My adventure begins...

Apr 09, 2010

 I did it...

I finally made the appointment with my PCP April 29th, 2010.....

I was so excited, I have been always wanting gastric to be able to run and jump with my kids. Ive done my research, Ive talked to people who have had it and now live with it... Its been 4yrs since I first started getting information about it.


Today, I finally made the appointment to go to my doctor.

So I go to my husband all excited, he knows I have been struggling and failing with every diet out there, and now my weight is even more out of control. Im gaining almost 2lbs a week on a STEADY basis sometimes more.... He simply says. "That's great hunny. Me and mom was just talking the other night about how your "Gorging and he didn't know how to approach you about it" 

Gorging?!?@?@ Excuse me, all I do is get seconds like EVERYONE else at the table... (Ok maybe thirds...) And they said this BEHIND my back?? How devestating to actually know its now gotten that bad, my family is talking behind my back. (Not to count the fact that my daughter said, "Mommy cant play soccer with me cause she is to big and cant run)

Time to do something about it. My kids start soccer next year, my father just passed away from Corneary heart disease and cancer, I have horrible sleep apnea, and probably a barrage of other health issues.. I can hardly climb my stairs anymore.

How did I ever let myself get this bad?

Now the fight begins.. To find insurance that will pay for it.

About Me
Apr 09, 2010
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