Post surgery comments.... pls no judgements..I need support

Jul 31, 2013

Hi I'm Funnelcloud aka (Barb)

I've decided to start a blog....this is not only going to be about my post surgery experiences...but things that are affecting my progress.

It's been a hard journey since my Surgery April 12th, 2013.   But, I am so glad I had it done.

I've posted already here and there since then.  

Now I'm getting worried about my eating problems.  Because i have GASTRIC ANTRAL VASCULAR ECTASIA OR G.A.V.E.   i am having alot of pain, bad heartburn... I was last in hospital ER June  8 for 28 hrs in the ER...with diarrhea, vomiting...abdominal pain... they treated me with a strong anti nauseant, had CT scan, checked out my heart condition,....  finally they gave me a drug which coats my erosions/vein bleeds.   I was put on a liquid diet for 3 days... and I've been on a pureed diet ever i'm able to eat cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, pureed chicken and vegetables... I can't handle fish, pork... I've tried octoberfest type sausages.. and hamburger... I am able to make beef stew...and puree it... but I stick to 1/2 cup... I can also eat hard boiled egg either chopped up fine...or pureed depending on my stomach nausea/pain....  I tend to eat fruit...but my favourite source of protein that I can handle is  SMOOTHIES... 2 ZERO fat yogurts, ice, 4 tbsp skim milk powder...with 1/4 tube single serving crystal light.

I saw the dietician on emergency after that...ER visit.  and the behaviourist.... I follow up with my own psychiatrist too....

I am now worried I am eating too much fruit...some days I don't eat hardly anything and other nights...I graze... I plan on telling my behaviorist in August appointment.

Has anyone else had this problem with a SLEEVE procedure.?  or OTHER PRE-EXISTING STOMACH PROBLEMS?

I have always had acid reflux...but if it wasn't for the Weight loss team  I wouldn't have lost what I have up to now.   I don't want to blow this....I am dealing with what my neurologist calls COMPLETE PAIN SYNDROME....multiple sources of pain...and I take narcotics. I just saw a pain specialist there is light in the future..   I have been trying to support a neighbour...who is also a heart patient...but, she's starting to wear on me at times.. I feel obligated because she...was there...when my apartment was the unfortunate victim of bed bugs right during my early recovery stages..and I had to declutter my bedroom...which made stomach and rest of my body worse!...and she let me sleep on her couch and bring my cat the landlord could spray... and their company insisted 3 treatments. so she let me stay for 10 hours two other times after that... I was so paranoid i would bring one to her unit...but...I DIDN'T...thank god.

I am alone...and the only person I can ask for my brother...he took care of me for 3 1/2 weeks...from my discharge date...and guess what...I think he was the source of the wasn't his fault directly...but he never told me his building had bedbug issues....grrrr.... I will always be greatful...for his care and his wife's and god bless him...he's been forced to go on disability by several doctors...because of his upper spine deterioration...his arms lock up...but, I cannot have him visit now... which eats me up... but, he's finally understanding...I pray he moves to another affordable... apt... but he said that's not gonna happen we stay in touch by phone now...

my psychiatrist is now on vacation...but he'll be back in august. 

I go to the hospital August 15th... for a SCOPE  to cauterize the bleeding veins in my newly shaped stomach.  I look forward to pain and heartburn relief...  and more road running..before that...I have to go to their THROMBOSIS unit...because they don't wan't me completely off my COUMADIN (blood thinner)... I'm not looking forward to injecting myself with the short acting stuff...

I don't know if anyone is going to read this....BUT, THANKS FOR LETTING ME VENT.... KEEPS MY HANDS OFF THE fruit.






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Mar 05, 2013
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