OK...Here we go. I'd like to 1st say that I have lurked here at OH for quite some time and finally got around to getting an accoount! I'd also like to say thank you to everyone here that has journied before me, through your testimonials, I have gained strenght and focus. So...now where do I start?

I am 28 years old, father of 3 (2 boys 1 girl, ages 8, 6, 6, respectively)
I am exactly 6 ft tall, and currently weight 437 lbs. I have pretty much been big my whole life. I can remember a time as a really young boy maybe 8 or 9 where I was actually teased for being too skinny, imagine that! Anyhow, I have decided to have WLS for a myriad of reasons, some more personal than others so I'll start off by listing the ones I'm comfortable with 1st.

1. I am having horrible hip/flexor knee pain on my right side whenever I kneel, or sit in a certain way. It is excruciating and has brought me to tears more than once! The injury was sustained helping a friend move, so it wasn't weight related initially...but it can't help

2. I can't sleep comfortably anymore, if I sleep at all.

3. I want to be around to enjoy my children, and grandchildren (should I be so lucky)

4. I want to lead a "normal" existance...you know buy clothes / belts / shoes in normal stores

There are alot more reasons...but it's 2:30 am, and I'm tired.

It's April 18, 2006 I am at my highest weight ever.

Less than 2 weeks away now...I am scheduled for Jun 1st!


Well, I am 8 days post -op and am feeling pretty good. My hospital stay lasted 2 nights...I was sooo ready to come home. Not that the staff wasn't good or anything, it's just that the old saying is true, "there's no place like home". I haven't had my 1st post op appt with my surgeon yet, that's on Tuesday, so I'm not posting any weight loss #'s until then. To any post op's who may be reading this...I'd like to offer some info that I wasn't lucky enough to come across while I was post-op. YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE INCREDIBLE GAS!!! It will hurt, and you will pray for flatulence or a bm. I had to have two "Harris Flushes" during my hospital stay. Thats code word for enema...anway, I am having no serious complications, and am glad to have this procedure.


OK...here is an update. I went to my 1st post-op appt yesterday, I lost 31 lbs! I couldn't believe it...my mind is blown! That is all for now.

About Me
Fresno, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 25, 2006
Member Since

Friends 7
