I am a 48 year old Latina female who has battled with her weight since my late twenties.  I am openly gay and am raising two beutiful little girls with my wife.  I began my journey toward surgery 2 years ago and had to postpone my surgery date early this year because my best friend was dying.  At my highest, I've weight 262 lbs.  As I write these notes, I am realizing just how hard it is to talk about this openly.  I am hoping to hear how others have had the same emotions.  Knowing that I am not alone is always a big help.  My biggest concern is that I know that having support will be a large part of my success, but my wife and I are currently having difficult marriage issues and I am not sure that she will be able to truly be there for me so I have to make sure I build the support elsewhere.  She will be there physically, and will do a good job of taking care of me, but the emotional support may not materialize.  Doing this is crucial for me because it is part of a plan to finally take care of myself and BE for myself.  My beautiful daughters also deserve a mom that can run around, get on the floor and jump up and down cheering them in life.  I absolutely love to dance, particulatrly to Spanish music, but feel unable to.  I also live with very severe psoriasis which can be debilitating.  In treatment for psoriasis I have been able to clear up a couple of times, but always have followed with new flare-ups.

So if any of the above speaks to  you or you have personally had some of my own experiences, I would love to connect.  I also have lots of questions about what it really feels like after the surgery.  My nutritionist has given me great ideas on what I can prepare to eat but I want to hear from those who've already gone through it.

Thanks for being here.

Update:  January 2012.  After postponing what I expected to be lapband surgery, it is now a whole year later and I am finally ready to move forward again.  Surgery is scheduled for Jan 25, 2012, this time, after much research, I've decided on the VSG.  Also, if you read my initial post from so many months ago, I am thrilled to report that after 2 very rough years, my marriage is back on track and I have full physical and emotional support!  As disappointed as I was a year ago for postponing, I can see now that it was for a reason.  Wish me luck.

About Me
West Hartford, CT
Surgery Date
Dec 11, 2010
Member Since

Friends 2
