Please help I don't know what to do

Dec 19, 2013

My name is Denise and I had a RNY 2 years ago, but I have been having some problems.  I very serious constipation, I realize that I don't drink water, but I hate it.  I live mostly on coffee.  I have started incorporating oatmeal into my diet.  I cook 1/2 cup (uncooked) old fashion oats with canned pumpkin, almond milk and protein powder.  I have gained some of my weight back and want to reverse any damage I have done.  I have also had serious cravings for sugar and have given into it and I have snacked on oreos, ice cream and pretzels,  I was told that I should not return to my protein shakes, no carb diet, but I think that its the only thing that would work.  Please if anyone has any advise that can help me please post or email me directly [email protected] if anyone knows of a diet that I can follow and if it includes counting calories, protein, carbs, etc.  I am will to do anything.



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