Sutter General Hospital

"Hospital staff refused to even consider surgery on me, medicare would pay for hospital stay but I would have to come up with a mimimum of $12,000 for the doctors and other non hospital staff"

U C Davis Medical Center (COE)

"Only hospital willing to consider medicare medical patients. No access toa human being to talk to. everything is automated. Phone system, and responces. they wanted me to send them a prestamed envelope with a request for information so they could send me three questionaires I got them filled them out only then to be told that my BMI index was not within their parameters. Anoying. Never did get to talk to even a receptionist. "

Shasta Regional Medical Center

"they refuse to do bariatric surgery on anyone over 350 pounds. Their bariatric coordinator was rude. She told me " loose 150 pounds and then maybe we will consider you" Honey If I could do that on my own Why would I need you!"

Heather Ross

"Heather Ross was the only nutrition -dietitian that I have ever met that made me feel that I could get a handle on my eating issues. She is caring, sensitive to her patients needs and able to design programs that are individualized while easily communicating the fundamentals of good nutrition and bariatric post op care. "

Kurt Osborn

"I never actually met the sleep disorder doctor just the technitian who did the study. Dispite several calls to try to talk to the doctor himself I was only ever able to talk to office staff and the poor respiratory therapist caught in the middle who worked for the medical supply house and tried to mediate with their office on my behalf. As a result, My sleep problems have still not been resolved. However this is the only sleep study center in our county."
About Me
Arcata, CA
Jan 07, 2006
Member Since
