Surgery in 3 days!!

Jul 07, 2013

It's only 3 days until I'm on the loser's bench. Been having a lot of emotions lately, but the closer it gets the more ready I feel. I'm physically writing this post to remind myself why I want this amazing tool that is going to help me achieve my goals. Here we go:

1. To walk up my stairs without pain in my knees.

2. To walk even a short distance without being short of breath.

3. Keep up with my husband or kids when we are out.

4. To stand for a long period without pain.

5. Be off insulin and to at least cut down on other meds.

6. Cut down my risk of heart attack and stroke.

7. Bike with my guys.

8. Cross my legs.

9. Have the energy to do daily chores, cleaning without being in pain and exhaustion.

10. Fit in one airplane seat without an extender.

11. Ride amusement park rides with my husband.

12. Fit in a regular lawn chair.

13. Buy clothes off the rack instead of special ordering.

14. Have a smaller shoe size.

15. Not be "the fat friend".

16. Actually enjoy exercise.

17. Have a smaller ring size.

18. Spend a day hiking without feeling like I'm going to die.

19. Increase my chances of living longer.

20. Sit comfortably in and be able to get up and out of the bathtub.

There are many, many more of course, but this is the beginning. I can't wait to start crossing things off the list!


About Me
Surgery Date
May 12, 2012
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 14
