elifritz 22 years, 3 months ago

It's been the hardest 5 days of my life! My surgery went 2 hours longer then expected, then my oxygen leval wouldnt stay up because i wouldnt breathe good! Now im still in quite a bit of pain, They did manage to finish my surgery lap but i think they took a pair of pliers and a hammer into my left side and played around for a few hours. I finally was able to shower today with a little help. I finally broke down crying this morning and my hubby thought i was gonna die! I just felt sooo alone. I havent been able to sit and type here or cook, or do anything. I try to walk all i can but i only get around the house a couple of times and back to the horrible recliner on the couch! I WANT MY BED!!! i swear im gonna burn that couch when im finished! IM over water! Im over pain! Im over not being in control! When will i be able to go outside! I dont know weather to lower my pain meds? or keep taking them all, as they wear off i get weepy. I want my mind to be clear!! My head is three days ahead of my body! Sorry for the mood but im tired of being tired!! MissAmerica

blank first name B. 22 years, 4 months ago

Dear LISA~~~~WEIGH TO GO ON CROSSING OVER. Best wishes in your new life. You are in my prayers. PEACE karen byers

Lynnie B. 22 years, 4 months ago

** OFFICIAL ANGEL REPORT ** I just spoke with Lisa & she is doing great :) She passed her leak test yesterday & is drinking & eating without difficulty. She is walking the halls as she knows how important this is in the recovery process. She is getting to come home tomorrow. She is off O2 now & working on getting her Spirometer up higher. She is in very good spirits but we wouldnt expect anything less from MISS AMERICA!!! WELCOME to the OTHER SIDE! Lynnie@Goal

blank first name B. 22 years, 4 months ago

WEIGH TO GO, MISS AMERICA! You have crossed over to the other side. I pray that youfind health and happiness on your journey to the new YOU! God Bless. PEACE karen byers

mollikins69 22 years, 4 months ago

<b> Angel Reporting although I think you have already been updated.... Miss America is doing great! She made it thru surgery just fine. Dr. Gomez was able to do lap on her without having to switch to open. I just hung up with her and she is tired and of course has a very dry mouth. Boy wasn't that the worst thing when you couldn't drink anything. We're so proud of you Lisa now your one of us.... Let the losing being!

LORRAINE K. 22 years, 4 months ago

Dear Lisa~~~~Congratulations on your surgery. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a rapid recovery. May God continue to hold you in the hollow of His hand. Be well and be strong. Lorraine

kimberley B. 22 years, 4 months ago

WOOOOOO HOOOOO MS AMERICA....YOU made it to the other side!! Are you ready to reach up now and grab that rainbow!!...Keep yourself moving and keep the thoughts wonderful..can't wait to see you back in the chat room. KimmieTN

Lynnie B. 22 years, 4 months ago

** Angel Report ** I talked with the nurse that has Lisa & she said that she is doing great. It was a lap & she was resting at this time. I will call her again tomorrow. We are Sooooooo proud of u MISS AMERICA! Lynnie@Goal

Lynnie B. 22 years, 4 months ago

** Angel Report ** I just talked with Lisa for a minute & they had just brought her into ICU & she sounded great. I will call her later & talk more. WTG MISS AMERICA! WELCOME to the OTHER SIDE! Lynnie@Goal

blank first name B. 22 years, 4 months ago

Dear Lisa~~~~~ Congratulations on having your surgery. I hope you have minimal pain and a speedy recovery. Good luck and God bless on the road to the new YOU! PEACE karen byers
About Me
Columbus, IN
Surgery Date
Aug 21, 2001
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Before & After
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What a Bubba!
-100 pounds and counting!

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