday as long as the Dr. says everything is ok on Tuesday. I am down 20 pounds since surgery there has been a couple of days where I haven’t lost anything but others where I have lost 2 pounds, so I am not going to get discouraged. I cant wait till I can go work out again to start toning all this extra skin. I was hoping to hit the 200 mark by the time I went back to work but I don’t think that is going to happen. Well just wanted to update everyone on my progress and thanks for all your support.

October 26, 2003
Wednesday will be eight weeks post op for me I am feeling pretty well and weight loss is good also I am down 30 pounds since surgery and 50 all together. I have gone from a size 24 to current size 18 it amazing. Its been along time since I have been in an 18 wow. Well good luck to all.

November 25, 2003
Wow two more days till thanksgiving. I have already planned what I am going to eat, obliviously not much at all I am still full at about a cup of food per meal, but that seem to be satisfying enough for me. I have also tested the limits by trying a few things I shouldn’t have but I learned my lesson, because I am a dumper. Yea, I am actually glad I am a dumper cause it deters me from foods I shouldn’t be eating. I am now down to 189 and into a size 16 my gosh I still cant believe it. I am so much happier now and feel so much better now no more high blood pressure pills. Well hope all have a safe and happy holiday.

December 19, 2003
well its been almost a month since I have posted. I Am down to 179 and moving. I went to my old job and seen some people I haven’t seen in about a month or so and they walked right by me and didn’t even recognize me. Its so kewl.

January 3, 2004
well today is my four month anniversary; I am down 71 pounds and am fitting into clothes at size 14-16 depending on the brand of clothing. My journey had been wonderful I have no regrets, and wouldn’t change a thing. Even if I never loose another pound I will be happy right where I am. As a matter of fact I have people keep telling me they cant see where I can loose another 35 pounds, but if they saw me naked they would.....LOL I think this year will be the best year ever for me. This years new years resolution is to stay healthy and keep the weight off, which for some reason seems to be easy because I don’t eat half as much as I used to before they surgery. That is one of the amazing parts of this surgery, I don’t seem to be hungry and I get full on maybe a cup of food per meal. I know there are people who have gained back all their weight I honestly don’t know how, other than eating so much it made them sick, but if you eat as little as I do I done ever see going back the weight.

January 20, 2004
O My Gosh, my hair is falling out left and right its getting so thin people are starting to notice. It has been falling out for some time but now its more noticeable. Cleaning out the tub every morning, cleaning out my brush or comb every day, and then trying to clean off my hands when I put gel or moose in my hair. Now granted everybody cleans out their drain , combs, and brushes but I never had to do it every day...I am trying to get in as much protein as possible hope that it gets better. Tata for now.

February 7, 2004
well I have gotten pass the 5 month mark and I am feeling great. I am now down to a size 12 in pants which is very exciting that half of what I use to where which was a size 24 woohoo. Well things are getting easier as time goes by, and I am sitting at a plateau but that’s ok I don’t have a problem with that cause I know its bound to happen.

March 5, 2004
well two days ago marked my 6 month anniveresy. Things are going well my hair isn’t falling out as much. I am still loosing but very slowly. But I am only about 15-20 pounds from goal. I am still in a size 12 pant but can squeeze into 10 but I will be patient and wait and if I never do fit in a 10 that would be fine. I am happy right where I am.

APRIL 5, 2004
well 7 months has gone by and I am feeling great I am now down 90 pounds 10 away from goal. My hair is no longer falling out in the amounts it was a couple of months ago. Thank god for that. I know have regrowth which is great. I am now fitting well into size 10 pants but I don’t think I will go much smaller unless I get rid of this extra skin its not to bad but it wouldn’t hurt to get rid of it. Anyway good luck to all and talk to you soon.

Aug 7, 2004
Wow its been along time since I have been here. Lots has happened since. I am now living in North Carolina I moved a couple of weeks ago. And am still getting settled in. I am now at goal and happier than ever. All my hair is now growing back and looking good. Thank God. Well I am getting ready to go out and go to yard sales and look for some deals for my home. I will be back soon next time to update.

October 8, 2004
well its been a few months since I have written anything. There isn’t to much to say , I am down to 140 and I am happy with that I really don’t want to loose any more I was hoping to stop at 145 I have lost 106 pounds which I never thought would be possible. Its amazing. Now I am working on getting a tummy tuck. I have a consultation in Feb so I am excited for that.

January 26, 2005
I guess it is time to update; things have been well I have maintained my weight between 135-140. I had an x-ray of my back last week due to some pain I have been having, they told me that I have some arthritis starting in my spine, and then they tell me they think they see gallstones, so I had to go for ultrasound yesterday, the women who did my ultrasound said she didn’t see any so I am not sure what’s next, I guess will have to wait to hear from the Dr. with the results. Hopefully it isn’t anything. Last Friday I went for a consult for tummy tuck and breast lift, it was great I will be having my surgery in April sometime I am working on saving up some money for the surgery's.

January 31, 2005
the ultra sound didn’t find any gallstones which I am happy about, other than not know what the pain I have had is from. Anyway I called Curves to find out what my measurements were before I had my surgery, because I didn’t write them down. So now I have them, here they are. Now after my tummy tuck and breast lift, and implants I am sure numbers will change.

Bust 51" before 38" Now total 13"
Waist 46" before 33" Now total 13"
Abs 53" before 35" now total 18"
Hips 50" before 36 1/2" now total 14"
Thighs 23" before 18" now total 5"
Arms 13 1/2 before 11" now total 2 1/2"

GRAND TOTAL 65 1/2 "

April 8, 2006
Wow, its been awhile since I updated, its now April 8, 2006 its been about 2 1/2 years since my surgery, things are going well, I have had a tummy tuck and breast lift, and that went well also. The tummy tuck originally was a partial one and now I am having the other part taken care of this summer. I go back and forth between 135-145 in weight but its all ok.

November 20. 2009
Well another 3 years has gone by since I posted anything here, well I am still looing pretty good my weight is around 140-145 not to bad at all. I am happy with my weight and with the way that I feel. I have had no majors problems and have been very lucky.

About Me
Elizabeth City, NC
Surgery Date
May 11, 2003
Member Since
