Happy Birthday To Me!! 02-13-2007

Feb 13, 2007

Today is a great day! Not just because it is my birthday....but because it was my first birthday in a long time that I actually went out and celebrated! My daughter took me to dinner and a movie. Now let me just say that I haven't been to a move in well over 5 years. The reason's for not going before? Too big to fit in the seats, to tired to walk into the theater and too embarassed to go to the restaurant. NOT ANYMORE!!  Now I fit in the seats! I can walk into the movie theater and YES, I am not embarassed to go into the restaurant!!! While I will admit, I didn't eat much of the dinner, it was great and alot of fun. I will say......I had one drink and wowowowowow, I am a cheap drunk...lol. Of course it was a long island ice tea...which could be considered more then one drink with all that alcohol. Ok, I know some of you are thinking......She drank acohol? YES.....one drink, so sue me. It was my birthday and I think I deserved it. :)  No I don't need the empty calories, but I did enjoy myself and like I said, It is my birthday!  Now tomorrow is a new day and back to being a good girl.  I am down 114 pounds as of today!!! So not only did I celebrate my birthday but I celebrated life that is no  longer passing me by. 

I did it.....100 pounds gone forever!! 1-11-2007

Jan 10, 2007

I finally did it! I am down 100 pounds from when I started my pre-op diet. It is soooo amazing to think that I was walking around with all that extra weight just a few months ago.  Yes, I have almost 200 pounds to go to get to goal but things are getting better for me at home and at work. I am able to do more. I still have a lot of restrictions due to my knee pain. I can't wait to lose all my weight and have my knee replacements done. I can't imagine what life will be like without being in pain 24/7 but I am sure looking forward to it. My next goal is to be out of the 3 hundreds and into the 2's. Only 25 more pounds and I will be there. How exciting that sounds, just to say it, write it......see it in print, lol.  I am really feeling the changes and although I know that even with the weight gone, I will need more work with all my excess skin, life is now worth living again and it will only get better!  How great it is to "EAT TO LIVE" and not "LIVE TO EAT!"

Made it through Christmas 12-28-06

Dec 28, 2006

Christmas went well. I was very tired, working in retail makes the holidays crazy. I did however lose weight through the holiday so it was a success for me. I am down 90 lbs. now and feeling better each week. I broke down and bought some new clothes for work and it is so wonderful to fit into the smaller sizes and not have to buy the item in the biggest size they make and pray that it fits alright. I am so encouraged by my weight loss and know that my health is improving and it feels great knowing that my life has taken such a positive turn.
I know that 2007 will be my year. The year that I reach my goals and start to really live my life to the fullest. 

To my daughter who took this journey with me, You look AMAZING! It makes so happy to know you won't have to deal with weight issues as you get older and  you can enjoy your adult life as a healthy, beautiful person, inside as well as out!

Thank you for your love and support!!

Wow Moment! 12-17-2006

Dec 17, 2006

I have been running out of things to wear to work. Everything is so baggy I look horrible. I had ordered some smaller pants a week ago but they were too small. I was so disapointed. I have lost a total of 86 pounds and today I tried on the pants and they fit! I couldn't believe it. I always had to order the biggest pants available and now I am down to a womans size 30. Yes that is still very large but nothing like what I was wearing. I put on my old pants and they fall off me. Now that is a really big wow moment for me. I can't wait for more to come. This is by far the best thing I have ever done for myself!

It's almost Christmas!! 12-05-2006

Dec 04, 2006

I can't believe that there is only three weeks until Christmas! The year is almost over. The older I get the faster the years pass by...lol.
This has been a great year! The year I finally took control and decided to change my life forever with WLS.  Every day I feel better and can do more. When I think that I was at the point of giving up and being unable to work and facing the possiblity of being home bound and now my life has made an about face. How wonderful it feels to know that I am finally in control. Knowing that with each day and each pound, my life becomes richer. It's like winning the lottery! My lottery of life, and I am going to enjoy it. I hope that everyone who has this surgery has the success that I have had so far. This is amazing! There are so many "WOW" moments that come from having this surgery. I am no longer out of breath walking. I still have major pain in my knees and will until the weight is really down and I have knee replacements but......I can get around much better and breathing much easier now. I can do my job and know that when the day is over I can get to my car and not feel like someone ran me over with a truck. I don't have to spend my days off in bed unless I want to.  :)  I just want everyone to know that it wasn't easy in the beginning but two months out it all started to come together. It's like they say, you have to crawl before you walk. So my advice for anyone having this surgery is be patient. Do what you are told to do, the best that you can. It does get better with every day....every month.....every pound. Be encouraged by people that support your efforts and those that don't, just remember it is your life, your body and you are finally taking control. When they see how wonderful you are doing they will come around. 

Smiling more and more each day...................!!!!!

Dr. says I am right in track!! 11-20-2006

Nov 20, 2006

 I went to see Dr. Perez on the 16th and am happy to report that I am doing very well by his standards. I have lost a total of 70 pounds and my incission is healed up very nicely. He stated I was right on track for my weight loss and is looking forward to seeing me back in January.  It is so exciting to see the weight falling off and knowing I will never let it return. 
Since losing the weight and cutting back my hours at work, I am finally starting to feel better. In fact, I don't remember feeling this good in a very....very long time. Don't get me wrong, I am still in pain and still using my walker and cane but.........I can do more and feel less pain then I have in so long that I cannot even remember. I finally feel like my life is changing for the better and in only reafirms that this surgery was the BEST thing I could have done for myself. It was worth every penny and I honestly believe that only better days are ahead. Ok there is one draw back......I have no clothes that fit me anymore...lol. (Yes, this problem is a good one!)  

I have to say that I do have one very big inspiration. My daughter, Christina who had the surgery with me. She looks amazing!  She started as a light weight but is losing like a heavy weight. She truely is beautiful. How wonderful for her to take care of this while she is young and able to bounce back. That tight young skin that won't need plastic surgery and seeing how happy she is as she is losing the weight and feeling heathy again. It has really helped her both physically and mentally. She was always very independent but now has a presence that shows how secure and happy she is with herself. It is wonderful!

I hope that anyone thinking of having this surgery reads this and knows that it is a wonderful experience and we have never had a regret. I know I still have a long ride ahead of me with more weight to lose and then plastic surgery. I accept that as I realize that with each
pound my life gets easier and the pain gets less. 

Life is finally GRAND!!!!

Last Injection 11-16-2006

Nov 16, 2006

Today was my last of five Hyalgan injections in my knees. This is wonderful!! The pain of getting the shots has been nothing less then torture..lol but the results seem to be good so as they say....No Pain....No Gain!  I also had my 6 week check up with my surgeon and he is very happy with my progress. I am down 69.5 pounds since my journey began!! I just need to get more fluids into my day. My hydration is only 34% and I really need to get that up so I burn fat and not muscle. 

Work is going better since I cut back my hours. After being out of work for 12 weeks it has been hell trying to get back into the swing of things and the 11-12 hours shifts have really been getting me down.  I'm doing about 8-9 hours now and it seems to have helped. At least now I don't go home and cry for an hour because I am in so much pain from my knees and my back. I know that each week I feel better and with each pound I lose, both phsically and mentally. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself!! No regrets what so ever!!!

Long overdue update11-08-06

Nov 07, 2006

I know I haven't been here in a while. I have been so miserable I didn't even want to sit at the computer. The pain increased when I went back to work on 10-28 and the hours have been exhausting. I did go to my pain management doctor Tuesday and we changed my pain meds. I believe the slow release pain med I was on was not effective due to the surgery and the way my body processes the meds faster now. He put me on a patch that I change every three days and changed the medication I take for the breakthrough pain. I have to say that I am feeling better then I have in a long time BUT, I haven't worked yet. I have to be at work at 2pm today so we shall see. The other good thing is he is faxing a note to my employer stating I cannot work any longer then 8 hours a day. The 10-11 hour shifts were brutal.  After the pain management doctor I went to get my fourth set of Hylagen injections in my knees. One more set to go, next Thursday and although they are helping I will be glad when I am finished because they aren't the most pleasant injections in the world. The treatment should last about six months and I am hoping by then I will have alot more weight off and that will help my intense pain to ease up. :)  

I weighed myself  this morning, down aother 9 pounds! I am now down a total of 65.5 pounds!!!! 19 is from the pre-op diet and the rest from surgery. This tool is amazing!! I just got the pics back yesterday of my progress and will post them within the next few days.

Tuesday Support Group 10-24-2006

Oct 25, 2006

I went to my first support group in Ft. Lauderdale. It was a bit slow at first but got better as the time went by. I did weigh in and found I have lost another 3 pounds. It's not a lot but I'll take any loss! I called work today and got my schedule. I go back Saturday the 28th and only have to work 12-7! (my days are usually 10-11 hours long). In fact they actually gave me a break all week since it is my first week back. I am so happy because I was really nervous about being able to handle the long days. :) I still haven't made my one month appointment. I have to get my days off and see if I can get an appointment. I am still nursing the infected incision but it is soooooo much better and very small now. Shouldn't be too long before it is ready to heal up. It hasn't been much of a painful problem just a pain having to clean and pack it daily and no baths only showers. I would love to soak in a tub but I guess I can make it a while longer with just showers....lol.

Knee Injections 10-20-2006

Oct 20, 2006

Today I had the Hylagan injections in both knees. It is the first of a series of 5 injections that are supposed to help cushion the bone in my knees since I both knees are bone on bone and very painful. Let me just say that the injections are not pleasant. My next set of injections are Friday the 27th, the day before I return to work. I hope I am ok to work the next day because today was very difficult. I am trying to do everything I can to be able to return to work and be able to do the job right. I am not sure how I will handle my 50-55 hour work week but I am going to give it my all. I am almost a full month out and need to make my 1 month appointment. I will report my progress after the appointment and let you know how I am doing with my weight loss. I do notice my clothes hanging off me a little more with each week and am encouraged by that.

About Me
Sunny South, FL
Surgery Date
Aug 20, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2 weeks prior to surgery
My daughter and I had bypass on the same day! I was 424 lbs!

Friends 29

Latest Blog 22
9-06-2008 Life Just gets better and better!
Loving Life!
July 2nd,2007 Loving Life!
June 16, 2007 .... It keeps getting better!
May 14, 2007...So Many Wow Moments!!
April 29, 2007 Things are sooooo Great!
