Don’t Blink

Jul 27, 2011

It’s been a little slow lately at Frank’s Place. I guess everyone’s at the beach or on vacation with their families.  So here I am, waiting for someone to drop in, when my good friend Kenny Chesney walks in the door.

 We sat at a table and started chatting about life….you know family, friends, good times and I start thinking about Kenny’s song “Don’t Blink”.

One line from the chorus “Trust me friend, a hundred years goes faster than you think….So Don’t Blink”, really hit home.

Next weekend, we’re going to have a big party for my daughter Liz who just graduated from college. She’s my second child who has graduated from college and my youngest will be starting his 2nd year in September.

Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday when I asked my wife if she wanted to “go out to see a movie”. Dating…proms…engagement…wedding…children…high school…college…..yes Kenny, you’re absolutely correct…Don’t Blink!

How many hours do we miss with our families because we have to “get ahead”? How many baseball games? How many school concerts? How many dance recitals? I have one question….is it worth it?

Yes I know we have to provide for our families, but we need to strike a balance between making a “living” and “having a life”. We need to strive to be the best we can be, but this includes being the best spouse, best parent, best sibling and best friend. We can’t spend all of our time teaching an employee how to handle challenges at work, but forget to teach our kids how to hit a curveball. We’ll talk to an employee for hours about their problems and concerns, but don’t have 10 minutes to ask our spouse how their day was. We need to remember that class trips are just as important as that “Big” meeting with a client.

Some of the best moments of my life have been watching my kids achieve great things and then seeing the smile on their faces when they look over and see that I‘m there cheering them on.

So as the summer days continue to dwindle, remember to slow down and stop making a “living” and start making a “life”. Take your family to the beach…. go for a bike ride…. have a catch with your son….sit down and “talk” with your daughter. Give someone you love a HUG just for the hell of it. Tell the people who are important in your life that you love them. Take a second to sit by yourself and enjoy the beauty of nature…”listen” to the rain…pet your dog…watch the flight of a butterfly.

 Remember what my good friend Kenny said….”life goes faster than you think….so don’t blink”.

I’m glad it’s been slow at Frank’s Place lately….maybe people are finally enjoying life…I hope so.

\”Don\’t Blink….Kenny Chesney\”


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North Massapequa, NY
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Mar 08, 2008
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