Wonder if the weight loss causes inspiration.

Dec 24, 2010

I wrote a poem today for the first time in over 20 years.....What do you think?

Waiting for the grown and real man to arrive and standup.

He lost her
He throw her away, like day old bread
His jealousy forced him to lose it all
Beautiful wife, nice home, cars
Everything a real man would want
He couldn't handle being in a position of a real man
Still stuck in his boyish ways of thinking
So he dealt with the pressures of manhood
By tossing her to the side
Leaving her alone and broken and confused
But she being the strong black woman that she is
She will persevere
She will continue to move forward
And progress.

She is an independent sister by circumstance
She did everything right by the worlds standards
Finished school, obtained degrees, and certifications
Now she mentors others, teaching them all that she knows
She has much love to share
But why is this not enough for you
You say you want a sister that has her own,
Brings something to the table
Isn't a gold digger or high maintenance
Doesn't ask you for money or help to pay a bill
But when we fall in love with you
You can't handle us.
You run like the wind
you say, you know you would want for nothing.

Sister can cook, keep a clean house, disease free, faithful & trustworthy
yet, you cannot handle her

You run to the chicken head down the street that has a million children and nothing to offer, instead of being stress free with her
she accepts you for who you are, why can't you do the same for her?
Powerful, intelligent, independent, beautiful and sexy sister that she is and will remain
Waiting for the grown and real man to arrive and standup


Gloria D. Simpson



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Ruther Glen, VA
May 06, 2009
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