My First Dumping

May 19, 2008

WOW I had my first dumping syndrome. That 

was not pretty OH MY GOD did it hurt. I am 2 

months and 3 weeks post op and I had never 

experienced anything like that before. I had 

foolishly eaten a small piece of watermelon 1 

hour after eating my dinner and decided to go 

to the mall, well let me tell you about 20-30 min 

into shopping I started feeling a small pain in 

my stomach 2min later it got a little worse and 

a little worse till I thought I need to go to the 

bathroom. I started walking and all of a sudden 

I heard my intestines rumbling followed by 

pain. I couldn't run it hurt but I finally made it 

to the bathroom. I think I spent about 15 min in 

there. I was shaking and sweating and cramping 

until I had a BM then the pain subsided and I 

felt a little better. I left the store but felt 

weak after. I came home and went to bed

2 months 3 weeks post OP

May 19, 2008

I know I haven't written anything on my blog 

since I started my profile but I feel like I had 

made the right decision. These past 2 

months have been the LONGEST 2 months 

of my life. 3 weeks after surgery I started 

waking up gagging on my own saliva and 

mucus. That happen every morning and it 

would take so much out of me. I told my DR 

and she said that it was normal just to drink 

something Hot in the morning to melt the 

mucus that I had gathered while I slept. *by 

the way I had very bad allergies* so I would 

drink hot tea or coffee in the morning but it 

didn't really help. So I started regretting 

getting the surgery cause I thought "man, is 

this the way I’m going to be waking up every 

morning?" I went back to work April 7th and 

felt alright but 4 days into working I started 

really weak and not having the energy to go 

to work. * thank god I had intermittent leave 

where I could just leave if I wasn't feeling 

well* about April 22 I just dropped 


I stopped going to work I stopped really 

caring about everything.  Two weeks later 

*may 3-4* which was a weekend I was so out 

of energy that all I wanted to do was sleep. 

So I slept for 18 hrs a day for 2 days. When I 

would wake up because I know I had to stay 

hydrated I would try to intake water but every 

small movement I would take after drink 

water I would run and throw it up. Sunday 

was no different. so I decided to go to 

my personal DR I told him that I was 

regretting the surgery that I thought I was 

better off fat and happy * By the way by this 

time I had already lost 70lbs but I wasn't 

happy.* I know 70 lbs in 2 months that’s 

awesome but I wasn't feeling awesome and I 

didn’t' see a diffrence.* When the 

Doc checked me out he said that I was 

severely dehydrated and he admitted me to 

the hospital. I was there for 3-4 days I went 

in on a Monday got out on a Thursday. Well 

On Wednesday I started noticing that my eye 

sight was a little off. I started seeing the 

coolers bright but the shadows dark *like 

when the TV is dark but the colors are real 

bright * I thought it was to do with the 

dehydration so I let it pass and Thursday I 

just couldn't see in the center of my vision * 

like when you look at the sun for too long 

and you move and you see a black dot in the 

middle that’s the way I was seeing.* I didn't 

like the Hospital that I was in so I got 

checked out and told my brother and sister 

to take me to the optometrist right away. I 

went and he checked me out he said that my 

eyes looked healthy and didn't 

understand why I wasn't seeing. So he sent 

me to a specialist. They ran so many test 

and he said the same thing that my eyes 

looked healthy I just couldn't see. So He sent 

me to an Urologist (SP?)  I went to see him 

Friday *24 hrs after being released for the 

hospital. He examined me and to my 

surprised he re-admitted me back into the 

hospital * a better one thank GOD* of course I

Freaked I thought he was going to give me 

drops and tell me to go home. NOW I WAS 


told him and he grabbed my hand and 

guided against the wall and he said "You feel 

this wall? This is your life. You feel this little 

bump right here? This is your problem right 

now. It’s a big wall with a little bump in the 

road. Don't worry you will get passed this 

bump." that actually made me feel a tinsy bit 

better. So I was back in the Hospital Friday. 

They started me up on steroids and took so 

much blood from my arm 4 viles when I got 

there and 3 more while was in the hospital. 

They ran Test and did MRIs. While I was in 

the hospital they injected me through ivy 4 

times a day with steroids. I had a total of 13 

times. After my 4th shot of steroids my 

vision started to come back I was able to see 

faces again and colors. I had a gray haze in 

the middle but I was able to see by Sunday 

my vision was back a little blurry but I would 

see and by Monday I was 95% better and 

Tuesday I was back to normal. Not only had 

my vision returned but I felt GREAT. I was 

back to my old self again. *the self before 


No I'm HAPPY and I am FULL OF LIFE and I 

am NEVER EVER EVER going to ignore my 

body if it tells me that something is wrong. I 

have never been so happy


3 weeks post op

Mar 15, 2008

I had surgery February 27, 2008 i was so nervous i had gastric bypass I left the  hospital after 3 days. After i came back home i noticed that my tounge was really white and after a while my breath started to stink. I wash my teeth 3 times a day. I have been at home for 3 whole weeks now. I walk around my apt as well as my apt complex. I haven't been able to go to the gym. 
I came out of surgery with no complications THANK GOD. but recently i've woken up with the sensation of throwing up. I don't eat alot I eat once a day and i only eat about half a tea spoon of tuna. After that i feel full.  I try to drink as much water as possible but i can't drink as much as i should. so my eyes are a little sunken in and my mouth get so dry. I haven't weighed my self since i got out of the hospital. I don't want to depend on the scale i think i'm going to weigh my self every three weeks.  I have a Drs Apt on Tuesday March 18 I'm excited to find out how much I've lost.

About Me
San Antonio, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 15, 2008
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 3
My First Dumping
2 months 3 weeks post OP
3 weeks post op
