Okay... Okay... Okay....

Sep 24, 2007

It is an official 271... I was a little premature in my 270... but by goal is to still be 268 by October 4th.  Staying prayer about that.

Down 2 more pounds....

Sep 19, 2007

As of this morning.. I am 271 pounds.... I am shocked yet again... I am only 3 pounds from having lost 20 pounds on my own.  I am praying I can do it...  This 271 may be a little premature because my eating yesterday was light and inconsistant....  So I will check again in the morning...  but for now... I am happy!

Another pound bites the dust!!

Sep 13, 2007

Well...this morning I stepped on the scale and it it said 273....  I am astound myself...  The more weight I lose on my own the more I second quess trying to go thru with the surgery.  I am no where near having a surgery dated.  I lost 7 pounds on my own last month... I am so grateful.  I was leaning toward the Lap-Band and I hear and read so much stuff.. People sliming and PB'ing... and some people loosing no weight at all..  The band is tool and from what I see the average weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds a week... I am blessed to be doing it on my own.. and I do not plan on stopping!!!  I have seen some bandsters drop lile 10 to 12 pounds a month.. but it is really only a few.  I guess I am just going to have to stay in prayer about the matter... I am going to proceed on like so and keep up my new lifestyle.  I am thankful.  

Part II.. yep.. I really weigh 273... I went to Neweigh for my weigh in and hoped on the scale and the ticker stopped on 273.  When I went there for my first weigh in... I weighed in at 282 with clothes and some humungo earrings...lol... my home scale said 280... but I was naked at home... SO today.. I wore lighter clothes and got a 273 reading... The lady was like wow.. you are doing good.  She stated that they have all my paperwork and my labs are done and I could be looking at surgery in December.. I was like wow... this is happening so fast...I am staying prayer..

On the decline some more!!!

Sep 02, 2007

Well this morning... I weighed in at 274.4....  I cannot believe it...  I knew last week was a little crazy for me because my job had me travelling from site to site.  So that required me to eat out of the office...  I tried to make some good decisions... I admit... french fries were eaten... but I if I ate high calorie food... I tried to balance it out for the day... like by having a salad or a bowl of cereal.  I am most thankful...  It is weird.. because the scale has not moved for almost two weeks....  on 8/20.. I was 276 and the scale did not budge until yesterday... I lose weight in chunks... no scale movement for days or weeks, then BOOM... two pounds gone.... Pretty neat.  I am just so thankful..  my none scale victory is the that my church suit (my every other1st Sunday) dress is getting lose.   I remember buying it and it was kinda tight... I bought a 24 becasue I did not want to buy a 26.  Now it kinda hangs off like a big cream suit....  I am a happy camper today.

Well, Well, Well....

Aug 28, 2007

Someone from Dr. Ferrari's office me talking about I missed my appointment.  In which I did..... I had an appointment on 8/22 for 9:30 am.... but when I called to confirm they had received my 5 year weight history, the "Gatekeeper" stated "Well... we have it.. but I have to review it... to see if it is acceptable... and then I'll call you back to confirm your appointment.."  Well guess what...she never even called back...  My patience is just tried with her.. I was frustrated...  I believe it was Carolina that had called and I am explained that I was to get a confirmation call back and never got the call, she was very apologetic and stated that she hoped that that incident was not indicative or a reflection of Dr. Ferrari... she tried to reschedule my appointment.  I just had such a hard time... I am not interested anymore... I know there are some that have had great experiences with him... but this initial trying to the my darn toe in the door has been a headache...  

Anyhoo.. I had bloodwork and a gallbladder ultrasound today... Dr. says liver is a litter large... I hae a feeling that there will be a pre-op diet in place once the results are reviewed.  But that is fine... I am just going to continue as I have been.   I also met with the nutritionist, she was very, very nice..  She stated that all the changes have made were good and will benefit me after the surgery.  She also stated that based on my working out and my new eating plans, if I continue after the band, I sould see the results I am hoping for.  This was the best visit of this whole darn process.

I'm going down!!

Aug 19, 2007

I have no clue what happened... but for the past three days I have woken up and weight 276.. YIPPEE.... I have not been under 280 in about 3 years.... I was very careful with my eating this weekend not to blow the scale...  Saturday... for breakfast. I had a breakfast smoothie...  with strawberries, banana and milk... YUM!!!  then later on we went to Fuddruckers for burgers...  I ate very, very slow.. to make sure I could feel myself getting full.. and boy I tell ya.. I was done eating for the rest of the day... I just drank water the rest of the day....  Sunday.. my mom and I went to Cheesecake Factory... now normally I can cut up there... that is like one of my favorite places to eat.... but I had the Firecracker Salmon Rolls and a salad with Basalmic Vinigrette dressing...  I was proud of my food selections... we passed on the cheesecake.. even though it was looking good up in there.. WHEW!!!  My mother in law was having a little get together for my husbands birthday... she fixed.. pork ribs, sour cream potatoes, broccoli, greens and her famous pecan cake.... I ate a spoon of sour cream potatoes.. just to satisfy my taste buds... and left everything else alone... I felt good making the choices I made.... I pray for continued strength to be mindful how I handle food.. and continued scale victories... oh yeah.. and my clothes are getting looser

NeWeigh Part II

Aug 16, 2007

Well.. Today was a bit weird, but here goes.. I went to Neweigh, there was suppose to be a group of people, but due the heavy rain we got, I was the only one.  This should be quick and simple... WRONG I watched a movie about the RNY and then one about the Lap Band (which scared the hell out of me)...  I think the LapBand video was dated a bit... everyone in the video looked like they were in a time warp of some sort...  I watch about 1 1/2 of video... Whew was I sleepy.  Then finally I meet Dr. Jay, nice little Indian man, I was bit frustrated because he was trying to do his usual presentation... and I am like yo.. it is just me up in here..  I explained to him that I was leaning toward the LapBand and the reasons why.  After my exam and some other paperwork they just had me sitting there like I had nothing else to do....  I started tapping my pen on the table just so someone would come and check on me....and let me know I could leave.....I was not happy with the client care today... I was very frsutrated by that... at anyrate I can tell he is very partial to the RNY because of the overall results and longterm.  He basically stated that I woud do well with either procedure. That is good to know... I just still feel like the Band is right for me....  I mean I know the RNY is faster and more dramatic weight loss... but I just still cannot shake preferring the LapBand.   Dr. Jay says that he is now using the AP Bands which are "suppose" to be better.   I think my biggest concern is slippage & erosion..  With the RNY, I am worried about the whole darn procedure and leakage and malfunction of my inners...  Dr. Jay only ordered 3 test for me...  Blood work, Ultrasound for Gallstones, and Nutritionist.  All will be done by the 28th.  Now I am evaluating both Dr. Jay and Dr. Thomas based on client care right now... because if they are rude and mean now.. I am sure it does not change once I have the surgery.  I have not heard back from Dr. Ferrari's office... I am sure the "gatekeeper" is the reason for thatg.

Lord Today...

Aug 16, 2007

Okay... so I got my 5 year history and sent it to Dr. Ferrari's office... I called to confirm they recieved it.. And the "gatekeeper" says "YES... I have recieved it, but I need to review it and make sure it is acceptable... before I can confirm your appointment"... I am thinking to myself.... Heifer.. you have in your hand from my doctor weight history from 2002 and you still giving me grief...Lord today!!!! 

At anyrate.. today I meet with Dr. Jay at NeWeigh.. we shall see how that goes... I am trying to keep focused.. it is so easy to get frustated with this process when people are rude and giving you a hard time... but I guess I will have to stick it out to make sure I am not compromising... I think my health is worth it

1st Meeting at NeWeigh

Aug 14, 2007

Well... All that I did was answer some questions... and filled out a gang of paperwork...  and I do mean a gang of paper work.  I go back on the 16th to watch the video and meet Dr. Jay.   Meanwhile, Dr. Thomas Office called me back... not sure why.. but I'll see whats up.

Today's Seminar

Aug 11, 2007

My Hubby  and I attended a seminar by Dr. Cliff Thomas today....  At first I was very uneasy, but he was very detailed and clear.  He gave lots of information.... and lucky me, hubby and I got to speak with him one on one afterwards....  We discussed my current habits and my leaning toward the LapBand...  He stated that he thought I would be very good and successfull for the LapBand.  This is what I needed to hear.. I was also encouraged to know that his facility sees the LapBand patients every month to check on restriction to determine if a fill is even necessary... and the best part, the cost for my fills will be my co-pay..  I was really happy about that because I was concerned about having to pay huge amounts for the fills.  I still have 3 more surgeons to see... and we shall see what they say as well...  On the downside... I am 5'7 not 5'8 so my BMI has changed.. I guess it is a change for the good in terms of insurance.... but kinda a bummer as all thought I was 5'8...LOL  More to come

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 21, 2007
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