Being extremely overweight my whole life, I knew there was more to be out there and more to heal the health situation I was in.   In September of 2006 I was 289.8 pounds and on around 300 units of insulin as a type 2 Diabetic.   And the sugar was out of control.   I went to the doctors office for a check-up.   Nothing had changed, my health was no better and more meds again.   I finally discussed WLS with my physician.   I began the process as soon as I arrived at home.   I attended a WLS advice program on September 26, 2006.   The beginning of the new life with the new me.



November 2006 - All the classes with the dietician and training and tests.   The problems on the way, the bad EKG and now a heart problem.   My health is much worse then I could imagine.   The sugery date, already here, November 21, 2006.   I entered the hosptial with some anxiety and nervousness.   Talked to the surgeon prior to the sugery with last minute questions, and then it was time already.   Ahead of scheduled surgery time.  Not alot of time to think about the surgery.  It was time, and the hospital staff was awesome.   The surgery went really well and took alot less time then the surgeon had said.   I had the surgery on Tuesday before Thanksgiving and was out of the hospital on Friday morning at 7am they were releasing me.   I had the open procedure.   Shocked alot of people that I was going home so soon.   I was ready to go.  


December 2006 - Pretty sick, nothing staying down.   Called the emergency number at the hospital.   Had to be admitted needed to have an endoscope immediately.  My whole to the intestine had closed to 4mm.   Had to under-go another one in January too because of the healing so well.   I have energy and feel great.   At my first re-check in December I had not lost that much it was only 2 weeks.   I had lost 18 pounds, the second visit at 6 weeks post-op 38 pounds.


Feburary 21, 2007 - Exactly 3 months post-op surgeon re-check.   Down 60 pounds already.   Feeling great.   Alot of my meds are gone now.  No insulin no more, just one pill a day for the diabetes and it is under control.   I will be montoring my sugar and the physician and surgeon believe as my weight goes down I will no longer need the pill either.



About Me
North Judson, IN
Feb 22, 2007
Member Since

Friends 1
