May 1-The search for non-caloric sources of serotonin

May 01, 2011

 I just saw a video on Youtube where a woman, who had WLS and lost loads of weight and regained, appeared on Rachel Ray.  The doctor who appeared with her talked about how eating carbs - especially really sugary carbs - causes the release of serotonin which makes you feel good.

He talked about the importance of finding other things which will cause that serotonin release instead.  For some it is exercise, for others it is focusing on other people such as volunteer workers do.  It might be artistic pursuits, or really hot sex (I could be down for this LOL).

What he stressed was that you CANNOT take away a reliable source of serotonin without finding a way to replace it or you will eventually return to the original source = eating and being fat.

Which, of course, begs the question - what non food activities make me happy and would help to ensure that I don't return to food when I am blue or just need a serotonin boost?

I love artistic things.  I wouldn't call myself an "artist" in the fine arts sense.  But I do love to create things that I think are beautiful and I am unapologetic about that.  I call myself an "artistic crafter".  I would like to be much more social than I am currently.  I would love dearly to include DH, but he is much more introverted.  I want to be more physically active but just walking is B-O-R-I-N-G!!!  I would like to take dance lessons like zumba or bellydancing (maybe with my daughters) or ballroom dancing.  It would be a way to be social and get great exercise at the same time (and an excuse to dress up in a beautiful dress).  I think I would also love to study art at the Dundas school of art, a local art school.  I always feel great when I spend some time digging around in my garden.  I just need to be able to haul myself around a bit better.

I think I need to create a list of things that I am going to do - complete with costs, dates, etc. so that I get my required dose of "happy" without diving into a Tim Horton's box.


