jan 9th 09

Jan 09, 2010

This is the start to a new me, i have had 2 kids since weight loss surgery now i'm trying to get those 40 pounds back off. To start I'M GONNA HAVE TP PURGE MY BAD HABITS AGAIN, GET A HANDLE ON MY ASHTMA so i can exercise again, i lost most of my weight by walking and eating right. I cant walk like i use too dr. said i need to do some climate control exercise. i watch dr. oz alot and im gonna get me a pedometer to get in my 10,000 steps a day, also im gonna have to try and get in my protein and cut out my snacking, get in 8 hours of sleep(i think this is gonna be the hardest), do 1 hour of cardio at least 3 times a week, drink more water, this is also hard some time i forget to drink all day. well i think this is a great start. i dont plan to start all of this a once but incorporate a little bit at a time. My first goal is 12 lbs by 03-15-10.   


About Me
Jan 09, 2010
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