I need Good Advice!!!PLEEEZE!!!

Aug 05, 2009

 I am a 34yr old mother of three childre 13,5,4 I have always been considered to have a large frame but at certain points in my life just chubby,then overweight now I am Super obese I am 5'7 and weigh 260 i've gained 40 pds in 6 mos. I made the move to see a bariatric Dr.to have the Lap Band surgery I did not want Bypass because of all the complications and side effects I've heard such as dumping syndrome and burning in the esophogus.When i went to see the Dr.he reccomended I have By Pass I'm wondering if he made this suggestion because he will get more money for this surgery I've compared the two online and Lap Band seems to be a more safe and just as effectyive surgery.I am hoping someone with knowledge on the surgeries will give me helpful advice on which surgery to have.

                                                                                 Thank You Danielle
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