Not exactly sure what I should include here, but I give it my best shot.  I have always been over weight, my weight never really bothered me.  I've always said what you see is what you get, you don't like it oh well that is your problem.  But now that I am a mother of two sons, I find myself not wanting to be the FAT mother.  From time to time my youngest son tells me he wants me to be skinny, or asks why I'm not skinny like Gin, my sister.   Who weights 117 lbs socking wet. 

So I've started this process back in 2005, things didn't work out, and now I'm back for round  two and hopefully the final round.  I'm excited to be getting the process started.  This time around things seems to be moving along alot faster.

About Me
Brunswick, OH
Mar 09, 2005
Member Since

Friends 3
