SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 2004

I have been watching and reading this website for a long while now so thought it may be time for me to start my own documenting.

I am a 38 year old female. Wife, and also a mother of 3 sons, ages 15, 13 and 10. I am 5' 7" and my top weight recorded at the doctors office was 282 pounds. That would make my BMI at 44.2. That would put me in the MORBIDLY OBESE catagory! I know I was higher than that at home though because, I remember weighing in the low 190's and that made me scared! I noticed my weight issue when I was 12 years old and have been trying different weight loss plans throughout my life. Some I lost a dramatic amount, some very little. With all of them I put the weight back on plus more.

I looked into bariatric surgery years back (about 10-13 years ago) but did not have any resources around me to offer me much information nor did I have a computer to research more on my own about bariatric surgery. I have both now and have been reading many books and also doing a lot of research about it both pro and con about the subject and different types of bariatric surgery on the net. I am not 100% sure at this moment which surgery I want to have but leaning more towards the RNY. If you asked me this question 4 months ago I might have given you a different answer.

I went to my first support group in March of 2004 and everyone since then, as of todays date. I have seen the dietician twice now and scheduled for a third appointment towards the end of this month. I went to the orientation that Dr. Pitchford and Sue directed the first week in June. I had my psyche eval June 8 and it really wasn't as bad as I thought it could have been. I met with the Dr. and gave him my paperwork. He asked a few questions and asked that I reschedule another appointment to have the test part of the eval done. I asked him if I could do the test on this day as I had planned enough time in my schedule to get it done so he went to ask a gal if she could find time for me to take it and I was worked into their schedule. It took me a total of about 2 1/2 hours from the time I got there to the time I left for everything. There was I believe 560 some questions on the test plus a sheet where you had to finish the endings to sentences that were started. The gal there told me the results from the testing wouldn't be done for a week, so I would wait and they would send me a copy of the information as I requested they do, and signed a release form for them to do it.

I had my eval with Dr. Pitchford on June 10 and he said that he sees no reason why I cannot have the surgery as I qualify for it. He answered any questions I had. He mentioned that he received information from the psyche eval already and that I passed it. I couldn't believe it!! I mean, I couldn't believe the results were back so fast. It was only two days prior that I had taken test and the results were back already! WOW! Hope insurance approval goes that fast and is approved! Anyway, Dr. Pitchford mentioned that all he had to wait for now was documention from the dietician when she thinks I am ready to proceed and then Dr. Pitchford can send in my paperwork to the insurance company to see if I am approved for surgery or not. After he receives a letter stating that I am approved, then a date will be set for surgery.

I haven't really felt over anxious to get this surgery done with right now as it is a busy time of year for my family and I. I am very much at ease right now and will take it one step at a time. My boys just got out of school and now there is field work to do, fairs, swimming lessons, summer school, band lessons, bible school and many other things to keep us busy. It would be nice to get started on my way to a healthier life, but I will try to plan it when it is a bit less hectic, like after the fairs. I will just wait and see what happens. I have faith that things will turn out fine and everything happens in their own time. When it is my time to have surgery, everything will work out for the best with timing and such. For now, I will go with the flow and wait to here more from my dietician and Dr. Pitchford.


Well things have been busy, however I need to update on how things are going as far as WLS. I originally had my dietician appointment towards the end of June, but with fairs and other things going on, I just didn't take the time to document my eating the two weeks prior to my dietician appointment. I ended up calling a couple of times to push the date back. I ended up rescheduling for today.

It has been a high stress last few days for me. Trying to landscape around the house with the help of my sister, Patty, my husband, my 13 year old son plus myself. We have never done anything like it before so it is more work than I really anticipated. Throw in things like cattle getting out at the same time someone comes to your home to give you an estatimate on something, my husband getting home after taking my son to have allergy testing done and telling me he has to be on steriods the rest of his life etc., the hired man getting all pissy, and myself worring about how many more times I might be needing to see the dietician and how much weight I have gained since my last appointment. Well, I had my little crying spell this morning before I left for my appointment, hubby told me to forget about yesterday as that is in the past and to just have a good day today. Just to hear those simple words somehow seem to comfort me a tad bit.

I stepped on my scale before I left home as I hadn't weighed myself since my last appointment just to see if I truely gained the 10 pounds I was sure I had gained. Well I was truely surprised!!! I weighed about the same as the last time I weighed in at the dietician. When I got to my appointment I wasn't weighed this time though. Go figure! Oh well. Dietician appointment went better than I had anticipated. I have met the goals my dietician has set for me so she is sending the information to Dr. Pitchford and then on to insurance for approval. She asked me when I was hoping to have surgery so I told her, "realistically after the second week in August". She said that it would probrably take that long with all the approvals etc. anyway so now it is basically a waiting game. I do have to see her again in 3 more weeks and have a plan on what to eat post op when I get home. Basically how I plan on getting my 60 grams of protien in a day on a liquid diet and what types of drinks, powders or whatever I will be using so I am not winging it. It is for my own good as my lifestyle is basically a lot of spontanious eating to some degree and now it has to be more structured and planned to make sure I get in the 60 grams of protien daily on such a small amount and eating/drinking slowly. I do have to keep one week of records before the next appointment but that isn't too bad.

I went to the July support group meeting which was again interesting. Not as many people there this time as other times, however I think the nice weather may be playing a part in it as people may be doing more things outside or with their families. Just a guess though. My sister Patty has been with me to the last 3 support group meetings and she has told me she finds them interesting as well. I am glad to have her with me to have a better understanding of what I will be going through. She knows I have struggled for many years so she is with me now which is so nice. She went with me today to my dietician appointment as well. I think I am just rambling now so I better get off from here for now and let hubby use the pc. Wish me luck on my approval from insurance. I have faith and feel pretty positive, but it never hurts to have some extra positive vibes. Till next time... hope everyone else is doing well post-op and that all pre-ops have things sailing along to their advantage.


It is early morning and I am sitting here thinking I should update my profile a bit just to keep track of how things went on my journey towards surgery. I called Dr. Pitchfords nurse about a week and a half ago to find out if my paperwork had been sent out yet to insurance. Nope. Still needed some information from someone, and it was my understanding that it was needed from my dietician. I called my dieticians office and she was not expected to be in till the following week so had to wait for her return call. Found out information wasn't needed from her. She called Dr. Pitchfords nurse and found out it should be information from the Psych Dr. I told Dr. Pitchfords nurse that when I went to see Dr. Pitchford on June 10 that he said that he had gotten everything back from my psyche eval and that I had passed. She said she would highlight that in my file and set everything on his desk for him to go through and then send on to the dept. that sends the information to the insurance company. I spoke with his nurse today again. Called in some information to help speed the process up for the people who work in the dept. that sends the information onto insurance for approval. That way they don't have to take the time to do that themselves. Had to called the insurance company to get a fax number and information on who to send the information to. Dr. Pitchford won't be back till next week from my understanding and the person or people that send the information onto the insurance will be out for a while as well.Maybe about a week and a half? Frustruating, but I guess all part of the hoop jumping process. It looks like it may be September before I actually find out if I am approved or have surgery. I am hoping and praying sooner though. My goal was for mid to late August. I will just have to wait and see.


Well to make a long story short, I thought my medical records would have been sent to the insurance company a while ago. Called last week to see if they were, Dr. Pitchfords staff said they had been sent on August 5. I called the insurance company after calling Dr. Pitchfords office and they said they have not recieved anything yet. I was in shock and feeling like I had lost valuable time. I got the info again and a gal from the insurance company, by the name of Jen, gave me the exact info that the review board would need and Jen said to send it directly to her. If she had not recieved it by tomorrow, September 1, 2004 she would call and let me know. I called Dr. Pitchfords office and gave them the info and that if it wasn't faxed over to Jen by September 1, Jen would call me and they would inturn get a call from me.

I was out today doing some last minute shopping with my kids before school starts tomorrow and while I was away I recieved a call from Jen from BCBS on my answering machine. She stated that she had recieved the medical records and they should be reviewed with in 7-10 days. I am not sure if it will be working days or not, but I will be sure to be counting and waiting to get a call or letter from her, or Dr. Pitchfords office letting me know if I am approved or not. I feel optimistic though. GOD is with me.


OH MY GOSH!!! I am so happy right now I have tears coming from my eyes! I just recieved a call from Jen B from BCBS Insurance. She said that my medical records have been reviewed and I have been APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe this!! At first when she was talking by the tone of her voice, I thought she just might tell me that I was denied, but nope, I'M APPROVED! I'M APPROVED! She said a letter will be sent out to myself and my doctor as well stating my approval. I just tried calling to talk to Dr. Pitchfords nurse, Sue, to see if I could schedule a date yet before they recieve official documentation on my approval, however, Sue was out on lunch break. I will try calling back today to find out. I am so ready to get rid of my unhealthy body and move onto a more healthy, happy life!!!


It is a bit after 9 a.m. and just recieved a call from Sue from Dr. Pitchfords office. I have a surgery date!!! September 28 at 7:45 a.m.! I start my liquid diet on the 18th for 10 days before surgery.

I wanted to also mention that when I called the insurance company earlier this week, I was told that my papers were sent over to the review board on September 2nd and it could take up to 7-14 business days for the review board to make a decision whether I was approved or denied. The call to me from insurance on approval took 5 business days, actually 4 if a person isn't counting Labor Day. Just thought I would share that tid bit of information with you all. Lots to do before surgery so better get started on some of them. Thank you Lord Jesus for a beautiful day and answering my prayers!


Today I officially have an angel. Her name is Julie D and she was also looking for an angel so we are each others angels. She is having her surgery by Dr. Pitchford as well. I have not met her personally yet, but soon. We are in the process of exchanging phone numbers etc. She will be having her surgery on September 21, 2004. One week before I am. We are both having the RNY done. God Bless her on her surgery day and the days that follow as well. Thanks Julie for being my angel. :o)


Today I had my pre surgery appointment with Dr. Pitchford. Sue took me in, weighed me, took my pictures front and side view, took my blood pressure and pulse. Today I weighed 278.8 so I gained .8 of a pound since the beginning of August. When I start the liquid diet I know I will lose it though. Dr. Pitchford asked if I had any questions, so I handed him my one and a half pages full of typed questions. He took the time to go through each one with me and was very, very relaxed. Not rushed at all. I really appreciate that in a Dr. He then listened to my lungs and that was it. I asked him what his goal weight for me would be and he said to have a BMI of 30 or below, which is my personal goal as well. Also he thought 150 pounds would be a good goal. That is really close to my goal. I would like to get down to 140, but anywhere between 140-160 I would be comfortable with. He said he will talk with me again before the surgery and with my family as well.


My angel Julie D. had surgery this morning. I went to visit her and her husband and she is doing well considering what she has been through. She smiled at times, and I knew that she was listening even though she wasn't responding all the time. She look very exausted and tired. I am sooo proud of her for making the decision to take the HUGE step in taking over her life for her health and future!!!

Now my turn is one week away!! I feel pretty good as of this evening, trying to stay positive and busy. I now know that I will not get everything done that I want to. It's just too much to think about and do, so I will take the advice from someone who gave it to me. Use that stress energy of trying to get everything done, and save it for getting our strength back after surgery. What wonderful advice!!!


I made home after surgery late yesterday afternoon. I went in on the morning of the 28th to have my RNY surgery. My husband took me to my sister's and then went home to finish chores so that he could be there for me when I woke up. My sister then took me to the hospital. I was weighed in after having blood work done and weighed in at 266.4. That would make my BMI 41.7 then. Still MORBIDLY OBESE! I was very strong up until the time they put my IV in. I just started thinking about all of the other weight loss programs I have done, and failed at them all. Would this one be another one?? I think it was just all the emotions bottled up and I needed to let them out before I went to sleep and be on the other side. My new life on the other side. Before I went into surgery they gave me a heparine(sp) shot in the tummy too. :o) Surgery went well. I spoke with Dr. Pitchford later and he said surgery went well with no complications. Surgery lasted for two and a half hours. Recovery was about the same and I was being rolled into my room at 1 pm. I remember different family members being there but frankly, I was pretty out of it yet. Thanks to the ones that were there, and friends too. My loving husband, Bill; Patty, Kim, Miranda, Jeff, Steve, Judy and my angel Julie and her husband Peter. What great supporters you all were for me!!!

I did have nausea and vomiting after surgery and was given different anti-nausea meds but they didn't seem to help me at all. Finally the next day after surgery I was able to be taken off the morphine, have the NG tube and cathetar taken out and was feeling better. I was able to get up and walk around then and get moving. Before that, I was only able to walk from my bed to the chair next to my bed. I knew how important it is to get moving to help prevent blood clots and also phemonia(sp). When they took the NG tube out, it really didnt hurt, just felt really warm from being in my stomach, but the smell or taste was awful. It was like old blood and acid mixed or something. Ughhh. The good thing is that it only lasted for a tiny bit. I am home now, and working on getting in my fluids. I am not counting protien yet as it is hard for me to get in all of my fluids at this point. I'm guessing I am getting in about 12 oz. a day which is not that much at all. It is better today though. I believe that it is more important to get in my fluids so I don't get dehydrated, but I dont want to push myself either to hurt my new pouch. I have found that I have been a bit nauseous since I have been home, but am getting better. My pouch seems to like warm things more than cold things at this time. I don't feel thirsty/hungry at all, but I do make myself drink a little bit at a time through out the day. 3 tablespoons doesn't seem like a lot, but it is when you don't feel like drinking it. I have my next appointment and support group on October 7 so will update then and let ya all know how my weight loss is going, and anything new that I would like to remember along my journey. Take care everyone and THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR UNBELIEVABLE LOVE IN ME!!!


I had my 9 day follow up visit with Dr. Pitchford this afternoon. I weighed in at 256.8. My BMI? 40.1. This should be my last time in the MORBIDLY OBESE catagory! I guess they take your last recorded weight that was recorded with him on your last pre-op visit and subtract your first post op visit weight from that to see how much you have lost. If that is the case I have lost 22 pounds. On the day of my surgery I weighed 266.4 so from that date till 9 days post op, I have lost 9.6 pounds. That's a good feeling which ever way a person looks at it. Had our monthly support group meeting tonight too so that is always fun and informational. I will have another visit with Dr. Pitchford in three weeks. Things are going well, no infection and things are healing well. Till something else comes up new to document about, take care everyone and may you have delightful experiences to relish.


Yesterday was my one month post op visit with Dr. Pitchford. Things went smoothly and he said my incisions look real well. He pushed on my tummy in places. Not sure what exactly he was feeling for, but it didn't hurt.He seemed to answer my questions again well. I gave him a picture of me that was taken by my sister in the hospital with one of those shirts with the curvacious body on the front and back layed across the top of me. It was supposed to look like what I would look like after surgery. Ha Ha. Not really, but kinda cute. Anyway I gave Dr. Pitchford the picture as he seen the shirt in the hospital. He laughed and said he should use it in his slide demonstration. He wanted to go show his nurse, Sue, the picture when we were done. I weighed in at 244.8 at one month out. My BMI is 38.4 at this time. Now only SEVERLY OBESE. Going down! He said it is a loss of 35 lbs. but I figured it out to be a loss of 34 lbs. This is from my last pre op visit weighing in at 278.8. If I go by my weight on surgery day, then I have lost a total of 21.6 lbs. I guess as long as I am losing that is all that matters. I did have about a week to a week and a half where I kinda maintained and the scale didn't move. I didn't get concerned as I figured my body is trying to catch up and maybe I am losing inches instead of the numbers moving on the scale. My husband took my measurements last night for me and I added it up this morning and have lost a total of 16 3/4" since the day before surgery plus 5/8 cm on my ring finger. I should post my measurements on here so I have a running total along with my weights too. Maybe I will do that now. I would like to thank my angel Julie for keeping in touch with me and for my Lord for continueing to guide me through this journey and giving me the faith to keep moving forward. He is my rock when I need it the most.


Highest weight: (Summer 2004)282
(9-16-04)Last pre-op weight with Dr. B4 surgery: 278.8-MORBIDLY OBESE
(9-28-04)Day of surgery: 266.4-(-12.4 lbs.)-BMI-41.7-MORBIDLY OBESE
(10-7-04)9 days post op: 256.8-(-22 lbs.)-BMI-40.1-MORBIDLY OBESE
(10-28-04)One month post op: 244.8-(-34 lbs.)-BMI-38.4-SEVERLY OBESE
(11-16-04)About 6 weeks post op: 233.5-(-45.3 lbs.)-BMI-36.5-SEVERLY OBESE
(12-02-04) Two months + 4 days post op: 227.8-(-51 lbs.)-BMI-35.7-SEVERLY OBESE
(12-29-04) Three months + 1 day post op: 218.2-(-60.6 lbs.)-BMI-34.1-OBESE
(1-6-05) Three months + 9 days post op: 212.2-(-66.6 lbs.)-BMI-33.2-OBESE
(1-28-05) Four months post op: 205-(-73.8 lbs.) BMI-32.1-OBESE
(2-28-05) Five months post op: 202-(-76.8 lbs.) BMI-31.6-OBESE


Face: 23"
Neck: 15 1/2"
Upper arm: Right: 19 1/2"
Left: 19"
Bust: 49 1/2"
Under Bust: 46"
Waist: 50"
Hips: 58"
Thighs: Right: 28 1/2"
Left: 28 1/4"
Wrist: Right: 7 1/2"
Left: 7 1/2"
Calf: Right: 18"
Left: 18"
Ankle: Right: 10"
Left: 10 1/2"
Ring Finger: 7 cm


Face: 23" with nose
Neck: 15"
Upper Arm: Right: 19 1/4"
Left: 19"
Bust: 47 3/4"
Under Bust: 42 1/2"
Waist: 47 3/4"
Hips: 53"
Thighs: Right: 28 1/2"
Left: 28"
Wrist: Right: 7 1/4"
Left: 7"
Calf: Right: 17 1/4"
Left: 17 1/4"
Ankle: Right: 9 5/8"
Left: 9 7/8"
Ring Finger: 6 3/8 cm


Face: 23" with nose
Neck: 15"
Upper Arm: Right: 18 3/4"
Left: 18 1/2"
Bust: 45 1/8"
Under Bust: 40 3/4"
Waist: 46"
Hips: 51 3/4"
Thighs: Right: 28"
Left: 27 1/2"
Wrist: Right: 7"
Left: 7"
Calf: Right: 17 1/4"
Left: 17 1/4"
Ankle: Right: 9 1/2"
Left: 9 3/4"
Ring Finger: 6 3/8 cm


Face: 22 3/4"
Neck: 14 3/8"
Upper Arm-Right: 18 1/4"
Left: 18"
Bust: 44 1/2"
Under Bust: 39 1/4"
Waist:43 3/4"
Hips: 50 3/8"
Thighs-Right: 26 1/2"
Left: 26 1/4"
Wrist-Right: 7"
Left: 7"
Calf-Right: 16 3/4"
Left: 17"
Ankle-Right: 9 3/4"
Left: 10"
Ring Finger: 6.4 cm


Face: 22 1/2" with nose
Neck: 14 1/4"
Upper Arm-Right: 17 1/2"
Left: 17 1/2"
Bust: 42 3/8"
Under Bust: 37 1/2"
Waist: 42 3/4"
Hips: 48 1/2"
Thighs-Right: 26 1/2"
Left: 25 3/8"
Wrist-Right: 7"
Left: 7"
Calf-Right: 16 1/2"
Left: 16 7/8"
Ankle-Right: 9 3/4"
Left: 10"
Ring Finger:6.2 cm


Today I had another dietician appointment just to go over the types of foods I should be moving into now and looking at my eating schedule, protien and liquid intake etc. I was honest with my dietician and told her that I have moved ahead farther than where I should be right now on the program. Before we were done talking, I asked her about apples, grapes and lettuce salad and basically she told me that I can experiment with different foods, but be careful. As far as the apples and grapes go, maybe the skin on them would be difficult to handle right now. I weighed in her office today at 233.5 pounds. That makes my BMI 36.5 on the chart. In the SEVERLY OBESE catagory still!Not too bad a loss so far. I am content.

This last week I have been thinking a lot and starting to think I may need to start some counseling of some sort. I will need to find a therapist/counselor that seems knowledgable in eating disorders and/or bariatric patient diets. I know that this surgery is done on our stomachs, not our heads, so I should work on my head and figure out what my relationship with food is exactly and what drives me to make decisions that I make.

I would like to add that I experienced my first episode of vomiting on food this last Saturday as well. I was going away with my son and before we left I ate some sweet and hot beef jerky pieces. I have had beef jerky before and it had settled real well with me. This time it didn't though. Not sure if it was because of the hot/spicey part or not, but on the way out to the parking lot of Wal-Mart my mouth started to water and I was hoping that I could at least make it to beside my vehicle where I could be a bit more consealed. Well I did, and to be honest, I felt sooo much better after I threw up because before that, my tummy was hurting, and I just wasn't in the mood for shopping.

I am still working on getting in my liquids and protien in plus my vitamins. Vitamins are going well and I find it is easier for me to get in my protien, with real food verses protien supplements such as shakes. The water is a different story though as I struggle with that on a daily basis. I know someday I will work up to it. I have found that if I can drink in the morning my skim milk with CIB, that helps curb my thirst first thing in the morning, and also gets some protien in. I will work on drinking skim milk more for my snacks, instead of eating my snacks, to try and get in more of my liquids for the day. I will write more as other appointments come up or something intriqueing to me seems interesting to journal about. Take care everyone and GOD bless those of us who are learning our path with WLS.


Yesterday was our support group so I went to weigh on Dr. Pitchfords scale at the clinic before the group meeting. I weighed in at 227.8 on there for a total of 51 pounds lost. My husband took my measurements at two months post op too so I posted that on my profile as well. I lost another 9 7/8" this last month. The grand total of inches lost so far from one day pre-op is 26 5/8". Not too shabby. My BMI is now 35.7 which I am still in the SEVERLY OBESE catagory.


Today was my 3 month plus one day check up with Dr. Pitchford. I was weighed and have lost a total of 60.6 lbs so far. It would have been a bit more, but I grazed a bit after christmas so am working on getting back to basics now to get the rest of this weight off for my health and well being. Dr. Pitchford said I was doing real well for my beginning weight and height. He thought another 30-40 lbs would be a healthy weight, however I told him I am hoping to lose how much I have lost thus far, plus a bit more if I can manage to do it. I told him I would like to see myself at goal or very close to it by June or July but he mentioned that average patients lose about 100 lbs at nine months out. With that bit of information, I told him I guess I will just have to see how things go and take whatever I get. He listened to my lungs, had me lie down on the exam table and pushed on my abdomen to check it. I forgot to ask him what exactly he was checking for. Oh well. I did have blood work drawn before I went to see him also so will find out later how that all came out. My last lab work came back good so hopefully this one will as well. He asked what I was taking for vitamins ect. so I told him. I added numbers and found that I have lost another 11 1/4" since last month for a grand total of 37 7/8" altogether. Oh,...speaking of inches. Dr. Pitchford did mention that from here on out I might not lose as fast, but should notice more in dropping sizes of clothing. That would be good too! I will see him in another 3 months which will be my six month check up. Thats in March already! I am praying that I will be under the 200 mark by then, which I believe I can make that goal. I do want to clarify that as far as exercise goes, I have been really slack since Thanksgiving. I am hoping to pick up some sort of physical activity, and this is gonna sound really lame, but when it warms up for sure, I want to hit the pavement again. I just hate exercising indoors. My BMI is dropping so I am happy about that, and very thankful. It is now...34.1. I am finally in a new catagory, the OBESE one now! Again, I want to thank the Lord for the skill and wisdom of Dr. Pitchford and the strength, ability and health of what has been given to be with my family and enjoy the days I have to share with them. Last but not least, my wonderful angel who is a constant in my mind, and so wonderful to talk and express/share my feelings with. Julie, if you are reading this, THANK YOU sooo much hun. Really!!!


Last night was our monthly support group. I got there late as I was busy doing other things, but missed maybe a half an hour if that. The class lasted a little longer, went till about 7 pm, but was interesting. We even got some free samples of Vitamist spray to take home and try so will do that soon. Lots of inspirational people in that room of support. I quickly weighed myself before support group also as I wanted to see by Dr. Pitchfords scale if I have lost in the last 8 days. I weighed in at 212.2 lbs. That would give me a total lose of 66.6 lbs and my BMI would be 33.2. I am still in the OBESE catagory, but that is fine, I know my next catagory will be the overweight catagory and that will hopefully be with in the next 3 months. That is a goal of mine anyway. I'll see if I can do it. :o)

Eating has been going pretty well, getting in my protien by mainly foods, no protien drinks etc. I just haven't really found one that I truely like that isn't real expensive, so I stick with my skim milk with CIB in it if I feel like I want some that way. I did have an incident recently where I had part of a salad from Burger King and ordered the shrimp one instead of the chicken, and I really feel like the shrimp didn't agree with me for some reason. I ate part of salad the next day from Wendy's called the Taco Supreme, and that sat with me fine, I have made three meals with it so far, and have about one more meal of it left. I didn't eat the chips that come with the salad as I want to stay away from that kind of stuff as long as I can. My fluids are still hard to get in, but working on it still. My exercise still hasn't changed, although I am looking into getting either a gazelle or a recumbant bike. I have a treadmill and elliptical at home now, but want something different. I really dislike walking indoors so I don't care to do the treadmill. I think the gazelle would be easy on the joints and fun. Although, if I watch t.v, read a book or listen to music with headphones or something, I could peddal away on a recumbant bike too, so haven't really decided on which one yet. I am kinda waiting to see if they will have some good sales after the New Years Resolutions have been in process for a while now.


I just had to document this as it is a milestone in my head. I have not told many people about my surgery, and no one from church. Well, tonight I went to church with my kids to serve supper/desert for a bunch of youth kids and some parents. We were there to see a group called WATERMARK. It is a group of 3 guys and 4 gals, all of which are from the U.S.A, Canada and Denmark. They are really talented and sounded fantastic!

Here's why I am really journaling though. I had not one, but two people come up to me and tell me how nice I am looking, and one of them asked how much I have lost, and how I was doing it. I didn't tell them the exact amount I lost or how I exactly lost it. I just didnt feel like they needed to know. They asked me how long I have been working on losing the weight too, and they were like, whoa! What I am trying to say is this. People I haven't told about my surgery, well they are beginning to notice now!! It's a nice feeling. :o)

Another thing I wanted to jot down too. I beleive I am dealing with a few sea food items that are not agreeing with me lately, so will try to be more conciencious about what sets with me, and what doesn't. I also am dealing with a bit more head hunger now, so am working on that somewhat too.

Oh! One other thing. I have developed a rash on my arms, and a bit on my upper chest and neck this past week. Not sure what it is from, but it itches a tad bit, but nothing terrible so I will keep an eye on that as well.


It's been 4 months since surgery and I have lost a total of 73.8 lbs. I am now 205 lbs. Things have definately slowed down as Dr. Pitchford mentioned. I am still losing inches though. I have lost 9 3/4" this last month for a grand total so far of 47 5/8". MY BMI is 32.1 now which still leaves me in the OBESE CATAGORY. I know I will get to the overweight catagory sometime, then in the normal catagory. I am now wearing 16/18 pants and L or XL tops. I will still plug away at my mission here. I guess patience is a virtue, however, patience was and is not one of my strong points. :o) I guess it will have to be though.

I finally went out and bought a gazelle. I put it on the second notch of intensity and am working on it at that level. I don't work out on it everyday, but when I find the time to fit it in. I really can't wait till it gets warm enough out to start walking though. That will be another goal of mine...start walking.

I still struggle with getting in all my water. I seem to do pretty well with getting in my protien. Some days better than others. I work on doing my vitamins etc., however some days I forget some or all of them. I know how important they are, so I really do work on remembering them. At the present, I take a multi-vitamin chewable, a prenatal tablet, a B-12 sublingual, a calcium citrate and VIACTIVE in a calcium chewable..chocolate flavor 2X a day. It doesn't say on the package if it is calcium citrate or carbonate, so I figure it can't harm me even though I am taking the citrate as well. Some days I will take an iron pill just to keep my energy up as well. Labs so far have come back with great results. That's a plus!! I am dealing with head hunger too at times. Restriction has been pretty good, although some days I feel I can eat more than others, and of course that time of the month, I feel like I crave and can eat more also.

I pray to GOD and thank him for allowing me this chance, and for being able to see the beauty in every day. I pray for him to show me and give me the knowledge to understand and have the ability to use this tool correctly, that has been given to me, for the rest of my life.

My mother is not doing well. She is no longer moving around much as she is in much pain. She moves from her bed to her commode which is basically a couple feet from one another. She is still living at home with my dad. She is severly overweight and has been all of her life. I never really knew how much she weighed, but she asked me to see if I could pick up a commode for her recently and it had to be a bariatric commode for 400-450 lbs. She is 5' 5" tall. After calling, she couldn't get one, but had one ordered and on its way. She has talked more to me lately, which is rather uncommon in our relationship. We have really never seen eye to eye. She has been negative to me 90% of my life and has told me that I will end up just like her. Maybe she is right in some ways, however I am trying, and want to feel loved by my parents as well. I guess we all can't have fairy tale families. I feel tension in myself lately, I'm not sure if it is for things she is asking meself and my siblings that live around here to do, and has mentioned my name in specific. Things like helping with funeral arrangements, helping to change and clean her bedding before home health care gets there because she is too embarrassed to have them see her messes, cleaning her room and going through boxes and boxes of stuff that is stored in there etc. I know it's normal for children to help their parents when they need help, however, I have never had a close relationship with my parents, and it seems as though whenever they want me, its when they want something from me. I feel angry at times about my feelings. Something I may need to express to someone.

I have recently told my parents with in the last month now about my RNY surgery. Before that, they never knew. My mother really didn't say a whole lot. My dad had tears and asked many questions about it. I told them that I was in no way there, telling them about my surgery, thinking that this is what my mom needed. Both parents said that the doctors told my mom that if she even could have the surgery, she would need to lose weight before hand. She has many medical ailments, which in turn is slowly killing her. I believe in my heart of hearts, my mom is ready for her time in heaven now. She is expressing and preparing. She would like her children to write her one last note each, so that she can read it before she is gone. Not quite sure what to say. Still pondering on a lot of things lately.


I was going to update my profile yesterday, but turns out it will be updated today because of plans.

Some things to update on, so hopefully I will remember them all. My five month post-op anniversary has come and gone. That month was a very slow month according to the scale. I lost a whopping three pounds. It's better than gaining. Anyway, I seemed to have been on a platue for a while and it just wasn't budging. I didn't get upset about it. I figured when it was ready, it would move. At five months I weighed 202 lbs. and my BMI was 31.6 which still leaves me in the OBESE CATAGORY.

Good news!!! I weighed yesterday and the scale finally said I weighed 199 lbs.!!! I am finally in onederland!!!!!! Ya know...the one hundreds? One-derland? Yes, I finally made it! No more 2's in front of my weight now, just a 1. I weighed today just for the heck of it, and it said I weighed 198 so that means the scale is finally moving a bit now again. Horray!!! 198 puts my BMI at 31 exactly and still leaves me in the OBESE CATAGORY, however, I will eventually get out of that catagory and into the next one soon. Maybe with in the next month from today yet? I don't know, but I will get there.

I have worked the gazelle some. I have heard a lot of great reviews about WALK AWAY THE POUNDS too, so decided to go out and buy one of those tapes/dvds. I bought a package with two of them in it actually and have used it a couple of times now. It isn't been bad at all. It's very easy to adjust to a persons comfort level of how much they are able to do. It's basically walking in place in your home and moving how they ask you. You would have to see the tapes/dvds to see how they really work. I bought the dvds to get me through the cold days here until it gets real nice out and I can start walking outside. I know it all takes commitment, whatever a person decides to do. I don't plan on exercising my fool head off, but work it into my daily life somehow so it will be easy to keep up the exercise. Like for instance, my home is a mile round trip to my work and back, so I walk there and back two times a day. That's 2 miles a day. Something I could definately work into my daily life. Maybe I would only be able to do one mile a day, then I would pick something else to do, to work some calories off. Maybe raking the lawn, unloading hay or something of the like. Even shopping burns calories as I am moving around and on my feet more than other days.

Things have been a bit more busier since I last updated. I spoke of my mothers inability to move around and it has since gotten worse. She has called a couple times for my husband and myself to come over and help her up so she could get onto her commode. The last time we helped her, that night she couldnt get up at all in the middle of the night to get to commode by herself, so she ended up calling the ambulance to come. From there she was transported to Luther Hospital. That was on March 1st. She is still in the hospital and they are trying to get her into a nursing home right now, but everything seems to be filled up. They possibly might have found one that has an opening, but not for sure yet, so they might possibly move her today there. I am waiting for a phone call from my sister or dad to let me know one way or another. She still is not able to get up on her own, and her movement has been very minimal. She has gotten bed sores also and she seems to be wearing down and just plain tired. I told her she has to stay positive and keep fighting. I know I am not as close to her as I wished I was, however I am not ready to lose her either at the moment. Some family lives far away in Texas and London, England. My sister that lives in London called and was crying because she does not have the money to come home and doesn't want to miss the funeral if my mom passes. I can totally understand her hurt.

On another note, my brother has seen the changes in myself and says I look "damn good". His words, not mine. :o) Anyway, he has dealt with being overweight most of his life as well, and has been inquiring into this surgery now, and thinking of trying to have it done for himself. I have not asked him yet how much searching he has done, however I hope he educates himself well enough to understand everything that goes along with the surgery. I wish him luck in whatever his decision is. I know what it's like to be unhealthy....and it really sucks!!!

I have to schedule an appointment the end of this month for my six month check up and then I may update again then. Dr. Pitchford I hear is leaving for active duty again in May so I will have seen him by then. I am currently wearing a size 14/16 pants and still L-XL shirts. I have 58 pounds to get to my personal goal of 140 lbs. and 48 lbs. to get to Dr. Pitchfords first stated goal for me of 150. If I don't make goal, I will still be happy, for I know I have made a step closer to being healthier and happier. God will take me where I should be. Thanks be to Him for my life and health!

TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2005

I am almost 9 months out from surgery now. My weight hasn't changed much since I last updated. I weighed yesterday morning after not weighing in for a long while. I weighed 190 pounds which puts me in the OVERWEIGHT catagory. My BMI is now 29.8. I haven't really been exercising. Just my normal things that keep me busy. I seem to be able to eat more than I did in the past, although I still have some days where I can't eat a lot too.

I have been thinking about my goal for a while now. I don't know if a goal of 140 pounds is realistic for me, however if I happen to miraculasly get there, I would be so elated!!! That means I would have 50 pounds to go to get to that goal weight. I would love to lose more, and know I have to work harder to get there if that is truely what I want, however if I weighed this weight the rest of my life, I wouldn't complaine. I feel so much better than I did a year ago! I have come to realize that I am not going to look like a young teenager anymore. I am not out to impress anyone but myself anymore either. I am still into size 14/16 pants and L/XL in most tops. NO, I'm not tiny, however I'm not obese anymore either. I'm getting healthier and that is what matters to me. I can move around better and feel like doing things again. I know Dr. Pitchford said he would like to see me with a BMI of 30 or below. Well, looks as if I have made that goal now. I want this to be a comfortable life style change for me, something I am able to live with without consuming a large part of my day (physically working out/walking) to stay this way.

Not much else happening except daily things around here. My family and I just finished up with the Colfax Fair this last week so things are a bit of a mess around here with all the hussle and bussle of that going on. Now its time to spruce things up and try to keep in touch with my mom by visiting her in the nursing home. Running my dad places that he needs to go keeps me busy too. My mom has been moved from the Fall Creek Nursing Home to the Bloomer-Maple Wood Nursing Home now, as of May 18th. Things are slowly improving for her, however no release dates or anything close to it yet. I'm optomistic she will be able to come home some day, just not sure when. Till next time, wishing you all health and happiness!!!

About Me
Colfax, WI
Mar 02, 2009
Member Since

Friends 4
