Exactly two weeks to go!

Dec 07, 2009

Well, two weeks from now, prayerfully, i will be laying in my hospital bed recovering from my RNY.  Today I did my pre-op testing.  Just some blood work and an EKG.  I also had my pre-op class with the nutritionist and the RN.  They went over some good need to know info.  Let's see, how do i feel?!! I am really not sure.  Excited? Sometimes? Worried? Most of the time.  I guess i just can't believe that this is happening to me. I wanted this for so long.   Is it really just around the corner? Really? Wow!  I think this whole thing is just surreal.  I think that is the best way to describe it.  I plan on going shopping for my protein shakes, vitamins, and stuff for my liquid diet this weekend.  Oh the liquid diet.... I am sooo not looking forward to it!  I sure hope i can make it. I am trying to get a positive outlook for it, but i am just not there yet.  I read other people's posts about how they are struggling with it and i am scared.  No lie.  I hear this is the worst part and it also shows your dedication to the lifestyle change.  Well, what if i fail at it?  Does that mean I will fail with the surgery?  I know it really doesn't and I am sure that i will do fine, but i am soo nervous about it!  UGH!  I will definitely be visiting the boards and the site even more while i am doing the liquid diet!! 

Oh, and my other concern, what if i don't loose any weight on the pre-op diet?  See this might not seem like a huge concern to most people but here is why i am so concerned... When i had my consultation with my surgeon about a month ago they weighted me of course.  And i was like 6 lbs. less than i thought i was.  Woo hoo moment.  But, of course after i got my surgery date i went into "last supper" mode and ate everything like it was going out of style.  I think Dr.'s scale was "nice" to me that day.  I am not sure it is gonna be so nice on surgery day.  I am afraid i may have gained some of the 6 lbs back and then won't be able to loose enough on the pre-op diet.  Granted there is no specific number but i would like to be down 10 lbs.
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Counting down now!

Nov 01, 2009

Well, Friday i had my consultation with Dr. Olsen.  It went very well.  He is very informative and straight to the point.  Although, I already knew most of what he was telling me because i have been researching this for over a year now.  But, it was good for my darling boyfriend to hear it from someone other than me.  He is so sweet and supportive.  I love him very much and noone could ask for a better man!  Anyway,  Dr. Olsen thinks that my nausea and vomiting is from reflux, esophagitis, or esophageal spasms.  He said of course he could not say that with 100% certainty but my GI Dr. did all the appropriate tests and from what i told him- that's the problem.  That being said, those are things that the RNY can take cure.  What great news.  I was afraid that i might not be able to go through with this surgery after all of this effort because of these problems.  But, i scheduled my date.  I got the date that i want.  Dec. 21!  Just two days after my 37th birthday!  I am very happy but calm and kinda numb.  I have been wanting this so bad for so long and to see it come to fruition is like, well, a dream... I guess I am afraid of jinxing it or something.  But i am sure that i will be bouncing off the walls with excitement and nervousness as the days grow closer. 
Dr. Olsen requires a 10 day liquid diet.  I am not really looking forward to doing that though.  But hey, I have lost 20 pounds with ths not being able to eat/nausea/vomiting thing that has been going on.  If i can lose another 20 before surgery?! That would be so wonderful! 
Also, I am going to quit smoking before surgery.. I have to.  I know that smoking can hinder the recovery process and i do not want anything to do that. 

Well, guess that is all for know!  Ta-ta!

I can't believe it!!

Oct 20, 2009

Last night when i got to work i had a message from Heather at CMC to call her.  So you know i was on pens and needles all nite at work until first thing in the morning when i could call.  I called and got the answer machine and left a message for her to call me back.  I couldn't wait , so i called my insurance company and they told me that  i was approved!  YIPPEEE!!!!  I am so excited!!!!  I called to schedule my consult with Dr. Houston and was not able to get a date until Nov. 18th.  This made me nervous because i want to get this done right before i go on break from school so that i will have that time to recouperate.  So, I decided to go with Dr. Olsen.  I am happy with my decision. And looking forward to the journey from here!
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Still Waiting......

Sep 28, 2009

what more can i say.... I am still waiting to hear back from the insurance company.  Nothing new going on here.... I am so sick of waiting, but I really do want this surgery.  So, I guess I have nothing to do but wait

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still waiting

Sep 17, 2009

I faxed the rest of my stuff to the WLS office the Friday before Labor Day.  I am still waiting to hear back from them.  Still waiting.  The story of my life.  I called the insurance company twice so far and was told they had not received anything from the WLS.  So, I e-mailed the WLS center.  They told me that they were scheduled to call the insurance company this week.  When i talked to the insurance company they explained to me that since i was previulsy denied all the WLS had to do was call and do a peer-to-peer conference call and fax over the info and they would make a decision.  It sounded simple enough. I know that i am not my WLS top priority and all but i am feeling frustrated and I feel like i am getting shafted or something.  I am starting to think that maybe i need to look somewhere else.  I have heard great things about the surgeon that i have chosen, so that is what is keeping me there. But, right about now, I am not feeling the staff and i have not even met them in person except at the seminar.  I think that i will give it one more week, and if i do not have an answer one way or the other, i will contact another WLS office to do my surgery and go from there. 


ALmost there

Aug 28, 2009

I have finally faxed over my full 6 month diet. I also have gotten my 2004 medical record from my old PCP. I will fax that over to the WLS office on Monday morning. Then I will be back to the waiting game.  I sure hope everything goes well this time and I am approved.  this whole process is verying trying.  But I am sure being on the loser's bench is trying as well.

I am still having problems with my stomach. It seems that i throw up and have pain at least once a week. I go to the GI doctor on Monday.  I sure hope he can tell me what is wrong with me and fix it!  I am thinking it is my gall bladder.  A friend from school had hers removed and we have a lot of the same symptoms. It is a better match than ulcers if u ask me. If it is my gall bladder and i have to have it removed that would be cool. That would just mean one less possiblilty of complications after my RNY.  Well, not much else to update on.  Praying for approval.  Hopefully, I will be one to post "I have a date" next! 

holding on!

Aug 06, 2009

Well, I haven't written in a couple of weeks because there really isn't much to update.  Let's see... I am still working on the 6 month diet thing.  I have another appointment with my doctor on Aug. 17th. That should be the last one.  The onlyy other hold up i am having is that the WLS is does not have my weight from 2004. My pcp faxed over something to the office that just said i was morbidly obese. Not my actual weight. This is so frustrating to me.  I asked specifically for it to have my weight on my record.  I asked twice.  The second time they just did not fax anything. UGH!  I plan on physically going down to the office and getting a copy of the record myself either tomorrow or Monday.  I want to have all my ducks in a row before the 17th so that all i have to do is get that little piece of paper from my current PCP and fax it over and be done! 

I am having one other issue.  I have had really bad pains in my chest and stomach off and on since May.  I just assumed it was really bad gas.  I would try to drink a Ginger Ale or something to make me belch  to try to get some relief.  Nothing ever worked.  Except throwing up! Yuck!  But after i would throw up i would feel better shortly.  Well,  It happend two nights in a row last week. So I told my boyfriend to take me to the ER because the pain was just excrutiating!  So he did. They did tests to see if it was my heart. I knew it wasn't.  Then she told me that it was either gastritis or ulcers and that i need to have an endoscopy done. Well, that freaked me out a little.  Can they still do an RNY if i have ulcers?  I have done a little research on them and it says they can go away in 6-12 weeks.  But some people i know have chronic ones!  If they are ulcers at least i have time for them to heal, because i want to have my surgery in December when i am on break from school.  I have an appointment with the GI doc on Aug. 31st. So, by then i should know if i am approved for my RNY or not!

The other thing in my life is school! It is sooo rough!  The LPN program is accelerated.  I am doing well and getting A's and B's but gesh! This week alone we had 7 tests and 1 project due.  I only go to class t-th and Saturdays.  This program is not for the faint of heart I tell ya! I wish i could quit my job and just focus on school, but that is not an option!

Anyway, all and all things are going okay.  I wish i had some great news to report!  i wish i was approved.  I almost hate coming to this site right now because you always see posts of people saying "I'm approved!"  that it gets a little discouraging, ya know?  I mean i am glad that people are getting their surgeries and i am not hating! I just wish my time would hurry up and get here!


more of the same.

Jul 12, 2009

So, I received another email from my WLS center saying that they resubmitted to my insurance company and I was denied again. I could have told them that.  The insurance company stated that they do not have my 6month diet and I am missing my 2004 Weight loss records.  I emailed the center back because they should have my 2004 records and i have another appointment scheduled for next week with my PCP. Now, if they submit after that one maybe that would fly.  We shall see.

In the mean time... I started nursing school last week.  It is very hard. Right now we are studying A&P.  Ugh.  It is so difficult but i am doing well.  I have a 100% average with three quizzes.  My first test is on Wednesday.  I really want to do well in this class and become and LPN. It is a career change and I am looking forward to doing something else with my life.  I am afraid that i won't have the energy or stamina to finish this program.  It seems like i am so tired. But i really have to do it.  I want better for myself and my family.  One week down and like 75 more to go! hahaha!


It's a new day

Jul 06, 2009

Today is a new day.  I have to keep telling myself this.  Okay, so i did not get approved my first go around. So what?  I mean really what does that mean in the grand scheme of things?  Just a short delay. No big.  In the mean time there are things that i can be doing for myself.  For example, i had completed a few months of dr. supervised diet about a year ago and stopped.  When i restarted in March, i thought that it had to be 6 months consecutive anyway so why should now be a setback?  I was  going to the gym, watching what i ate, I was doing really good.  Then, when i found out that i could possibly have my surgery before the end of the summer AND that my insurance company was crazy and i could NOT lose more than 10% of my body weight. I just stopped everything.  It also did not help that i went to my BF's mother house and my mom's house for vacation for a week. So, i just ate and ate and ate. Oh, did i mention i ate?!  But, I had lost about 5% of my body weight in about 2 months.  I was afraid that i would disqualify myself.  But, now i have just taken it to the extreme.  I am just eating and eating some more. I am so sick of looking and feeling this way  I don't want it for myself anymore.  So, what am i gonna do about it?  Well, I gotta do something.  I want to lose as much as i can (without disqualifying myself) pre-op.  I really want this to work.  So,  I am gonna go back to cooking healthier meals.  I want to start working out again as well.  However, I do have a full plate.

I start nursing school tomorrow. I am excited.  My sweet BF took me "back to school" shopping.  How cute is that?  It was a big deal because he HATES to shop!  I am soo nervous. I am gonna be in class with kids that i will be old enough to be their momma!  UGH!  It has been awhile since i have been in the classroom.  Right about now i am like what was i thinking?!  I know what i was thinking! I need a career change.  I have worked in the social service field dealing with abused kids for 15 years now.  Whether I was trying to prevent them from going into foster care, working with them in Foster care or  physically taking them from their families and putting them in foster Care. I am tired.  Not tired of the work really but tired of no money.  I think that they pay us so little because they want us to feel the pain of being poor like so many of our clients!  Shoot.  I can tell my clients where to shop,etc because i am on a budget not much bigger than theirs! So, it's time for a change.  Something where i can still feel that i am helpful to others BUT get some kinda of decent monetary reimbursement-with room for growth.  This is a big deal to me.  I want to be successful.  I am just afraid this old dusty brain can't keep up with those young whipper snappers!

not done just quite yet so hold your horses

Jun 29, 2009

Well, I just talked to my insurance company and the reason for my denial was two fold.  First, the 5 year thing. I remedied that yesterday.  I went to my PCP and got a copy of my weight record and faxed them to the WLS center myself.  The second is that they are saying that i don't have my 6 month diet done.  Initially I was told that it did not have to be concsecutive, but now they say it does.  Although the paperwork just says it has to be within the last two years. So, I have 4 months completed.  I have an appointment July 9th to make it 5 months.  So, hopefully, i will have everything completed and done by the end of the summer.  I am very disappointed by this, because i want this surgery so bad right now.  But, I am willing to wait. I have no choice. And it will actually work out in my benefit because I can schedule my surgery around Christmas time when i will be on break from school.  This will allow me even more time to recover. So, I guess that I am okay with this.  Actually, I am more okay than i thought i would be.  It has been a long time coming already so what is a few more months?  I think the submittal process was very nerve wrecking for me. I kinda knew i would be denied. The whole not knowing thing, ya know?  The funny thing is that i started trying to get all of my information together the end of May. It took me over a month to get all of that stuff in.  So, I am actually glad that i went ahead and got it in now.  So i guess that i am actually a step ahead if i look at it that way! LOL.  I will continue to read and post as i go along through this process.  
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About Me
Nashville, TN
Surgery Date
Apr 26, 2009
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