I'm baaaack!

May 02, 2010

Thanks to OH, I just realized I had my 2 yr anniversary since my band. I am down 75 pounds and it feels great! It's not as much as the other surgeries, but it's good for me. I have no hanging skin and my face is thin but not sullen. I FEEL vey good. I haven't filled my band in a year...I've just maintained a low carb lifesyle. Not NO carb, just eating healthy fruits, veggies, and some whole grains. I stay away from processed sugar....really processed anything! I believe that's what has made the biggest difference. I've even abandoned splenda/nutrasweet in exchange for stevia.

I'm not at goal yet, but that changes a lot doesn't it? I'm squeezing into a 12, but can't wear them in pubic YET! At 180, I think 160 may be a number to shoot for. But then again, it's my clothes that I'm most concerned about, so I will have to wait. I'm in no particular hurry as maintaining is the name of the game! My 1st year was a roller coaster, but this last year has been very stable. And that's how I want to keep it!

Didn't pass, I had a 4th fill!

Aug 28, 2008

Well, I went to the surgeon's office for my 4th month follow up. I lost 9 pounds! So I'm down to 209.4...at least yesterday. Today I'm 207.0. Back to the point. He thought I could still use .2-.3 in my band so that my hunger doesn't return in 4 hours. With the 3rd fill, the first 2 weeks were great...I made myself eat because I didn't get hungry. Now, I still don't unless I don't have something every 4 hours. I was apprehensive because I do not want to be too tight, so I asked him to do only .2. He agreed, and now I have 6.7cc in a 10cc band. I can tell a difference. I have restriction like I had on my period. I continue to exercise 5days/week, and I make good food choices. I do, however, indulge in a couple pieces of candy almost daily.....I have to. When I tried to give it up, I just converted to my old ways of sneaking and hiding. This way, I get the mini version, and I only have 1 serving. Anymore than that and I have to pay for it in the gym! It's worked so far.

My clothes are fitting better. I wear a 14/16 woman and a loose 18 misses. I really want to be a 12 misses at goal. People are really taking notice and making comments about my weight loss. I love it because I am working so hard! Some people aren't saying anything...I think since they know I had surgery, I don't get my kudos.....boy, they just don't know do they? This is a difficult process b/c my band doesnt mind accepting all the candy, cake, cookies, chips, and junk I love! I have to talk to myself daily about leaving it alone. I'm doing worrying about what people think. It's time for me to do what I need to do for me!

My next goal is to be in ONDERLAND!! Whoo hoo! I'll party hard then! Wish me luck!

I'm passing on a 4th fill!

Aug 22, 2008

OMG! I never thought I would be at a place where I thought I needed no more fills. Honestly, I have only lost 5 pounds this month, but I truly think I am at a good place. I did a little extra splurging earlier this month, so I had to lose the extra few pounds I gained, so I actually lost 9pound for a net loss of 5...which was 2 pounds a week.

When I am eating correctly, I get plenty of protein, veggies, fruit, and a little whole grain like shredded wheat or oatmeal. And I lose well. I feel great. I'm exercising almost every day. I lost 3/4 inch on my waist in 3 weeks! I can really eat anything! Nothing gets stuck as long as I chew well...but I don't have to chew to a paste consistency...yuck! I am satisfied with 1 cup and I don't get hungry inbetween meals...I do have 2 snacks daily.

So I guess what I'm saying is, I can  live like this. I feel normal at a restaurant eating fish and veggies. I don't feel like I'm missing out on eating. I think I'm making much more nutritious choices. So I don't need to make my pouch smaller for the sake of losing faster! I really am in a place where I understand slow is good! Whewww! It has taken a looooooong time to get to this. I want to prove to myself that I can make good food choices and still enjoy life without getting sick or damaging my band.

I continue to fight the sabatours. My friends, neighbors, or coworkers constantly tell me how great I look...then they try to get me to eat every brownie in sight! I'm still working on this one. I never succumbed to peer pressure as an adolescent, but it's much harder now!  I just say to myself, I rather fit into the jeans I haven't worn in 2 years than eat that cake! But if I really want some, I can give myself permission to eat SOME and just leave it alone. This battle is not yet won, but I will keep on fighting!!!

I'm so excited to go weigh in on Wednesday! Check me out then....

By golly, I think I'm at my sweet spot!!

Aug 04, 2008

I had my 3rd fill last week. I was really apprehensive because the nurse practitioner who usually did my fills went to a new wls clinic and left 2 NEW hires recently trained! I decided to check him out....knowing that I could just follow my other nurse if he was no good. Well it turned out he was better! He was knowledgeable, and just put me at ease. We talked about the fill and he gave me his thoughts on how much I should get. When I told him it was up to him "cause you're the expert here!" he was putty in my hands!

Needless to say, he put .5cc in for a total of 6.5cc in 10cc band.  I am satisfied with 1 cup of food. I've been measuring it and everything!  And I am satisfying for hours...like more than 4hours! Nothing gets stuck. I can drink all of my fluids. It's great!!! I hope it stays that way.

Oops! I forgot to add I also had a scale victory. I lost 11 pounds last month. And since the fill, I have lost 2 more pounds for a total of 31 pounds. My goal is to be 205 by the end of the month...I'm 216 now.
I would looooove to be in onederland, but I'm not pushing it. I can wait until September. My gift to myself when I reach 200 is to have a consultation for TT, BL/BA. Just consult!! I will have surgery when I am within 15 pounds of goal...and maintaining for a few months.

My 3rd fill is around the corner!

Jul 22, 2008

I'm so excited about 7/29. I get to get my 3rd fill. I think this will be the one, although I am doing very well with eating right and exercising. My only problem is that I have to physically stop myself from eating, otherwise, I know I can fit more than a cup in.  I had my TOM earlier, and I had more restriction...I was wondering why I didn't gain weight like I usually do. If I had that restriction all the time, I'd be golden.

I have to say that reading others posts has helped me a lot! It's always nice to know that you aren't alone in how you are feeling. Sometimes I don't post because I don't want to sound stupid...and then before you know it, someone was thinking the same thing.

I also found my new focal point and inspiratiion to eat well. I plan on having a tummy tuck when I reach a 62 pound loss! If I lose 1-2 pounds a week, I should be able to get it done by next spring! So every time I see that cake, I think....flat stomach, oh yea! It also helps that my hubby and friends (not banded) are working on eating better and exercising. So now I don't feel the stress of not eating socially with everyone. The neatest thing that happened to me was on Sunday. My girlfriend invited my family over for dinner. When she got ready to serve, she had roasted chicken, collard/turnip greens, and corn on the cob with sugarfree drinks. She said she wanted to make sure I was comfortable and didn't need to "cart" my own food over. That touched me sooooo much.

Gotta go...I just felt like posting today. Thanks to all who have read my posts and actually got me. It's my desire to not just succeed alone...I want my OH friends to be there with me!

My second fill

Jul 02, 2008

I finally got another fill. After the 1st, I had less restriction than before! My nurse prac said that was not unusual. I actually gained 3 pounds, but I wasn't suprised. I have been in a funk lately and I ate so many bad things including candy.

My hope now is that I rededicate myself to the "band rules" and get moving. I feel more restricted even with liquids, and I'm hoping that will last! Since July is a long month, my next appointment is the 29th. Now, I have 6cc and I was hoping not to have to have more added. If they put too much in, we won't have much to work with.

I am still battling with my head and my food demons. I know I am able to eat the proper diet. And when I do, I'm generally not hungry anymore. It's just that I don't get that  "uuuuuuum that was so good" feeling. I eat junk food out of boredom, sadness, or just wanting to be like everyone else! When I see weight loss, I can talk myself out of it, but when I don't, I just convince myself to go ahead.

This is scary and irritating for me. Scary because no amount of restriction will stop this...this is a personal issue I have to deal with. It's irritating because I was a self pay, so I'm making payments on a surgery that could possibly not help my real problem. I wonder if a psych consult would have revealed this to me.

Nevertheless, I recognize that no matter what, it is up to me and this band can still serve as a fantastic tool in preventing me from overeating. I'm going to keep working it a well as I can and get this weight off once and for all!

First fill

Jun 05, 2008

My first fill was June 3rd. I was so nervous. I was scared it was going to hurt. Then I was afraid they wouldn't put enough saline in to give me good enough restriction.

Well, I am eating soft foods today and back to regular foods tomorrow, and I really can't tell a difference. I am still hungry, and I don't feel full, I just stop because I am supposed to! So I guess I have to wait until July to try again. I know it takes a few fills to reach that sweet spot, but boy.....it's very frustrating.

I knew inside that this was a slow and tedious process, but somehow, I figured I would be one of those exceptions! ummmph...ain't that something. I guess this proves it's not all about me! LOL

My plan for this month is to get some regular exercise, and stick to the low carb plan until I get better restriction. Until next time!

Reality is setting in

May 13, 2008

I have have something positive and negative to share.  I'll start with the negative so I can end on a positve note.

I came to the realization that I really treated eating as a social event that I cherished. Now, I obsess over what to eat, how much, and if it is healthy enough to keep me from gaining. I am sick of people watching what I'm eating and asking questions that clearly don't sound like someone just wanting to be inquisitive. And I am still head hungry....I am craving sweets real bad even though my protein intake is adequate. So, to keep from "cheating" I eat alone. One forkfull at a time, chew,chew, chew, and chew some more. When I'm finished, I am full, but not fulfilled. Will that ever go away?

Now on a positive note, I lost 2 more pounds which means 15 total since April 23rd. I'm pretty pround of myself for that. I also know that I'm on my way to looking like I should, and feeling like I'm ready to get out there and make things happen. I plan to begin exercising again next week...the start of my week 4, then my 1st fill is June 3rd and Hawaii is June 8th! OMG...this is going to be amazing!

On my way

May 12, 2008

My surgery was on April 28th. I done less than 2 weeks after my initial consultation. I had done much research and knew it was what I wanted, but I was still nervous. Nevertheless, all went well immediately post op. 

And then there was GAS! That pain was a buggar! I didn't need any of the liquid meds my surgeon gave me, but that gas pain kicked my butt for 8 days. And then, things just popped into place. Until....

The hunger pangs really started going at the end of the 2nd week. One day, I thought I wanted to eat everything I saw! The next day, I gained control of myself, and started the 3 meals with snacks and water/SF drinks inbetween. That actually helped!! I still get head hunger....that beast isn't dead YET, but it will  be eventually.

I'm starting my 3rd week post op today. I'm starting a mechanical soft diet. I'm nervous because I feel myself thinking about foods I shouldn't eat. I want to be successful at this soooooo bad. My schedule is so busy and unpredictable, so it's easy for me to just drink a protein shake, but I know the closer I get to regular food, the less I'm supposed to do it. 

Whoever thinks we (WLS patients)" taking the easy route) are delusional, aren't they?

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 9
Didn't pass, I had a 4th fill!
I'm passing on a 4th fill!
By golly, I think I'm at my sweet spot!!
My 3rd fill is around the corner!
My second fill
First fill
Reality is setting in
On my way
