Aug 13, 2007

ok i havent weighed myself in awhile bc ive been pissy caz i havent really been "loosing" it goes up 2lbs then down n this n that,,,,well today i got on the scale and what do you know....

ive lost ONE HUNDRED POUNDS!!!!!!!! i wanted to hit that 100lb mark before my 8months and what do you know, i did! im sooooooooo excited

7 months

Jul 18, 2007

so, 7 months down a lifetime left. right now i weigh 270lbs, 7 pounds away from loosing 100lbs! Im definatly gonna go out and party when i hit 100 im going to be soo excited. ive only lost 8lbs i think in the past month...it sucks, it irratates me soo much. its my fault though, i need to exercise but i wont do it alone. bad excuse i know. 

btw my surgeon got fired. and they canceled 3 of my appointments in the last month. im a month behind in my appointments b/c i was supposed to have a 6month check up and never did b/c they kept canceling. i went to reschedule for the 3rd time and they said "oh, no...we dont need to see you again until the end of this year/next year" im pissed. not that i like going or anything, but i think b/c of my age and all i should be getting checked up on esp b/c i dont take in enough protein still. they got paid 30 some odd thousand dollars to do the surgery on me and all the aftercare/checkups and look, they dont even do that shit. ugh idk. i dont wanna go back there, id rather see my regular doctor if i absolutly have to. i can weigh myself and all that jazz so why bother wasting my time and money? I hate doctors too.

6 months!

Jun 18, 2007

tomorrow it will be 6 months.... a half of a  year has gone by since ive had surgery! its exciting that its been that long. i was looking at my BMI from before I had the surgery...i was in the  SUPER OBESE category with a BMI of 52....as of right now I am in the OBESE category with a BMI of 39.8! Right now i am about 278lbs with a weight-loss of 85lbs.

5 months

May 19, 2007

so as of right now-today i am 5 months down as well as down 81 lbs! im down to 282..which is so exciting. i can fit into a 22-24 pants and i recently tried on a dress from old navy that is a 2x and its too big! i can fit into a 1x, i never thought that would happen. 

here are my numbers since i havent posted in awhile

dec 2006 - 363lbs
dec 19 2006 - 355 down 8
jan 5 2007 - 339 down 24
feb 16 2007 - 321 down 42
april 20 2007 - 292 down 71

those are all numbers from the doctors office

it has been a month since ive gone to the docs and ive only lost...10 pounds to the date....its slowing down but then again im not exercising so that is a key problem right there in itself.... next week i am going to join the gym or something b/c i want to loose more and get my skin toned up.

3 months!!

Mar 22, 2007

its been 3 months now and im under the 300 mark!! ive lost over 65 lbs and right now im at 298! i used to be 363 3 months ago!! i doesnt feel like i dropped all that weight and in such a short amount of time

two months!!

Feb 20, 2007

so its been 2 months already i cant believe it, it feels like i just got surgery the other day. its gone by super fast. so far ive lost a total of 43lbs since december  and 35lbs since my surgery. so im down to 321lbs which is good. by the end of march my surgeon said i should be down to 300 or less which im definatly excited about

1 month

Jan 19, 2007

so today is a month since i had my surgery. everything has been going good and im down to about 330. which means ive lost a total of 26lbs since i had surgery

About Me
yardley, PA
Nov 12, 2006
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