Telling friends /family about WLS.

Apr 01, 2011

My immediate family have been very supportive of my decision.  For my kids this is probably being processed as yet another diet.  My wonderful husband, Bert, has been so suppoertive.  He is terribly worried about the actual surgery but understands how important this is to me.  I want him to come to the meeting with the surgeon.  Hopefully, he will feel a little more assured after that.

I told a friend yesterday that I was planning to have gastric bypass surgery.  I was pleasantly surprised by her response.  She told me that another friend had a lap band procedure and hasn't regretted it and in fact thinks it's the best thing she ever did for herself.

It was an opportunity to increase awareness about WLS surgery in general and RNY in particular.  I was happy that she was not the least judgemental, but then that is my friend Lynn to a T.

I will have to tell another group of friends on Tuesday because when I meet them, it is customary to have wine and coffee.  Of course, I will not be partaking of those items and they will want to know why.  I trust they will be as understanding as they are a great group of ladies.

I have already decided not to give details to the people at work.  The 3 people I work with directly are aware but the people who work other shifts do not need to know before the fact.  They will see once I start to lose weight and of course, they will be aware that I am not at work for a prolonged period of time.

I have no plans to explain myself to the community at large as, general, I am quite private.

