3 weeks plus 2 days post op

Mar 26, 2009

Guess I need to update my photos on here.  Down 18 pounds since surgery.  I would say that's an average of 3 lbs a week, but the first 10 came off in the first week.  Then I lost maybe another pound and stalled for about 4 days, then the other 8 pounds came off about 1/2 - 1 lb a day.   Came back to work on Monday, part days.  Was doing fine til yesterday, very tired.  Today a lot better.   I forgot to take my iron the night before, maybe that is why.

Will try to post more often.  

Sunday - 5 days post op

Mar 08, 2009

Well, what was all the worry about???  LOL  Besides feeling a bit like I was on some kind of assembly line at the hospital, I faired pretty well.  A lot of nausea in the hospital, not so much since.  Feeling a little better each day.  Trying to get in my water, am doing good on protein drinks and other food that I'm supposed to be taking in.  Walking several times a day with hubby.  Vitamin regimen is the same as pre-op sans Calcium for now, but was a bit hard the first couple of days.  Got it down now.  Extra pills like the Actigall are kind of a pain, but I'd rather take them then get gall stones!!  Yesterday only one mid-day nap.  Even up to being on the computer today (obviously!)

That's about it for me for now.  Will start takin' pix probably next week or the week after for some comparisons.

Highest Weight (also orientation day weight): 227.5
Surgery Goal Weight: 205
Day of Surgery Weight: 202
Current Weight: 194
Procedure: RNY
Surgeon: Dr. Dutta in Fremont
Surgery Date 3/3/09


2 days before surgery... I'm not skeered.. huh uh... yeah right

Mar 01, 2009

I'm a nervous wreck. Trying not to think about it only makes me obsess about it, so decided I would ramble about it instead.  I made some frozen soup-sicles today.  I hope I can eat them ok afterwards!  Also made some sugar free jello for my day of clear liquids and clean-out tomorrow.  Joy oh joy I really look forward to that... NOT.  Made some homemade chile rellenos today.  Good thing the chiles were rather mild in light of the clean-out tomorrow.  Not sure what I was thinking there!!  

I thought I was coming down with a cold on Friday, so I came home from work early and rested and have been taking Zicam & extra vitamin C religiously since.  The sniffles and congestion went away!!  Part of it is nerves, I'm sure. My mom always said I would come down with something before anything major...guess this is no exception! 

I bought myself a new overnight bag and other stuff
for the hospital stay at Wal-mart.  Not overdoing it or anything...

Gonna eat light tonight, especially after the relleno this afternoon.  I have a feeling I'm gonna be grumpy tomorrow on just clear liquids!

I'm the second in line for surgery with Dr. Dutta in Fremont on Tuesday morning.  He said to be there at 8 to check in, and if all goes well, my surgery should be around 10:30 or 11.

Guess that's all I can think of to ramble about for now.  We'll see what kind of shape I'm in tomorrow!!



Before Pix

Feb 25, 2009

Well, since my surgery date is coming up next Tuesday, I thought I'd post a select few "before" pics of me for comparisons.  There will be more soon.  I just have to find the ones I want to post, and of course, there will be the one from the day before that I have hubby take of me on Monday. 


Feb 06, 2009

March 3rd.  I'm nervous and excited at the same time.  2/19 is my pre-op day.  Gotta find all my surgery materials so I can remember what to expect after the surgery!!

More later.  Just wanted to get this in!!

1 comment

New Year, New Resolution!

Jan 04, 2009

Ok, no more excuses.  Holidays are OVER!  Back to the 1200 cal diet and exercise routine.  I have 7 pounds to lose to get to surgery goal weight!  I don't even want to call Nancy in Fremont until I've lost a couple of those!!


Waiting is the hard part!

Dec 10, 2008

Well, when I was within a pound of surgery goal weight, I called Nancy at Fremont and asked her where I was on the list.  I wasn't on the list for December or January she said.  So, probably February she said.  Ugh!  Well, then I decided I had time to relax and enjoy Thanksgiving, and boy did I.  I gained 10 pounds back in just a few days!   Ugh!!  Well, I'm almost back down to where I was, and Christmas is coming up of course.  I'll try not to relax the diet TOO much during that time.  Too hard to take it back off!! 

Getting closer to surgery!

Nov 18, 2008

I haven't blogged here in awhile. I've been online at the Yahoo support group for Bay Area Kaiser bariatric patients. That support group is awesome if anyone wants to check it out.  Just google it, and you'll be sure to find it.  Anyway, as I may have mentioned before, the Kaiser process is a bit lenghthy but all for a good reason.  I have seen the nutritionist about losing 10% of my weight before the surgery (I now have about 2 lbs to go for surgery goal weight) and have had my psych eval.  The psychiatrist wanted me to attend and OA meeting, which I did, but I don't feel like that's a good fit for me, but the surgeon wanted me to follow her recommendations, so I went to ONE meeting.  I meet every 3rd Tuesday with my local Bariatric support group and am looking forward to this evening's meeting.  Last month I was about ready to walk away from the whole idea of the surgery, but the meeting was encouraging.  I have been waffling again, so I feel that tonight will be a new injection of courage and encouragement!  My surgeon emailed me late yesterday that everything looks good and I should receive a call from the scheduling coordinator in the next couple of weeks or so.  I'm still hoping to have it around December 22nd so as not to have to take too much time off work. 

The process begins...

Jul 15, 2008

I finally went to my primary physician (Kaiser) last week, expecting him to try to talk me out of bariatric surgery.  On the contrary, with my BMI now at 40, he agreed it was time to consider it and he put in the referral to the Bariatric Department. 

Kaiser has a long list of requirements and tests before they decide you can have the surgery.  I had my first overview class yesterday.  But, as much as I've been on this site after my brother's surgery, I think I knew more than the dietician who was substituting for the regular instructor!

Next step?  Orientation (as opposed to overview) on August 24 in which family and other supporters are encouraged to participate.

Also, I have to lose 10% of my weight before they will do the surgery to prove that I can follow a diet and have the right frame of mind for after the surgery.

Pysch test and other medical tests, then meet with the surgeons, etc.  I'm thinking maybe in January or February I MIGHT be able to have my surgery.  In the meantime, my biggest adjustment is going to be to take smaller bites and chew, chew, chew my food, and quitting caffeine!  Well, I have many months to adjust!

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 03, 2008
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 9
Waiting is the hard part!
Getting closer to surgery!
The process begins...
