3 Days Out

Jan 09, 2009

Just a little update - I am now 3 days out, Just came home yesterday.  I'm pretty weak and do have alot of pain in the top portion of my stomach.  I'm slowly gaining some energy though and kinda wish I hadn't been released just yet from the hospital, as last night I had alot of pain and had already taken my pain medication.  But, I'm dealing day to day and will get there soon.  I walked and walked at the hospital and think maybe I possibly pushed myself a bit hard.  Whatever you do, don't be too fast to get out of there - unless of course you're not being well cared for or something.  My hospital was wonderful and I had an excellent staff that cared for me very well.

The shower feels amazing after you've been through all of that.  Take advantage of that part, too.  :)

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.  Talk to you soon. 



10 am!

Jan 05, 2009

Just got my time, I have to be in at the hospital by 10am.  So...here's hoping, lol!

Thanks again for all your prayers.

Day After Tomorrow...*cue dramatic music*

Jan 04, 2009

Phew.  Day after tomorrow is really soon!!  I couldn't wait at first and now I'm a bit nervous...I'm sure everything will go well, but I am filling out my "Advanced Directives" and it just makes me nervous!  But it needs done and I know it.  It could happen at any time, not just now.  But soon hopefully it'll have a lot less chance of happening, because I'll be healthier!!  Wahoo!

I also just realized that the day I started my current job was 01/06/04, and surgery is the same day 5 years later...that has to be some type of good omen or sign or something, as I love my job! 

Well here's hoping.  I just want to get this part over and done with so I can start really working with the new me. :D

Have a great week and please, if you believe in it - say a prayer for me!

Thanks for all your support, and God Bless.


The countdown has started...5 days!

Dec 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!

It's a New Year...a new start for me.  I can't wait, finally it seems like the end is in sight.  I have 5 days of fatty, unhealthy life left.  WOOHOO!!

I haven't been in the big "hurrah" stage, as in, omg, this is the last time I will be able to have something, so I have to eat it.  I've been pretty proud of that.  It's been a bit difficult to resist all these dang cookies and cakes and snacks that the holidays brought.  This was possibly the worst time to try to lose, lol!  But, again I've resisted and was able to lose some prior to surgery.  I joined Curves, and I really like it.  It keeps me upbeat, changes it up a bit, and before you know it it's been 30 minutes and you're done.  I feel pretty awesome afterwards, too. 

Tomorrow I have to travel to John Hopkins for my anesthesia clearance.  It kinda sucks to have to travel all that way for just one test, but I'll do whatever I need to do for the safety of my surgery.   

I received an email from the nurse practioner of my surgeon, Dr. Steele.  She was wonderful and wasn't even in the office - but just wanted to answer any questions I had and give me some support!  I emailed her with the questions I of course had (don't we all, all through this?) and she emailed me right back, answered all my questions - just was wonderful.  It felt good to know they're looking out for me.

So I'm on my way...just a few more days, please keep me in your prayers! 


I'm pretty anxious. But, all in due time!

Nov 09, 2008


Nov 09, 2008

Wow, what a journey!

Oct 18, 2008

Well...if you're here then you know what this is all like.  If you're here searching for some folks who also "know how it feels..." you've reached the right place.

Before we all hold hands and sing "Kumbaya"...lol, First, let me put this in, so that those "newcombers" (yes I comb the sites too!) can see maybe some helpful info before reading into "about me."

If I can suggest anything for those about to undergo this journey - it is....

 It may be easy, or it could be pain-stakingly hard to get insurance approval.  Approach it as if it will you will be denied - because if you don't you'll end up doing things over like me!

 Find a PCP that supports you.  My first didn't support WLS.  He believed in good ole fashion diet and exercise.  And although he wrote a support letter, and tried the "supervised diet" with me, he wasn't understanding of what is needed.  So no matter what...



 and, document. 

 Check with your surgeons office.  They know what insurance companies are looking for.  Especially if you live in an area that just doesn't have alot of these surgeries, or is behind the times, so to speak.  Ask for samples of what insurance companies require - give them to your PCP.  Check EVERY TIME with your PCP and with their office staff to be SURE they know what you need documented.  It's their job but they just may not know!  Give them the sample info...and even go as far as watching them fax after each appointment if you have to.  Sounds harsh, but it will all save so much headache in the end, I promise.  And if you're like me - those months are months that you will never have back. 

 Write down times, info, etc when you speak to your insurance people - take names. 

 Write yourself a referral letter.  No, you're not a physician, but you are your best, best advocate.  Don't make it a "sob-story" - but be honest!  Tell them why you want this so much!  Tell them you can't bend over to tie your shoes or your stomach rubs against you until you're raw.  Tell them how it pains you that you can't run after your child/grandchild.  Tell them what obesity has taken from you.  Be professional but be honest!  Try (however hard it is...) to put yourself in their shoes.  If someone came to you for $30000, what would you need from them to convince you to pay up?

 Have everyone you can write referrals.  Your PCP, of course.  Your soon-to-be surgeon.  If you're female, your OB/GYN.  Your dermatologist, your spouse, etc.  Whomever you think can and will support you.  The more support you show, the better.
 Think, and keep a detailed list of all your diets.  If you did a journal, copy it and send it along.  No matter how insignificant it might have seemed, it all adds to the fact that you have tried, and tried, to lose the weight.  If you try diet pills, either prescribed or otherwise (I don't reccommend but hey we all know they're out there...) keep your receipts.  I know it may seem mundane...but it may make the difference.

 Keep all of this, all of your things organized.  Noone will do it for you.  Your surgeons office is just that, an office.  They have umpteen different patients with all sorts of things to do, so while yes they will do what they need to, they have no way of knowing you called Aetna or BCBS on such-n-such a day and they stated this or that.  Every letter you receive, every letter you write, all of your diet history.  Keep your list of "dates and phone records."  You'd be suprised how easy it is to forget Drs appts a year later.  Some people even go as far as to take photos of the issues they're having, and put it in there.  Make it a "Why I need this" binder.  That way, you'll have a reference.     

Any type of weight loss surgery was listed as an exclusion on my policy.  I have a "state" job, and what I consider good insurance - and I still had problems...but I got approved.

I am now scheduled for surgery with Dr. Kimberley Steele at John Hopkins Bayview, Baltimore, MD on Jan 6th, 2009.  I wish it was yesterday.  (doesnt everyone!)  But it has been such a long time coming!

This is my first post, although I have scanned this site so much.  So, I'll start at the beginning.

Well...not so unlike everyone else, I was a fat kid.  Say it how you want, I was chubby.  I was the typical, point and laugh at the fat kid.  I dealt with all those feelings you live through when you're the laughed at kid. 

In high school, though, I made friends very easily and began to really take my health a bit more seriously.  I joined track, and although I've never been "thin" I was healthy, for that point in my life.  I remained healthy for my college years and after until...the birth of my beautiful daughter.  I'd never change it, but wow did I ever gain - 100+lbs.  I have yet to lose it, after attempts at Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Dr. Phil, Atkins, even off the wall diets.  And yo-yo-yo, here I am at 289. 

The final decision for me took a while.  I researched...and researched.......and researched.  I talked to people, joined the support group in my area.  I tried a medically supervised diet, not long after I decided MAYBE gastric bypass, because I knew I needed it anyway but thought, if anyone can help me, its my doc...i'll talk about that little excursion here later.  Well, I lost some weight is all I'll say. 

My final decision rested in the idea that no matter what diet I was on - I was never, ever going to lose the amount of weight needed for me to be healthy again.  And for me, for my daughter - it was time to do something.

So I made an appt with Dr. Steele.  I first had called for Dr. Schweitzer, but he didn't take my insurance.  They referred me to Dr. Steele.  Dr. Steele was new then.  I was a little apprehensive - but my thoughts were, ya know, she's new, and I've been the guinea pig before.  (I had my daughter at WVU Ruby Memorial - another learning school.  Had more unknown hands touch me...well, lets just say I was hoping they learned something, lol.)  I know this isn't a surgery many would like to have a learning surgeon to do, but I believe everyone starts somewhere, and I really, really liked her.  She has spunk, lol.  And she was up front, and almost, stubborn, about what she expected after the surgery.  We discussed all options, she answered all my questions and made sure I understood the risks.   I think that was another turning point for me.  She belived in me and I was so grateful for that. 

So I began with my PCP - psych check(), sleep test, etc etc and with a medically supervised diet.  My weight watchers excursions weren't good enough for my insurance company, and due to my swing shifting schedule at work I was unable to make alot of meetings which is a big no-no.  So, my PCP did what he could, but didn't quite listen to what I needed - I originally thought they were doing what was needed and found out later that, oops, we weren't doing that!  So...all 7 months (I did one extra month, just in case) with dieting, weight checks, documenting every lil thing I put into my mouth, including the phentermine I was prescribed, it went no where with my insurance because good ole hometown PCP wasn't familiar with what was needed, and the office didn't have the information I needed.  Their answer was to fax my monthly weight checks to my insurance on a prescription pad paper.  Without a cover sheet.  But, while we didn't "submit" the info to my insurance, we did consult with them and was advised they would not accept the 6 month from my PCP, as it did not contain everything that was needed.


Time to find a new doc.

Along to a few months to get into the new PCPs, and again I start another 6 month regimen.  No phentermine this time, I did lose weight with it, but it made my heart race, and anytime my blood pressure went up (my line of work brings much stress!)  so did my heart rate and I wasn't comfortable with it at all.  As soon as I stopped taking it, the weight came back anyway.  Joy. 

So fast forward to about 2 years.  That's the total it took me to do all that.  Appts here, appts there, all the while an appt here and there with Dr. Steele, checking up and calling the office.  I feel like the place is my family now from all the times I've called.  Finally everything was ready for submission, and they approved me.  First go around.  If they hadn't approved - wow I don't know what I've had done.

And....here I am.  In a few months, on January 6th, I will finally undergo my surgery, with my surgeon who has been by my side through all of this.  Not even so much her as well as her secretary, lol.  I have hundreds of emails and probably hours of phone time with these folks!  And they have been encouraging all the way.  Thank you to them, for all they do.  No, they're not perfect, but they were there and have been.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  It all cannot come soon enough for me.  I see the light!  And it's bright!  lol!  And I am so ready!!!
That was alot of typing.  Hope someone finds it helpful!  :) 

God bless you wherever you are on your journey.  I will put in some updates here in the near future. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 7
I'm pretty anxious. But, all in due time!
Wow, what a journey!
