
Jan 10, 2012

 I set my what?!

I entered this process with my mother after a very scary incident with her. I originally said that I would go through the process, get approved, then make my decision. All the while I had been working out with my trainer of 4+ years. Telling myself that if by the time I was approved, if I had not succeeded on my own, surgery was the answer. Well, I did not succeed on my own. I lost about 18 lbs and then over the holiday I stopped eating correctly and working out and it all came back. However, in September, October, and December I ran in my first 5k's. So that was an accomplishment on its own. But my biggest issue now is that since my surgery date is set, do I go through with it? I guess I just want someone to say yes or no. I know this decision has to be on my own completely and need to not worry what others will think, etc. But isn't it much easier to just have someone else tell you the answer?! I feel like I have a devil and an angel on my shoulder. 90% of me is saying yes do it, you need it. My absolute biggest problem is portion control. I absolutely SUCK at it, no questions asked. I know what you're supposed to eat and how much, I just don't. Which is why I think that band would help me sooooo much because it requires you to have portion control. I am 25 and it will benefit me immensely. However there is still this 10% that keeps saying I can do it on my own. Just grow a pair and do it. I have spent over $10,000 on my trainer and when I listened to her and did what she said, I lost weight. Did it take forever and the process was horrible, yes. But isn't that with any lifestyle change that occurs: you must give up things that are unhealthy for you in order to succeed? I've been criticized before for having a trainer and spending so much on her, but I truly believe with all of my heart that if I did not have her then I would be 400+ pounds now and unable to run those 5ks or do anything else. I would keep her after the surgery as well, but having her support would be helpful. What makes me mad is that in previous years she had mentioned surgery and now that I have made the decision and have the date, she's like well I still think you can do it on your own. She said she will support me either way but really. with that remark? 

I guess I'm just wondering if this is normal. That once the date is set, all of these additional questions begin to arise and you start to doubt your decision.....


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