July 7, 2009

Jul 07, 2009

Went for my first post tt visit.  I so wanted all 3 drains removed.  He checked them and said he would do one maybe two.  So, I showed him which one was bothering me the most.  He then said he would take that one.  I was so ready.  He cut the stitch and started pulling.  OMG!!  Talk about pain.  I started to cry.  I then said leave the other 2.  He laughed at me.  He did though, he left them.  I even took pain meds before going to see him.  I don't want to experience pain like that ever again.  I know that I got 2 more coming out next week.

He asked it I showered, I couldn't lie.  I said yes.  He wasn't happy about that.  He did say though that everything looks good, healing nicely.  Told me that I don't have to wear my binder anymore, because it's not doing anything for me.  I said I will still wear it at night to prevent me from scratching it.  He also said he does not want me losing anymore weight.  I told him that I didn't want too.  I actually want to get back up to 129 lbs.  He said I probably will, because after surgery you tend to lose some.

July 4, 2009

Jul 04, 2009

I think I over did things yesterday and today.  Yesterday, I did alot of stuff to prepare for today.  I woke at 345 am in alot of pain.  Today, had to go to MIL house for her birthday.  I am sore and very tired.  However, my doc called me today and said it was ok for me to take the last bandage off.  I finally get to see what I look like.  It's different.  Odd having a flat tummy, but oh so nice.  I will take pics when the strips fall off.  You can't really see the incisions because of the strips.

July 2, 2009

Jul 02, 2009

Well it has been a couple of days since my tt.  I have to say I thought it would be much worse than what it is-pain wise.  My older sister had one last month and she said she was in so much pain.  She said she would never do it again.  I would.  I am doing very well, and I got the vertical incision too.  She did not.  I found out why she was in so much pain though.  She only took 4 of her pain meds, then quit, because she did not like the way they made her feel.  I am not that dumb.  I am all about pain management.  Today I haven't really taken any pain meds, just tylenol.  However, if I start to feel pain.  I am taking them.

I also took out the q pump.  That was not bad.  So I do have the vertical bandage off, but the doc won't let me take the bikini one off.  He said he will do it on Tuesday.  He's affraid the steri strips might come off too.  Doesn't want me messing that up.  I don't blame him, my luck, I would mess it up.

I get to shower today as well.  I cannot wait.  Waiting for hubby to help with that.  I can't get the incisions wet. So I get to wash my hair and my back side.  Good enough for me right now.  I bet that warm water is going to feel so good.


June 30, 2009

Jun 30, 2009

Well I am home from my tt.  It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  However, I am on pain meds, and I have this numbing medicine attached to my stomach.  This has been a life saver.  I wish I had this when I had my GBS.  That was way worse than this right now.  I will let you know in a couple of days, when it comes out if I still feel this way. He removed 2.10 pounds of skin.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but it was enough to cause rashes.  My surgeon took a pic when he was done so that I could see it.  He doesnt want me to do anything to it until the medicine ball comes out on Thursday.  I go see him again on Tues.  So yes, I have to take that ball out myself. 

He wasn't sure if he was going to do a vertical cut, he said I probably did not need it.  So, he said he would make the decision during surgery.  I did want this.  I wanted to get rid of the side skin as well.  I totally trust him, I wanted what was best for my body and I know he would know.  So he said there were 5 people in the surgery room.  After he was done with the bikini cut, he asked the others what they thought of the vertical cut, and 4 of them said to do it, that it would give me the best results.  Guess what?  He did it.  I am glad he did.  I will post before and after soon, just real tired right now.  Gonna take a nap!!


June 28, 2009

Jun 28, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day!!  I am so scared, excited, and nervous.  I think I have everything that I need.  I will be in the hospital for one day.  Surgery is at 10:30 am.  Have to be there at 8:30am. 

June 23, 2009

Jun 23, 2009

Today is my birthday.  I am 33 years old.  I don't even care about it right now.  I am so much more excited about the upcoming tummy tuck.  I am so nervous and scared!!  I did alot of work yesterday outside and it was very hot here.  I decided to jump on the scale this morning.  It said 129.8.  What?!!  That is my ultimate goal weight.  I am hoping its just some water weight and will bounce back up a couple of pounds.  I was hoping to be at that weight after the tummy tuck.  I do not want to weigh anything less than that.  I guess I have to start eating some more stuff. 


June 16, 2009

Jun 16, 2009

Well, I gotta a call this morning from Noelle at my surgeon's office.  I was a bit scared of the big NO!!  She said "Hi, Erica, the doctor would like to schedule you for your procedure on June 29."  I was thinking that maybe she thought I was my sister, because she has to have a procedure done because her RNY stopped working.  I said what procedure?  She said your tummy tuck!!  I said I got approved?  She then said you met all the requirements, so you will have it done then we bill.  I am so excited!!!  I didn't know what else to say.  As soon as I got off the phone with her, I went down there to give them paper work, for work.  I am truely at a loss for words.

June 10, 2009

Jun 09, 2009

Well I am now a bit discouraged.  After posting on some boards earlier, one lady said she has my same insurance and BCBS does not do pre approvals.  If that's the case what is the office waiting for.  A few others have said they couldn't get the tummy tuck approved-only the paniculectomy.  I want the tummy tuck.  I am hoping it was all in the wording when their surgeon billed it.  I hope mine bills it right and I get approved. 

June 9, 2009

Jun 09, 2009

Well, I went and saw the surgeon today, for my tummy tuck.  We discussed how it would be done.  He said he is not sure about the anchor cut yet.  He wants to try and do it without that.  I told him, that it did not matter to me if I had it, becuase I am doing this to get rid of the skin-not to be in a bikini.  I have a lot of skin above my belly button.  So, I don't know.  I told him I wanted to make sure that all the excess skin is gone.  He said he would tighten the muscles as well.  So now it's just a waiting game.  I am waiting for insurance approval.  They said it could take up to 6 weeks for that.  I really hope not!!  I was hoping to get this done at the end of this month.  Oh, well.  I can wait.  I just want this skin gone ASAP!!! 


June 8, 2009

Jun 08, 2009

Sara called me from Dr Schneider's office.  She said everything is ready to be submitted to the insurance for my tummy tuck, she just needs pics of my skin.  I said when do you want me to come in.  I go tomorrow for pics and to speak with the surgeon.  I have a few questions.  I know he reccommends the anchor cut, but I want to know about the hip to hip cut, I know he will do that too.  I just want to know if the hip to hip is more like table to table.  Hopefully it is, then that will get rid of some of the sag on the behind.  I also want to know if they are going to sit me up during surgery.  Becuase you know when you lie down, everything spreads and looks a bit flatter.  I just want to make sure he's going to get all of the extra skin.  Sara also said that with my insurance (BCBSM PPO), that you do not have to wait 18 months only 1 year out from surgery.  I am so excited!!!! 

About Me
Roseville, MI
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2007
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