Yay - It's official!

Mar 22, 2010

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Jan 28, 2010

I always look at my blog with the very best intentions to update it, but you can see that it doesn't happen very often.  I am almost 10 weeks post op and it seems like my surgery was a lifetime ago.  If you told me 6 months ago that I would feel as good today as I do, I probably would have laughed at you.  I feel amazing.  I am at the gym most mornings and actually take great pleasure in running on the elliptical for an hour every day.  My scale is not showing a very rapid decline in numbers as I would like it to, but I had my stepmom help me update my body measurements and the results were much more telling than the scale.  Last weekend, I actually went to a store and bought some workout clothes in an XL - the first non-plus size clothes I've purchased in over 10 years.  What a great feeling!  I am starting to branch out in my eating, not just sticking with the tried & true choices that I know will fullfill my protein requirements.  I'm trying out new recipes and my kids actually like them as well.
I want so much to introduce a healthier lifestyle to my family, not just myself.  At the end of the day, I'd like to say that we have all adopted a healty lifestyle - and we're on a great path to making it.
I am so excited for summer!  I told my husband that we'll be spending a lot of time outdoors hiking and such.  I am so upbeat about life and the great shift in direction that mine has taken.  There's no stopping me now!!

Moving Forward

Dec 07, 2009

Life post-op has certainly been different.  Hubby says we're experiencing huge savings because I'm not at Starbucks anymore or McDonalds or any other place requiring money to eat.  I am doing very well post-op.  Lost 7 lbs of fluid & 15 actual lbs since I've gotten home 2 weeks ago.  I am still very swollen and tender so it's hard to see any weight loss, but the scale doesn't lie (anymore:-) ).
Recovery has been a mental challenge.  My brain sees food and says I'm hungry, but I know I'm not.  My sense of smell is incredible keen right now.I see Dr. Looser & Jackie tomorrow for my 2wk follow up.  We'll see what they say...
All in all, I am so happy about my decision.  I cant wait for my muscles to heal so I can start really working out again.


Sore but Thankful

Nov 26, 2009

This Thanksgiving, I am giving thanks for everything good in my life.  I have finally had my RNY Bypass on Nov. 23rd and am just home today.  I have to say, I am not missing all the turkey day goodies, I am just so thankful for finally taking this step and starting the next leg of this incredible journey.
My surgery was very successful with Dr. Looser & Dr. Gens.  They both came to see me multiple times a day while in the hospital and couldn"t have been nicer and more supportive!
Waych as I post my progress from today forward!
Watch out world, here I come.

Holy Cow!

Nov 19, 2009

I can't believe that my surgery is Monday!  As is usally the case, life took an unexpected turn last week and added to my incredibly busy life!  With everything going on, I feel like I am not feeling the "proper" excitement.   I have worked for so long to get here and I have so much to do that my head is literally spinning!

I know that as I wrap things up before I am offically off the radar for a few weeks, I'll get more time to get excited/nervous/anxious.  But for now, my husband keeps telling me that I should be walking around on air to be at this point finally.  

Thanks to everyone for all their support - it is immeasurable and incredibly uplifting!

Surgery Scheduled!

Nov 03, 2009

Yay!  I made my list, checked it twice - now I'm scheduled for surgery on Nov. 23rd.  How can a person feel so excited and nervous at the same time? 
I can't wait to continue with the positive changes I'm making in my life.  Check back for updates!

I did it!!

Oct 08, 2009

I finally hit my goal for my pre-op weight loss.  I am so excited, I felt as though I was walking on air all week!  I am meeting with Dr. Looser for my initial appointment with him.  I am loving this journey!

Almost There!!

Oct 05, 2009

I fell off the wagon - again last year.  This year is going to be MY year.  I gained all the weight back that I lost last year plus another 6 lbs, thereby changing my pre-op weight loss goal to 30lbs to lose.  Way to shoot my self on the foot!!!
I started back on my journey early this summer.  I've worked really hard and have lost 28 of the 30lbs needed.  I am so excited and scared all at the same time.
Being overweight gives me something to "hide" behind.  I'm looking forward to breaking out of that rut very soon.
I'll update my progress as it moves along, but I finally made my decision to do this for me, no one else.  Everyone else who is made happier by my decision is only made happier because I am happier.
Wish me luck!!!!!!


Finally getting started - Again!!!

Jul 09, 2008

I started this journey last August all fired up to lose my 14lbs, have surgery and move on to a better phase of life.  All of a sudden, life began to throw obstacles in my way.  I developed gall stones in October and had to have surgery to remove it, then we bought a new house and have dealt with the joys of moving, it's been one thing after another.  Each time, I put off putting the work in to achieve my goals, making excuses that it wasn't the right time to devote all my energy to making thes changes.  Last week I decided that enough was enough, no more procrastinating, no more excuses.  So I have mapped out a schedule of classes at my local gym, got re-weighed with Nancy (ugh...gained weight, now I have to lose even more weight to reach my pre-op goal...), and am on my way!!!
So for those of you who can relate to what I'm going through, please pray to send me strength and determination to make my goal and move forward.  I read everyone's very inspiring stories and posts and say to myself that I want to post my success story soon.  Hopefully you'll see my success story soon.

About Me
Dover, NH
Jun 25, 2007
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Finally getting started - Again!!!
