May 9 - ?Mother's Day Foodover (Yucch!)

May 08, 2011

Yesterday was such a great day. 

First Danae was here all day and she is getting to be such a little character.  She is really her own person.

Also, Bert and I got tons of gardening done.  I cleaned up my asparagus bed and picked a bunch of it for dinner (worth noting because it's my first harvest ever and I planted this bed 3 years ago)  We also moved the composter and collected 2 garbage cans full of black gold which we promptly added to the freshly dug vegetable beds.  We also added the garbage bin of fruit/vegetable peelings which we had collected over the winter because it was too far to walk the 20 feet to the composter in the snow (just lazy!) to the composter and layered it with the partly decomposed stuff and a bag of well rotted sheep manure.  I cleaned up most of the branches which had fallen to the ground over the winter. I worked in the yard for about 3 hours and noted that my face is slightly burned now.  I must remember suncreen.  

Morgan took down more of the fence which blew over during the wind storm.  It's too bad that fence blew over because for a rotted old thing it's surprisingly well nailed together and is causing lots of work to break apart for disposal.

So,  then we barbecued pork chops because Jessica didn't want chicken wings.  That's fine.  We also had the wings and despite the plan for a healthy cheesecake we had regular cheesecake (how bad could it be?)......

...Let me record this for posterity........and because I know I'll forget.......

It's 3:18 am and I'm sitting here typing instead of sleeping because I have heartburn and an upset stomach!!! and I didn't even go for broke but after 2 weeks of really watching what I ate, I guess my stomach just couldn't take the fat from dinner.  Thank goodness!  Optifast starts tomorrow but it will be protein shakes and low cal beverages for me today...Oh my aching belly...

