
Apr 07, 2007

I am a country girl at heart, clothes, purses, music, dancing, men...oh wait I'm married.....LOL.

Today a lady came into work with a pair of western style pants, I cannot wait to buy my first pair, along with a cute western style shirt.  I might even get a new purse, lol.

When I think about the fact that this will be a reality I begin to get teary eyes.  I wish surgery day would hurry so I can get rid of these cryin cooties!  LOL

The last supper

Apr 07, 2007 husband took me out to dinner for my 'last supper' of sorts.

We went to a nice steak house and went all out.  Appetizer, salad, entree, and dessert, oh and a raspberry margarita.

It was all very good.  I ate more last night than I have in a long time.  The whole time just thinking...soon...very soon....I will not be able to eat like this...thank God!

Still a little emotional, but I don't have time for that.  I've got to get things ready for us to be gone for those 4 days.  We have 3 dogs and 2 cats that I need to make sure is taken care of while we are gone.  I have books for the classes that I teach that are being delivered probably while we are gone.  Of course then there is the house and yard.  Oh I forgot laundry....well as you can see this Easter weekend is going to be really busy for me.

5 days to go...

Apr 06, 2007

Well I have 5 days before I have surgery.  So far everyone is telling me that the emotionalism is normal.  However, I may still need a good therapist.

My case manager called and I guess they will follow me for 1 year.  Kind of nice.....

Emotional Issue

Apr 05, 2007

I am reading my wls for dummies book, I get to the chapter on buying clothes that fit and I began to get teary eyed.

Why is losing weight such an emotional issue for me?????

I do want to be healthy
I do want to enjoy eating healthy foods
I do want to enjoy working in my yard
I want to be able to walk my dog without breaks
I do want to shop in 'regular' stores
I do want to fit into public places, plane seats, restaraunt chairs, etc.

So why?  Surgery is in 6 this normal?  I have been so excited and now tears?  I guess the emotional roller coaster as started and I need to keep myself in check.

I also started sipping water didn't know sipping could be so hard, LOL.

Boy I need a good therapist!

wls for dummies

Apr 04, 2007

OMG, I just got this book and have been reading it.  Now I'm glad I have cut back on ciggerettes, and I will not smoke again.  They can cause ulcers in rny patients.

Well........this surgery really is going to make me a healthier person.

Tonight I ate I like it!   LOL  I was totally amazed but I did I really like it.  Cool, there's a new vegetable I can have after surgery.

Well tomorrow I'm going to start drinking, no sipping water all day so I can be well practiced for surgery and hospital discharge.

I have decided to keep a journal both written and pics of my journey so....who knows you may see some pics of me shopping tomorrow for my sippie cup, baby spoon, etc......

Hate but Love

Apr 03, 2007

Ok, I really need to stay away from smoking; at least until I have surgery.  I hate smoking......but I love smoking.....if smoking wasn't bad for you I wouldn't want to quit....LOL

Oh and I started helping out a friend who owns her own business...and it's a ciggerette store...I'm surrounded...HELP

About Me
Apr 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 26
Finally spent money on new clothes
80 lbs lighter
Worth it?
As time goes on
The stupid scale
Doing well
Hmmm all better.....
Trip to Clovis
