Still waiting

Oct 04, 2008

I had my cardiac eval the other day. It wasn't too bad. felt wierd whenthey pushed the drugs. BUt now I have to wait until this tuesday until I see the cardiologist. I am not sure why. They gave me the results that night. My heart is fine.

Now It should be time to schedule the surgery.

Do my two week pre-op visit then slice me up.



Sep 23, 2008

This started off going pretty quick. But now it went to a snail's pace.
Next week I have to have an Echo Cardiac test and a two day stress test, then wait a week to see my cardiologist. Meantime  a friend of mine who is having the same surgery at the same place by the same surgeon is scheduled already. and is like 2 weeks away.  I am so not looking forward to this now. It is just taking it's good ole time and I am losing my patience.
I am not able to lose the 15#, that the doc asked me to do. I have been trying to eat healthy but working nights just doesn't cut it and can't go to days and be happy. so I continue to get screwed.

Hi, short update.

Sep 13, 2008

It seem like I am losing the enthusiasm for the wls. I had to wait so long for my cardiac consult, and it is still several days away. I am hoping it will be quick and painless. I want to get this overwith before I change my mind. i am not happy being this large but i am getting use to it but don't like it at all. I guess i would say i am tolerating it.
I am nt a patient man to begin with, and siometimes I forget that it took me a long time to gain it and losing it will take some time. It is just so frustrating right now.

Moving right along

Aug 26, 2008

When i made an appoinment w/ my pcp last week, I got in a mindset that he was going to tell me that wls was out of the question. Him and I always bumped heads about my weight andf properly losing weight.

I don't know if somebody was looking out for me, but things are happening in a wierd way. I was suppose t see him yesterday but couldn't make it cuz I was on a working house fire. I called to let them no I wasn't going to make it. I asked for another appt, got one today, got in the mindset that he was going to say no. I had all the scripts worked out for possible arguments w/ him.

I walk in  his office and there is a big sign that says he doesn't work certain days anymore, and today was one of them. Wooohooo!!!! He wasn't there. He collogue(sp) was and she was happier than I was about the surgery. got my referral for the cardilogist and had blood drawn.

Hoping to get a surgey date real soon

I have been approved

Aug 14, 2008

I didn't think it was going to go this fast. I consulted w/ Dr. P. on the 31st of July.  Today is the 14th of Aug. 2 weeksto get approved. I think that is a record for Amerihealth. I will know is less than a week when my surgery is. I still have some pre-op work to get done and lose alittle bit of wieght.
Who'd thunk it would be this fast! I thought I was going to have to wait until early next year.
now I can tell my pcp where to stuff it. (in a nice way)

About Me
Runnemede, NJ
Surgery Date
Jul 24, 2008
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