Scott's Story

Mar 19, 2009

My husband had his surgery on Feb 9th.  The next day he went to do his scan to see if everything was flowing and he came back with a tube from his nose to his new stomach. Nothing was going thru.  On the 11th he went for a EGD, they used a pediatric scope and it went right on thru.  The next day they did another scan, still nothing.  On Friday  they did another EGD.  This time they used a regular scope and a balloon to open him up.  An hour later another scan still nothing,  They told him to hang out until Monday hoping that the swelling would go down.  During the weekend he had a fever of 103, other than the depression of still being in the hospital the weekend nothing else happened.  On Monday everything flowed. He got to leave on Tuesday. 
Wed. Feb 17th Scott went back to the hospital with 103 degree fever again but they couldn't find anything wrong with him.  About a week later he had to go back to the ER because his G tube was pulling into his stomach.  By the time the Dr. saw him the only thing I could see was the end of the tube.  The doctor said that the balloon was being pulled into his small intestins.  They deflated the balloon and he was fine.
He went in the next week to have his G tube out, and a couple of days later he went in to have another EGD, he was't getting fluids down.  The Dr. told him he had an acute right angle that may causing him trouble but he has figured out that if he doesn't drink ice cold drinks his gets things down easier. 
Now he is doing really good.  He is still trying to decide if it is all worth it, but since he hasn't had to take insulin in 3 weeks I am convinced it was worth it.

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Feb 26, 2009
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