Starting my journey 10-01-09

Oct 01, 2009

After many years of diet after diet, gym memberships, etc. I have finally decided to pursue weight loss surgery.  I have attended a Weight Loss Surgery Seminar, had a month of physician supervised dieting, and started all of my medical bru-ha-ha that I must go through before even seeing the surgeon for an official  consultation.  I applied on Weight Loss Surgeon, Dr. Roc Bauman's website and got a reply that I fit the criteria.  Well, having a BMI of around 43, diabetes II, hypertension, sleep apnea complete with cpap, joint pain, etc.  I suppose they do think I might qualify!  Anyway, with Cigna, I must have 6 months of uninterrupted supervised dieting with my regular physician.  Weight Watchers did not count, much to my sorrow.  Been skipping down that path quite a few times.  During these supervised  months, my regular Dr. is getting as much of the pre-reqs before the surgery done to get me qualified.  I am excited, yes. I think I am past the 'Oh, I will get skinny and be beautiful' phase of my life.  Today, at the seminar, several of the prospective future weight loss patients were all up in the air about insurance not paying for excess skin removal later.  Hey, forget that, I can wear baggy clothes!  Just let me get rid of the meds that I am on, let me burn the freaking cpap that I have used for 10 years, please let me not dread going to the mall because I fear the exhaustion,sweating  and pain from the walking.  I want to live,  not hide in this fat body!!!  One possible problem though,  I had a bowel resection 16 years ago due to Crohn's Disease.  Totally symptom free since that surgery, but may have  strictures and adhesions that might hurt my changes for surgery.  God, I pray not.  I have to get the post-op notes from my surgeon for Dr. Bauman to look at when I have my consultation.  I need to get a colonoscopy done too for Dr. Bauman.  No problem, I just pray all is well enough to do the surgery. 


About Me
Kings Mountain, NC
Aug 26, 2009
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