May 2 - The Meaning of it all?

May 02, 2011

I am on a quest.  The holy grail at the end of my quest is ME....or at least who I am becoming in this next phase of my life.

When I was in my early 20's, my goal in life was to become a wife and mother and to fill those roles to the best of my ability.  I have accomplished both of those tasks. 

I have been a partner and wife to the same man for 26 years.  He is my bedrock and I could not imagine life without him.  He has been the greatest blessing in my life. 

I have raised 4 terrific kids.  They are human beings who I am proud to identify as my children.  The last 24 years have been a challenge, filled with both smiles and tears, and my priority was to impart whatever wisdom I had gleaned as a human being to my children so that they could stand on my shoulders and touch stars which are farther and brighter than I could hope to touch.  These days, with my husband and children, have sometimes been difficult, always been memorable but they have formed the fabric from which my life is stitched.  It has been a good life.

I am no longer the captain of my family ship, giving - sometimes shouting - the orders which would keep us out of rough water and hopefully out of harm's way.  My children now view me as a consultant whose advice they sometimes consider when making decisions for themselves. This is as it should be....

....but that doesn't make it easier.  This transition has been difficult for me.  It has been a struggle to go from being the central figure in my children's lives to a loved but symbolically significant person.  No longer useful but always treasured.  Kind of like the security blanket which protected them from danger as a child but now lies forgotten in a corner.

So I am seeking a new me, with a new purpose.  My priority, initially, is to discover who I have become and to improve on that me so that I can use the time remaining in my life with the same vigour and purpose that I approached my first years of marriage and parenthood.

This is the reason I have chosen the image of a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis for my avatar.  It is not a new thing.  It has lived and devoured the days and experiences in the first phase of its life, as it prepared and struggled to reach the pinacle of its new existence.  Now it is experiencing a natural and necessary transformation.  It is becoming a new creature, capable of distant flight and beautiful grace.  I aspire to live as graciously and gracefully as that butterfly.

The first half of my life has been amazing.  I would not change a thing.  I pray that the second half will be as remarkable. 

