Desperate for Advice/Help

Jun 25, 2016

Need help and advice!!  I had my VSG four years ago.  I did GREAT for the first two and a half years.  I followed the rules, lost the weight, and didn't have too much difficulty. About a year after my surgery, my nutritionist left the practice, but told me I had this.  Only come back if I need specific help.  She's not there anymore and the nutritionst there isn't taking new patients.  In December, 2014, I had a full hysterectomy including oophrectomy.  Also had some personal issues going on at that time - death of my father from aggressive Pancreatic Cancer that October.  After the surgery, I was having rampant hormone symptoms and panic attacks.  My doctor gave me estrogen and prozac.  It worked for the post hysterectomy symptoms, but has wreaked havoc on my weight.  I was still following the rules, but was A LOT hungrier.  It took much more to make me feel full, which I don't really understand because I would think the sleeve is the same size.  I regained 25 pounds within three months after my hysterectomy.  The doctor told me that this is typical after a hysterectomy.   I need to focus more on exercise and watching my calories.  I didn't think I would have a hard time turning it around.  Then last November, my knee went out and I needed surgery, so no real exercise for several weeks.  I went through PT, but it didn't really help with weight loss, and now I'm supposed to avoid high impact - focus on walking and swimming.  Can't use my eliptical because it aggravates my knee.   I am walking regularly, but I gained 15 more pounds since the knee surgery.  What is worse is that I now find myself approaching my eating the way I used to before the VSG.  I do still use the rules.   I plan my diet very carefully, Protien first, 80g a day, veggies or fruit, no drinking a half hour before or after meals, but I'm still hungry.  I can go several days on plan, but eventually I break down and eat like a starving maniac - and not the right things.  I feel like the sleeve is not working anymore.  I am looking for a new nutritionist, but should I be going back to the surgeon??  Is there a revision that would help me?  Is there any plan that would help me??? 


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