WL History

Mar 31, 2007

7/23/00 Surgery is scheduled for 7/31/00. I am not looking forward to the process but I am really looking forward to the results. I am so tired of all of the restrictions that my weight places on me. I am tired of aching all of the time. I sure hope this works for me like it has for everyone else!!

7/29/00 Surgery is Monday. I had my pre-op work-up on Thursday so now everything is done but the cuttin'. I am a basket case, but am hanging on to how wonderful the results are going to be. I want to buy clothes at a regular store again. I want to chase my kids around the yard. I want to go for long walks with my wife. I want this weight GONE!! I keep focusing on the results. So far it has worked. i haven't backed out yet.

8/4/00 I am home from the hospital and doing very well. The surgery was a success, but did give Doctor Drew a little trouble. According to Dr. Drew, My muscle mass is still pretty tight (A good thing, I think) so he had to work to get through it. The surgery took a little over 3 hours, but all went well. My recovery went very well. I was up the first night and walked further than expected. The nursing staff at Abbott was exceptional. I didn't have a dud the whole time I was there. I am still walking and still get pretty pooped, but every day is a little easier. I am looking forward to my new life. I'll keep posting as things progress.

8/7/00 One week post-op. The soreness is starting to subside, but is still pretty annoying at times. The good news is that I have lost a little over 24 pounds in the first week. Today was a little intense as I lost my lunch. I'm still not sure why. I had a quarter cup of cottage cheese (which I've been eating for four days) and a little water and up it came. I'm still not sure if I didn't chew enough (I doubt it, it's small curd) or if I ate too fast (again, I don't think so, but...) Whatever caused it, it was not fun. Part of the learning process I guess. Dinner went fine, so hopefully it was a one time deal! :-)

8/14/00 Two weeks post-op. Recovery continues to go well. I am finally able to sleep in my bed again and last night was able to sleep on my side. I'm still having trouble eating and drinking. No more vomitting, but eating and drinking is a struggle. I keep waiting for it to get better. The good news is that I have lost 43 pounds in two weeks. I still have a long way to go, but I am under 400 pounds for the first time in a long time. It is starting to show and I am starting to feel the results. I had severe swelling in my feet and lower legs before the surgery. It is now pretty much gone. I had a terrible time with one knee. It is feeling much better. Things are getting better!!

8/21/00 Three weeks post-op. I have lost 52 lbs in three weeks. It seems almost surreal, but the scale keeps giving me the same numbers. The recovery continues to have its ups and downs. Eating is still a chore and I have developed a dull pain in my lower right abdomen. I have a doctor's appt. a week from Tues. so I will talk with him re. that. I am getting in all the liquids I am suppose to but am still always thirsty. This also is concerning me. Will check with the Dr. on this as well. I started a new job today and it went fine. My biggest problem is a lack of patience with the healing process, but I can't argue with 52 pounds!!

9/11/00 Six weeks post-op. I have lost 70 pounds. My doctor's appt went fine. My aches and pains are going away. I am still having a bit of difficulty eating and drinking, but if I'm honest that is getting better as well. I'm just very impatient. But...I can't argue with 70 pounds in six weeks!! New job is great and going well!

10/9/00 Ten weeks post-op and things are finally going very well in my mind. I have lost 94 lbs. as of today. Eating is getting much better. I even had part of a coke today and it worked. Finally. There are still a few things that I shy away from (sugar, really greasy foods, fresh breads) but overall things are getting better. I see my doctor for the three month check up at the end of the month. I am anxious to see what he says. I should be 100 lbs. down by then.

10/16/00 Yesterday I hit a MAJOR milestone! I weighted in at 339 which means I HAVE LOST 102 POUNDS!!!!! Wow! It seems almost surreal, but I am noticing more and more the things that I can do that I couldn't before. It is sobering to realize that the combined weight of my two sons (ages 2 and 5) is less than 100 pounds and I used to carry that around 24/7. What is even more sobering is to realize that I have that much more to lose, but I will!! The loss feels good.

10/29/00 Another milestone. I am at 329 which means I am over half way to my goal weight of 220. I went to dinner last evening with my wife. We went to Stuart Anderson's and I had grilled shrimp, a little soup, and a small baked potatoe. It tasted good and went down just great. Things are going well!!

11/17/00 Lots more good news. I had my three month check up two weeks ago and all is well. My blood pressure was 114/80. Not bad considering that two years ago it was running 160/100+. Dr. Drew was amazed at my weight loss and indicated that I am about two months ahead of schedule. This morning I weighed in at 316.5 which means I have hit another milestone. I have less than 100 pounds to lose to get to my goal of 220. I'll get there. Things really are going very well.

12/25/00 CHRISTMAS DAY. Another major milestone!! I made my goal of being under 300 lbs by Christmas. I weighed in at 298 Christmas Morning. It feels good to be under 300 lbs again. This is the first time in about 13 years. This was a great Christmas present for everyone. It feels good!!! Now on to 220 by July 31, 2001. It will be a stretch, but I know I can do it.

1/8/01 Another milestone. I have now lost over 150 pounds. I've gone from a 64 in. waste to a 50 in. waist. It feels great. 70 more pounds to go. I can't wait!!

2/17/01 Just a quick update. I am down to 277. I've lost 164 pounds. Although the weight loss has slowed some, I am not surprised. As long as I keep losing, I will be happy. I have 57 pounds to go. I am still hoping to have it off by the end of summer, but by Christmas for sure. I feel good. I would do it again!!

4/7/01 I have hit my first majot plateau. I've been at 271 for almost a month now. I've lost 170 pounds but still want to lose another 50. Hmmmmm. Guess I'll have to start working out! I will get there!!

4/16/01 After a month I have finally lost another pound. 50 to go. It will come!!

6/24/01 It's been awhile. I am doing great. I've hit a low of 264 and fluctuate in the mid to high 260's. I need to start exercising to get the rest of the weight off. I have taken several trips that have required flying and it is so nice not to have to automatically ask for a seatbelt extension. I must confess I am still a bit surprised when the seatbelt on the airplane fits. I spent so many years just asking for an extension it became a way of life. This is better. My energy level is still very high and eating gives me very few problems. My only problems are self inflicted and result from eating too fast or not chewing enough. Sometimes I learn slow!! It will be one year next month. Does not seem possible. I would do it all over again!!

8/14/01 WOW!!! What a difference a year makes. July 31st was the one year anniversary of my surgery and the beginning of my new life. I can honestly say that I had no idea just how dramatically my life would change. the best way i know how to describe it is to relate some of the defining events of the summer. First, I had a job interview in Colorado (I didn't get the job but had a great time visiting Colorado Springs) and went to the gift store at the Garden of the Gods. I instinctively went to the section that had the "big" sizes and discovered that they were all too big. I had to buy a shirt off the "regular" size rack. It was neat! Next I took out a family membership at the local YMCA and have begun to go swimming with my wire and two sons. We have had a ball. There is no way before that I would have done that! Also, I have gone swimming in the lake with my boys by my in-laws lake cabin. Again, always before I would not have been caught dead swimming in a public place. Finally another clothes story. I am down to a 17 1/2 dress shirt size (that's down from a 20) and am wearing XL shirts (down from 5XL and even some 6XL). I keep trying on 2XL shirts and they are too big. I have begun to buy XL shirts without trying them on and having confidence that they will fit.

All of these thing are pretty small by themselves, but they add up to a whole new lifestyle. To borrow a line from Rocky IV and Apollo Creed--"God, I feel born again!"

My wife and I have often discussed that when we see someone who is as overweight as I was, we want to go up to them and give them my surgeon's card and tell them that life can change. I haven't been that bold yet because I know how I would have reacted to that before I had my surgery. I just didn't know what I didn't know.

The journey has been worth it!!!

PS. No new weight loss, but I joined the Y! :-)

1/31/02 It has been 18 months today! It has been years since I have been this happy with myself and at peace with my weight. I still haven't lost everything I want to but will get it done; but even if I don't, my life is already dramatically better. The journey has, without a doubt, been worth it. I find myself in a position really committed to being an encouragement to those who are considering the surgery or have just had the surgery. You have to expereince the new life you will lead to understand the benefits. IT IS WORTH IT!!! Feel free to contact me anytime with questions, etc.

9/5/02 Well, my two year anniversary has come and gone. Life has settled into a grea routine. I have my life back and can't begin to describe the difference. Things that used to be such a struggle are routine now. No more asking for a tavle in restaurants because I don't fit in the booths, not more asking for a seat belt extension on airlines because I can't get the seat belt around me, and no more assessing folding chairs to determine whether or not they will collapse if I sit on them. People ask me if I feel like a new person. I simply say no, I just feel like I am me again!!

I had my two year doctor's check up and everything was normal. :-)

I was a huge skeptic for a long time, both before and after. It works folks, and it was worth every ache and pain.
Weight Loss Record

Date Weight Loss

7/31/00 441 lbs
8/7/00 417 lbs - 24
8/14/00 398 lbs - 43
8/21/00 388 lbs - 52
8/28/00 382 lbs - 59
9/4/00 376 lbs - 65
9/11/00 371 lbs - 70
9/18/00 364 lbs - 77
9/25/00 362 lbs - 79
10/2/00 353 lbs - 88
10/9/00 348 lbs - 93
10/16/00 339 lbs -102
10/23/00 335 lbs -106
10/30/00 329 lbs -112
11/6/00 324 lbs -117
11/13/00 320 lbs -121
11/20/00 314 lbs -127
11/27/00 311 lbs -130
12/4/00 308 lbs -133
12/11/00 305 lbs -136
12/18/00 301 lbs -140
12/25/00 298 lbs -143
1/1/01 295 lbs -146
1/8/01 290 lbs -151
1/15/01 286 lbs -155
1/22/01 285 lbs -156
1/29/01 283 lbs -158
2/5/01 282 lbs -159
2/12/01 277 lbs -164
2/19/01 277 lbs -164
2/26/01 276 lbs -165
3/5/01 275 lbs -166
3/12/01 273 lbs -168
3/19/01 271 lbs -170
3/26/01 271 lbs -170
4/2/01 271 lbs -170
4/9/01 271 lbs -170
4/16/01 270 lbs -171
4/23/01 269 lbs -172
4/30/01 269 lbs -172
5/7/01 269 lbs -172
5/14/01 269 lbs -172
5/21/01 267 lbs -174
5/28/01 267 lbs -174
6/4/01 264 lbs -177
6/11/01 264 lbs -177
6/18/01 264 lbs -177
6/25/01 264 -177

About Me
Hebron, MD
Surgery Date
Jul 23, 2000
Member Since

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WL History
