Progress To Date

Nov 18, 2007

Wow....5 Months Post op already!!!1

Oct 30, 2007

Hi everyone!!!  It's been a LONG time since I've updated.  Well as of today I am 5 months post-op and have gone from my highest weight of 353 to 256 today.  I am feeling good, just frustrated at a few **BUMPS** in the road.  I am suffering from chronic constipation and gas.  I have been on two different meds and nothing has worked 100%.  It has caused my weight loss to be slower than most people and that is frustrating but I'm still plugging away.  If anyone has any NATURAL tips on how to deal with this, please Tell Me!!!!  

In the past month I've bought a Halloween Costume right off the rack in Wal-Mart, gone Roller Blading, and bought a very nice new watch.  The little things in life....

Thanks for letting me share!!!

One month post-op!

Jun 30, 2007

Well I'm one month post-op and I've lost 20.2 pounds.  I can feel the difference in my clothes but it is hard to see anything in the mirror.  A lot of other people can see it but I guess it will take time for me.  I'm still feeling great !   

I did it!!! I'm home!!!!

Jun 02, 2007

Ok, I'm 3 days post op and feeling pretty good.  I had some problems with gas but other than that I'm doing pretty good.  I was up and walking within 1/2 hour of being out of recovery.  The only thing that happened (which was more of a pain in the but than anything else) was that because of the dehydration from the bowel prep my veins didn't cooperate real well and during the night my I.V. infiltrated twice and they turned me into a pin cushion for about 2 hours and finally had to call an ICU nurse to get another one going.  My only advice is, Drink a lot more water than it tells you to on the bowel prep.  I drank close to 3 liters of water, ate 3 things of sugar free jello and had about 20 ozs of chicken broth and I was still dehydrated.  I think I would rather have been up peeing all night then go through what I did with the IVs but it all worked out.  Thanks to everyone who has kept me in their prayers, God heard them and I am doing great.  Will post again after Thursday, 6/7 when I meet with my surgeon again.

Getting Nervous/Excited!!!!

May 28, 2007

Well, only two days before surgery and I'm getting pretty nervous and excited at the same time.  I have endured the two weeks of liquid diet and have managed to loose 29 pounds total since December so my BMI is actually at 51, down from 55.6.  I'm feeling pretty good and doing EXACTLY what I'm told.  I'm drinking my fluids and walking at least 2 miles a day (in one walk), sometimes up to 2.8.  

Thank you to everyone who has sent me messages and who is praying for me.  I know I have so much support but there are times I feel all alone.  This has been a very emotional last couple of weeks and I'm sure the emotions will continue for a while but if I'm not ready now, I never will be.  All my labs came back good, my sleep apnea has actually improved since the recent weight loss and my doctor says I'm doing this at exactly the right time, BEFORE I develope heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, etc.  I have to feel confident about that.  

Thanks again to everyone and the next time you hear from you, I'll be a LOOSER!  :) :)

I have a date!

Mar 21, 2007

Well, it's only been a week since I found out that I was approved after I had to appeal and I got my date today!  Surgery is May 30, 2007.  For anyone who is reading this, please keep me in your prayers.  I am very excited but also scared beyond belief.  Thanks!!

About Me
Susanville, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 08, 2004
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 6
Progress To Date
Wow....5 Months Post op already!!!1
One month post-op!
I did it!!! I'm home!!!!
Getting Nervous/Excited!!!!
I have a date!
