Hiccup in the path.

Oct 11, 2011

I had some (slightly) bad news, today. Got a call from Chris, the nurse at MyNewSelf. My EKG came back with some "irregularities." Sometime in the past few years, I, apparantly, have had a mild heart attack. Whay my friend, Jay, called, "a rowboat", compared to "the QE!!" of a regular heart attack. So, the surgery is temporarily on hold (but NOT cancelled, or, even, rescheduled). I have an appointment with a cardiologist, tomorrow at 10:15. If he is satisfied that it was a rowboat, and is no longer a concern, the surgery will continue, as planned, on Monday morning.

On the good side, I have lost 16 lbs, since I last saw my primary care physician!


About Me
St Louis, MO
Oct 12, 2007
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