April 22, 2011 - Assessmentof my Physical health

Apr 22, 2011

I'm sitting here thinking about how my body feels and I decided to document it because I want to have several markers to judge changes in my life, apart from changes on the scale.

Today I have heartburn. This a usual thing so I wasn't surprised to find that my gastrocopy showedI have chronic gastritis.  I finished work yesterday morning but I still am feeling very tired and lethargic.  This is a pretty typical state of affairs.  I don't have any energy to complete physical tasks apart from what is absolutely necessary so that the list of things I would like to do remains undone.  This is very frustrating as these things must eventually get done.  I am sitting in my living room looking at the colour of the walls - dusty rose.  I detest these walls but I haven't painted them yet.  It is april - prime time to get my garden cleaned up, turned over and ready to plant.  Will that happen?  I don't know.  My beautiful little grand daughter, Danae, has just turned 12 months old.  It is absolutely exhausting to care for her.  Currently, I must refuse to keep her on days that I work because it is just too difficult to watch her and work on the same day.  Right now Danae is here, at the house.  Hubby is watching her because I am just too tired.  This is definitely not the life I envisionned.

Intellectually, I know that it would be wise to start a walking program now.  In my last thinner period (because I haven't been under 200 lbs since I gave birth to my first daughter 23 years ago), my hubby and I were walking 50 minutes up to 5x/week and I felt great. That was over 2 years ago.   I just can't seem to get started and I know hubby feels thatI have to find my own motivation to walk..  I would like to do couch to 5k but in 6 weeks?  maybe 6 months...or a year.  Not today. 

