Todd McCarty

"My name is Cora, and on 9/15/09 I had a RNY. My presurgery weight was 236 and this morning, my weight is at 189.I have so much to be thankful for. My surgeon has given me a new lease on life. Unless you have a problem with obesity, you will never know what having a doctor who specializes in your specific needs can mean to you. I found that in my doctor. He answered every question and believe me I had several. He laid out every detail of the surgery, the good, the bad and the ugly. He offered all the alternatives and explained each option. He was there from the day I walked into the office 5/21/08 and has been there for me since my surgery.The staff in his office are down right embracable. I could never have gotten this far without them. I give thanks for these very caring people. God bless you all. "
About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 25, 2012
Member Since
