74 Days out...

Nov 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!  Some things I'm so very  thankful for are God, family, friends, & this website.   This website is amazing and I love reading the posts and getting inspired...people don't always realize the impact they can have on someone just by posting their experiences...even when you think no one is reading them, trust me they are and it's such a blessing.  I'm also thankful that I was able to give myself a second chance and have this surgery.  I'm truly blessed.

I can't believe that it's been over 2 months since I've posted.  Going back to work, trying to find my new routine, and of course being a single mom has been very time consuming. But worth every minute.  So the good, the bad, & the ugly...

GOOD: I'm exercising on a regular basis and finding that greek yogurt/oatmeal/soup are my friends

BAD:  I'm still not able to get my suggested protein qty or water intake in on a daily basis and trying to introduce new foods hasn't worked out too great either....I know that hitting my numbers would help with my weight loss

UGLY:  I've had several moments where I've thrown up, not a lot, but too much for me. It almost feels like my esophagus muscles aren't working properly because it feels like things get stuck in my throat (sounds crazy I'm sure)

Even with the good, bad, & ugly I'm just going to keep on pushing through this.  I can't wait to see where this amazing journey will take me!

The last time I posted I talked about how I was finally able to say my weight out loud and feel good about it.  Well I'm still feelin' good   Here's my new stats:

Highest Weight - 371 

Consult Weight - 348

Surgery Weight - 321

Current Weight - 273

OMG...I'm so so so happy to be in the 2's...It's one of the most amazing feelings in the world.  Just so we are clear that's.... 98lbs from my highest, 75lbs from consult, & 48lbs from surgery.  I don't know what the "normal" weight loss for this time frame is supposed to be, but I do know that I'm working very hard and as long as I'm not gaining then I'm doing something right.

I've posted some pictures in my album (noticed that I didn't have any)...you can see my progress, photo of me & my daughter, and me in my first 5k (Turkey Trot that I did Thanksgiving morning).

As always, to anyone that's preparing to have surgery, had surgery, or just making the decision for a healthy lifestyle....Good Luck & keep pushing!

Let's do this!!


1 comment

11 days post op

Sep 26, 2014

Well, I have to say I'm so glad I had surgery.  Obviously I'm still healing, but the pain has been almost non-existent.  I took pain medicine in the hospital (2 days), but haven't had any since before I left.  Gas pains aren't bad at all and I'm able to move around with ease.

Early on in my journey, I decided I was going to very open with everyone about me having surgery.  I know how people can be, but I didn't & don't care if they are on board with my decisions.  However, I'm blessed to have my family, friends, & co-workers behind me 100%.  I came back to work day 9 post op and my co-workers surprised me as soon as I walked in...they had my desk decorated and a huge gift bag waiting on me.  These sweet supportive people got me a Nutribullet, Garmin Vivofit band, Kohl's gift card, & cash.  I was so thankful & overwhelmed to have all of this support.

As far as work goes, I have a desk job, but I get up once an hour and do a 2 min walk.  However, the last couple of days have really been exhausting.  I can see why people don't go back to work until 2-4 weeks after.  It's a constant struggle to get in my daily amount of protein and water, but I keep pushing forward.

I recently came to the decision that I was ok with sharing my weight.  I've always been hung up on that for some reason...I mean really, people can see I'm fat do they really need a number...lol  Anyways, I'm proud of who I am and what I'm doing to better myself so here it is...my stats

Highest Weight - 371

Consult Weight - 348

Surgery Weight - 321

Current Weight - 304

I'm definitely ready to see a 2 in front of the number on the scale...won't be long 

As always, to anyone that's preparing to have surgery, had surgery, or just making the decision for a healthy lifestyle....Good Luck & keep pushing!

Let's do this!!



Yay, I'm finally a Sleever!!!

Sep 17, 2014

I had my vertical sleeve on Monday 9/15. Everything went well with the surgery,  only took him 50mins. He said by me sticking to the liquid diet 100% really allowed him the room he needed. I ended up staying 2 nights, only because my blood pressure was up and I had a low grade temp.

I feel so much better. No pain medicine since 2pm on Tuesday.  Gas pain is there but hasn't been horrible.  I'm walking walking walking. ..as that seems to be the answer for everything :)

I'll post a little later after I've been at this new me for awhile.  So happy that I finally got my day!!

For anyone who just had surgery, has it coming up, just starting the process....I wish you the best of luck. We have a 2nd chance at a wonderful life. ..let's make the best of every minute!

Let's get it! 


Week #4 All Liquids

Sep 11, 2014

I am currently on week #4 of my all liquid diet.  First of all I can't believe that I have actually made it 24 days with no food.  I had several food funerals because I just knew it was going to be the worst thing ever..lol

I was given Optifast for my diet plan.  They had options of Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry for the shakes and Tomato & Chicken for the soup.  I lost my sense of smell over a year ago and things do not taste the same as they used to, so I have only been able to drink the Vanilla shakes (which aren't bad).....Well Vanilla Shakes and Water.  My first week on the liquids I had to travel with work.  I next day aired my shakes and stuck with it.  Now my last week before surgery I'm traveling again for work and have done the same.  Of course traveling with co-workers they are always going out to the really nice restaurants, but I've only participated with my shakes.  Everyone keeps saying "I'm sorry you can't eat" I reply with "don't be sorry for me, I'm very happy with my decision"  They look at me funny, but this is my choice and I'm 100% in this!!  Four weeks of all liquids have had it's ups and downs, but I have to say there have only been 2 days that were truly bad days, but I didn't cheat not once, so I guess overall they were really good days 

My surgery day is Monday 9/15/14.  I'm not nervous yet, but I'm sure it will come.  I just can't believe that MY DAY is almost here.  

I'm on a lunch break now and while everyone is eating around me, I'm just drinking my shake.  So I thought I'd post on OH while I had a moment (it's been almost a month since my last post).  I leave tonight to come back home from my work trip.   I'm praying for safe travels...I'm super excited to see my daughter. I've missed her this week.

I hope everyone has had a great week so far and for anyone with a upcoming surgery.....Good Luck!!

Let's do this!!


Let the liquids begin...

Aug 19, 2014

So yesterday was a day full of appointments.  I had my pre-op blood work, EKG, and standard paperwork at the hospital.  After that, I went to my doctor's office for the liquid diet class.  I got 2 weeks worth of Optifast and I have officially started liquids.  Right now I feel ok; however Sunday night I had a little breakdown with the thought of not being able to eat anything for 4 weeks.  #fatgirlproblems  LOL, but I got over it.

I'll be doing mostly shakes (4 a day) and 1 soup.  The shakes aren't bad, pretty good actually....I had the soup (such as it is) tonight.  Not a fan, but I can handle this for 4 weeks, right?  I've been reading a lot of blogs on here for awhile and I never seem see anyone that has to do 4 week liquid diets.  Most people seem to only have to do liquids 1-2 days before or at the most 2 weeks pre-surgery.  I was kinda irritated at first, but I think if you work the program you will already be prepared for what's to come after surgery.  It gives you time to change your mindset, switch gears, and refocus.  I'm really going to make these 4 weeks count!

Plus, I'm so excited to have a surgery date that allows me to be able to focus on the bigger picture.

Let's get it!!



Aug 09, 2014

Ok, so I'm actually a day late, well 2 now that it's after midnight...lol  Anyways, I got it! I got the call...insurance approved my surgery.  Then Michelle (medical assistant) called to give me the date.  OMG...I have a surgery date.  I can't believe it.  So September 15, 2014 I will go into the hospital at 5:45am for a 7am VSG!!!! Wooohooo.  I can't stop smiling; I'm so happy and excited!  I start my liquid diet on August 18th (4weeks) yikes...that's totally scares me, but I've got this.  Definitely ready for this to happen.  Ahhh September 15th just sounds like a great day to have surgery 

Any tips on surviving 4 weeks of the liquid diet is welcomed 



Say What??

Jul 28, 2014

Ok, so I was supposed to go for my 4th weigh-in tomorrow.  My doctor's office calls this afternoon. ...I'm assuming to confirm the appointment.  Well that was totally not it. Amanda the dietitian says "you don't need to come in tomorrow"....I'm like oookkkk?!?!?!

She goes on to say the my insurance company has changed their policy again! And NO more weight-ins...they are going to submit my paperwork for approval!!!!! Yay, oh my goodness I can't believe it. I'm super excited.  I could be having surgery in a month.  This was a great way to start off my week. So happy I don't even have the words to truly express my joy. 

Let's do this!!! ♡


3rd Weigh-in

Jun 26, 2014

I went for my 3rd of 6 insurance required weigh-ins on Tuesday 6/24.  So I had told myself that this month was going to be different and I was going to make some changes.  Small ones, but changes nonetheless.  First I cut out all sodas, my daily french vanilla cappuccino, and cut back on the amount of times I was going out to eat.  I substituted my breakfast with a protein shake and had salads or lean cuisines for lunch most days.  The result was down 8 pounds!  Super excited to see the scale move in that direction. And so we're off to the next month.


2nd Weigh-in

May 27, 2014

I went for my second of six insurance required weigh-ins this morning.  I knew that this past month had been horrible and I wasn't mad about stepping on the scale because I knew that I didn't do everything in my power to make it happen.  I'm not going to fool myself into thinking that  it wasn't that bad or that I did everything I could due to my work schedule.  The bottom line is that I have to work and after surgery I'm still going to have to work, so now is the time for me to "get it together" as I always tell my daughter.

I did lose 1 pound, but it could have and should have been more.  I'm not going to dwell on it because it's done and I'm moving forward, but I did need to put it out there... I just needed to say it/type it so that I'm not keeping it to myself.  I contacted a 24/7 gym this morning and hopefully will be a member by this afternoon.  Yes I'm working 70+ hours a week, but if I can find time to watch some crazy show I've DVR'd then I can find the time to be good to myself and go to the gym.

I also bought protein shakes for breakfast, so that's going to be my new goal this next month....add gym time and protein shakes for breakfast.  I can't change it all at once but I can change it one at a time.

Next weigh-in is June 24th

I've got this!


It's been so long, but it's a new day...

May 05, 2014

It's been almost 5 years since my last post.  I didn't have surgery as I had hoped.  I got through everything and when they called to schedule my surgery the company I was working for had changed our insurance plan (even though I was very open about my journey) and bariatrics was no longer covered.  That was such a hard thing to deal with and when I went to the owner to talk to her she actually said to me "well I guess you'll have to do it the old fashion way"  I couldn't believe someone could be so cold...meanwhile totally glad she suggested that cause I hadn't thought of that before...lol

However, I learned that I can handle anything that is thrown my way.  That was not the right time for me to have surgery and obviously God knew that as well.  My grandmother who adopted and raised me had passed away in May of 2009 and my younger brother had passed away in November of 2009.  My daughter was having such a hard time dealing with my grandmother's death that she had to be put in therapy...and through all that I actually thought it would be a good idea to have WLS.  SMH...I can't believe that I was going to put myself through that kind of change without allowing myself time to grieve properly.  I was so busy taking care of everyone else I really forgot about myself.

Thankfully God didn't leave me.  He brought me through this rough time in my life and now almost 5 years later....it's time.  Time to really focus on health and being a better role model for my daughter, who's now 13.  When I met with Dr. Heider and his team on 4/16 and then again on 4/29, I knew that this was truly MY TIME.  They are all amazing and I have 6 months of documented weight to get through for insurance purposes, but I'm so ready to be on board.  And I'm so happy to be able to actually post something on my page instead of just reading on the site.

My next appointment for weigh-in is on 5/27....can't wait!!!


About Me
Mooresville, NC
Jul 15, 2009
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