Wheew busy day

Mar 10, 2009

I had a busy day today!!  I had to see my pcp this morning.  Then it was off to Ocala for me to see Dr. Overcash at 1pm.  Good visit, informative.  I had everything I needed for the insurance except the Psych clearance and a thyroid panel.  So, then i was off to the psychiatrist.  Wow, those people charge ALOT for 20 minutes of their time, i should go into that field!  So i got my clearance from her, she said she will fax it to the surgeon by the end of the week.  so, the surgeon says to shoot for the 25th for surgery.  I really hope this gets approved, if it doesn't that six months down the drain.  And a broken heart ta' boot. 
So, i will keep my fingers crossed and pray alot.



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middleburg, FL
Nov 24, 2008
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