My Story?  HMMMM...let's see.  It all started after my oldest son was born.  I lost all my pregnancy weight in six weeks.  Then I gained all back in a year.  So, the cycle started.  Depressed because I'm fat, thus compounding the problem by emotional eating...yeay!  The only thing that I didn't know at the time was that I had postpartum depression, which soon became clynical depression since it went untreated.  Now several years later and 120+lbs. heavier my depression was being treated, but I still couldn't lose the weight.  
I heard of the surgery and had an attitude that "I wont have that surgery unless the Dr. says I'm going to die!"  Silly girl!  Well, I finally realized that if I hadn't lost that weight in the last 13 years, I probably wasn't going to.  After my forth son, that's right I said forth son, was born I really started to research it.  I made a decision that I wasn't going to weight until I was on my death bed to do something about it.  I had four very active boys and an active husband that I just couldn't keep up with anymore.  I wanted to change that.  I wanted my kids to be proud to say I am their mother, not embarassed or ashamed.  Kids can be VERY cruel.  
That said, I did it!  I have lost 121+ lbs. and maintained for two years.  It was the very best thing I could have ever done. 

About Me
Waterford, CA
Nov 14, 2004
Member Since
