Birth Control Pills? I Feel Like A Teenager!

Nov 03, 2008

I have to update about my constipation first.  I drink 4 oz of prune juice and then eat Kashi Go Lean hot cereal in the morning (sometimes I drink 4 oz of prune juice at night, too).  Two hours later, things are really moving.  It has been much better in that department.  I'm going to slowly re-introduce protein shakes again once I'm pooping to my standards. 

I calculated that I am a little over 9 weeks post op and in that time, I have been on my period for a little over 6 weeks in total!  Outrageous!  The period that I'm currently on has been going on for over 4 weeks!!  I can't be bleeding like that.  That is not healthy.  I know my hormones are going through a major overhaul, but gees!  I saw my gp today and was prescribed Yaz birth control pills.  I have a love/hate relationship with them since 10 years ago I took them and gained 100 lbs in 11 months and damn near went coo coo.  But the doc prescribed me a low dose that is supposed to help with those bits of pill related psychosis.  I took one immediately tonight, so I'm hopeful that in a couple of days my period will go away and normalize.

Tomorrow's the presidential election and I think I'm actually more excited about this than Christmas.  Go Obama!!!  Oh and my friend Dianne is having her surgery tomorrow, too.  I'm so excited for her!!

Poop Shoot Riot

Oct 29, 2008

     Lovely title, I know.  
    You know how I said I've been struggling with terrible constipation?  Well, it got really ugly today.  Actually yesterday to today.  Yesterday I took two doses of Milk of Mag and felt the urge to go, but discovered to my utter horror an impaction.  Not pleasant.  I'm not going to go into the unpleasant details, but suffice it to say that I was in extreme pain and sat on the toilet for 7 hours in a 24 hour period.  I tried EVERYTHING to get that damn impaction out, including a rather violating Fleets.  My husband called Dr. Lalor for advice, which kind of embarrassed me, since I knew there wasn't much to be done, but he was desperate after hearing me whine for 12 hours.  Dr. Lalor suggested I go to the ER and I didn't because of the humiliation factor.  But, after 24 hours of pain that no person should experience in that nether region, I relented and went to the ER this morning.  They gave me a mineral oil Fleets and it worked.  The pain was so overwhelming I thought I was going to pass out.  Christ on a cracker I have got to do something about this constipation.  I'm going to lay off my protein shakes for a few days and try to experiment with food.  I'm desperate.  At this point, vomiting doesn't seem as bad as what I went through today.  
    So, I'm going to eat normal foods and try my hardest to get my protein in some way.

Two Months Out

Oct 26, 2008

       Two months.  It doesn't seem possible.  Actually, it's a bit surreal.  I've dreamed about weight loss surgery for years and suddenly, here I am 2 months post op. 
    I've lost 40 lbs in these 2 months.  I have to say, I don't see a difference in my appearance, even though everyone gapes at me and says how much different I look.  I just see the same ol' girl looking back at me from the mirror.  I do feel different; hip bones are beginning to emerge, my clavicle is becoming quite pronounced and I have a neck.  A real neck!  My clothes seem baggier as well.
    I'm rejoicing in the fact that I can clean my whole house, including laundry, in one hour.  Before, I would pop a Vicodin and still have to take breaks and it would take me a good three hours to clean.  My hip and back pain has decreased by at least 85%.  I still have pain on rainy days and cold days, but it's such a drastic change!!!  I can't believe it.
    I also had labs drawn for my 2 month follow up with Dr. Lalor.  Everything looked pretty good. My cholesterol went from 210 to 176!!!!  Can you believe that?!  It's only been 2 months!  My LDL and HDL are stabilizing, but still slightly out of range.  I'm so delighted.
    I joined a gym and exercise 3-4 times per week, lifting weights, cardio and swimming.  I'm learning Tai Chi and soon will be starting yoga.  I really love exercising.  Hold on, let me say that again.  I really love exercising.  Yeah, it's easier when you don't feel like you hip is going to rot off or your back is going to snap in two.  
     Now, the uglier parts.  I'm constipated.  Really bad.  I drink prune juice twice a day and take Milk of Mag every 3-4 days.  My fluid intake is about 58-60 oz.  I'm pretty miserable in that aspect.  Now I know why the old folks complained so mightily in the nursing homes.  It HURTS.
     I struggle to eat slowly.  I vomited for the 5th time the other day because I ate too fast.  You'd think I would have learned by now.  I was so damn mad when I barfed.  I had just taken my vitamins and ate chicken.  All of those good nutrients down the drain!
     Post op weeks 3-5 were hell.  Pure hell.  My stomach hurt like someone punched me every time I ate.  Nothing was sitting well and I developed nausea that persisted pretty much all day.  To say I regretted the surgery was an understatement.  I wanted to ask Dr. Lalor to reverse the procedure.  My mom reminded me that I have never been able to tolerate acid blockers long term.  I decided to stop taking them for a few days to see if my condition improved.  To my utter delight it did!!  No longer did I wake up with a mouth full of acidic food in the middle of the night.  Over the course of a week, my nausea slowly subsided and that horrible "donkey kick" pain also slowly disappeared.  During that time, I regressed back to protein shakes and cottage cheese with the occasional peanut butter and crackers.  
     I hate eating.  I have come to terms with my food mourning and no longer run and hide at meals.  Family gatherings are a bit tough, since I've discovered that I was a social eater.  I didn't know that until a couple of weeks ago, but wow!  I have no hunger pains or desire for food.  I really dislike eating and would rather ignore the fact that I have to, but for survival, I clearly must.  I eat the bare minimum at all times to pacify my stomach and unwilling mind.  I did talk to Dr. Lalor and Jane, the nutritionist about my hatred of eating.  They told me it was okay and normal for some, so that made me feel less like a freak.  My family is constantly on me to eat more and try variety, but fear keeps me eating the same three things everyday.  Maybe when I get braver, I'll branch out.
     I'm pretty happy so far and will try to do better with my eating.  Until the next update!!

One Month Later...

Sep 26, 2008

I'm 4 weeks post op. One month has gone by since I had weight loss surgery. It's flown by!

So, here's the skinny. I've lost 27lbs so far. The knitty gritty of this is that I lost 24lbs in the first week and a half then stalled for 2 weeks before losing another three pounds. I stalled because I wasn't getting enough calories. Only about 300 a day. I was just too scared to eat. Yeah, the irony is not lost on me.

I've vomited three times because I ate too fast. Each time I made myself vomit to relieve the pain and pressure in my chest. I'm trying to slow down, but I've always been such a fast eater. I knew this would be a problem before my surgery. As I sit here typing, I'm slowly taking small bites of corn beef and hash, which is so ridiculously good that I feel like a human again.

Emotionally, this is so much harder than I had prepared for. Watching my family eat at restaurants or homemade plates mounded with scrumptious food while I nibble on cottage cheese is quite traumatizing. I've cried and am mourning the loss of my formal life. People who think weight loss surgery is a quick fix make me laugh. Yes, we will lose weight. But, chewing food to liquid consistency ain't very fun.

I usually eat about 2-2 ½ cups of food per day spread out through out the day. I eat about ½ cup at a time and drink steadily through the day. I'm not getting in enough fluid and border on dehydration. I'm trying, though.

I've battled constipation and measure everything that goes into my mouth. I eat pretty much the same things everyday: cottage cheese, string cheese, a cracker, hash, and chicken salad. I'm bored with my menu, but in another 4 weeks, I'll be able to eat real food. I'm on a pureed type diet right now. I will be able to eat normally eventually.

Now, the light at the end of the tunnel. My blood pressure is normal. My hormones are balancing correctly. My hip pain has decreased significantly. I feel lighter on my feet. I feel good. I feel hopeful and excited. I've been overweight since I was 8 years old. Getting this surgery has all ready opened doors to me that were firmly closed. I have potential. I am excited for the future. All the misery listed above will eventually be worth it and I am so excited. I'm melting…melting! What a world!!

Dulcolax...Dear Lord!

Sep 12, 2008

I've never had much problems with constipation.  Until now.  I took a Dulcolax a week ago after not poohing for 5 days.  I took it at 11pm and by 4am, the problem...well, let's just say it was gone.  No fuss, no muss.  However, after another 4 days of no pooh, I decided to take another Dulcolax.  Just a tiny 5mg orange tab.  I took it at 3pm and by 7pm, my world was one boiling wave of pain after the other.  It worked, however.  But, the pain didn't go away.  Actually, it grew worse and worse until I was writhing in pain, not caring if I lived or died.  It was probably the worse pain I've experienced yet.  I was actually quite angry that I didn't have a baby to show for it.  The pain came in hot, boiling stabbing contractions that pulsed every 1-2 minutes.  Nothing soothed it.  My husband called the ER and was told it was probably the Dulcolax and just to ride it out.  I rode it out for 4 hours.  Four damn hours of contracting, doubling over pain that left me in a state of total exhaustion.  When the pain subsided, I fell asleep and slept for 11 hours.  I don't know what the hell I'm going to do the next time I don't pooh.  For damn sure it won't be taking a Dulcolax. 

I'm Alive!!

Aug 31, 2008

Whooo hoooo!!!  I made it!!!  Who woulda thunk it?  Nah, really I had faith in my surgeon.  He's quite a fellow.
So, the nitty gritty about the surgery:

   I arrived at the hospital at 6:30am, NERVOUS.  Not nervous enough to flail about and throw a tantrum, but nervous enough that I shook uncontrollably. Looking back,  I am sooooo surprised at my calm.  I never thought in a million years I'd handle the surgery so well.  Anywho, I got there and they quickly wheeled me into the intake room where I dressed in super sexy cloth thigh high boots and the ever so appealing butt less gown. 
    They weighed me in and all of the agony over that damn diet and all I'd lost was BARELY 3 pounds!!  Oh, the horror.  I began to wonder if the surgery would even work.
   My husband and parents came into wish me well and give me hugs and kisses before Dr. Lalor came in looking bright eyed and bushy tailed.  I love nothing more than a cleared eyed sharp looking surgeon, thank you very much. 
    They wheeled me into the OR, where I chattered nearly off the table.  I scooted onto the OR table and heard a radio station in the background and asked what it was.  When the surgical nurse said, "Classic Rock". I felt a glow of excitement.  I know, it's the little silly things that make a day, ain't it? I said, "Thank God! I was praying it was anything but country, but Classic Rock is my favorite."  They must have put some gooooood stuff in my IV, because I started giggling like a school girl.  I laughed so hard the nurses asked me what was so darn funny.  I replied rather stupidly, "Not only do I get to have my miracle surgery, but I get to listen to the Doors and keep on laughing."   Yeah, that was the last thing I remember saying.  What a dunderhead I must have sounded like. Keep on laughing.  Good day.
    I remember feeling VERY nauseated and having lots of pain in the recovery room.  I heard two men talking about how hard I was to arouse.  One said to the other, "She'll wake up if you yell at her."  I then heard someone bark my name and I opened my eyes for a hella second and grunted.  
    I remember being wheeled back into my room, seeing my sister's smiling face, my hubsand and my parents.  Oh, but I was in so much pain!  I think I mumbled and grunted about it.  It did take them close to two hours to hook up my Morphine PCA.  That was 2 hours too long, let me tell ya.
    It's patchy after that.  I SLEPT!!!  I remember Dr. Lalor coming in and I asked him if my liver was small enough for him.  I'm sure it sounded more hillbillyish than I can describe.  He said it was nice and small and tucked way up under, so that made me happy.
     I remember the catheter pain!  Oh, it was awful.  I remember being really scared because I had been laying in bed for so long (Like maybe 12 hours) that I thought I would get pneumonia.  I asked the nurses to let me sit up and when they did that horrific catheter burned like liquid fire!!!!  I rolled from side to side and they assumed I was dizzy and layed me back down, but then put up a Gold Star for a fall risk.  I found that rather humorous!  I wasn't dizzy, I was trying to avoid the pain!  But, I commend them for my personal safety.
     But, since I am a nutball, I convinced myself that I was going to get pneumonia from inactivity about 2am , I started shaking and shivering again, like I did pre-op.  The nurses came in to assess me and check my blood sugar, but nothing helped.  When they left my room, my beloved husband, who was to stay with me every second until I was discharged, talked me into submission and reality.  I don't know what I would have done without him.  Good God, I love him. 
    The next day, a really cute MALE student nurse came in to give me a bed bath! Ha!  I have to say I was probably innapropriate to him.  I said, "There's no way you're giving me a bed bath. You're way too cute!!" He made a beeline outta there!  My catheter came out that night and my dear friend, Dianne Pfouts came to see me as well as my father-in-law and I was pretty content.  I did have serious left abdomenal pain that lasted until Dr. Lalor removed the drains on the last day.  Truthfully, the only pain I felt was that.  The surgical pains felt like I had done a 1,000 set ups, but that drain tube pain was bad. Really bad.  I took morphone, Torodal, and Liquid Vicodin for it.  I had no choice, though  Those drains are there to remove excess, nasty fluid.
    I only had two nurses that were heinous.  Tammy and Jessica on the night shift.  They both came in my room grumbling about how tired they were, how they didn't want to be there and that as long as I wasn't 'whiney' we'd all get along fine. Yeah, I'm just going to say this now...they were bitches.  Jessica pushed my IV meds in too fast and made my arm and IV site BURN!  In the meager time they spent in my room, they talked about their plans, trials and tribulations and discontent.  Why does there have to that one or 2 nurses like that in every hospital?  But, the final night, I did have two angels, Lee and Holli, who were amazing, sweet and patient.  I call them Old School nurses because they're not in it for the money.  They actually seem to care and take extra steps to make you comfortable.  My IV pole was blessedly unhooked the second night, but the heart monitor and pulse ox wire were still in place, which was cumbersome, but doable.  
     The best advice I can give to anyone is to pay the extra money for a private room so that some one who loves you can stay with you until you go home.  If it hadn't been for my dear Eric, my hospital stay would have been traumatic.  The nurses were nice, but I think they must have been busy.  That's the way it is in this day though.

Tomorrow's the Day!!

Aug 26, 2008

    Here it is, Tuesday night.  I'm listening to Chris Matthews talk about the Democratic Convention.  Here I am, nervously/excitedly stewing while the world goes on.  As it should be.
    I helped my mom can the most delicious smelling salsa tonight. My family ate BBQ chicken and noodles.  I, however,  have drank chicken and beef broth.  Out of all of the will power days, this one has been the worst.  At least with a full liquid diet, I felt full.  Drinking salty broth does NOT keep one feeling full.  I didn't cheat, oh no.  I refuse.  I've come too far to do that.  However, looking back I feel that 2 weeks of a full liquid diet may not be a good idea.  It wasn't the will power issue, it was the weak body issue.  I feel like I have compromised my body before surgery and that disturbs me.  Is it better to go into surgery being healthy, hydrated and strong or have a svelte liver?  That's a toughy.  I trust my surgeon though and feel that he knows best.  So, I'm opting for the svelte liver.  Afterall, I will get stronger eventually, but a knicked liver?  Yeah.  Don't think I want one of those.
    I'm not nearly as nervous as I thought I would be, which is utterly SHOCKING.  I stress and worry enough for 10 people.  I can only hope and pray I am this sane in the morning.  If not, I'm gonna ask for some goodies through my IV as soon as I get there. 
    Just think...I'm changing my life for the better.  A huge change.  I've been overweight for sooooo long.  I can't believe this is happening.  This is just so amazingly wonderful!  I'd pinch myself, but I'm afraid all that would happen is that I'll leak water and beef broth!  
    Well, I'm off to tie up loose ends.  Holy Moley.  This is awesome!

Liquid Diet Weakness

Aug 25, 2008

     So, two days to go!! Actually, tomorrow is my clear liquid day, so hey, there's a little change of pace.  Oh. Joy.
     I have done amazingly on this diet, if I do say so myself.  No cheating, except for a banana and have found it suspiciously easy with the liquids.  However, yesterday I noticed that I began to feel really drained and weak.  My legs feel like extremely heavy jelly and my mouth is dry.  I feel like I could fall asleep at any time.  I'm very pale and peaky looking and when I stand/walk, I feel like I could pass out.  I asked around on the forums and pretty much, this is what I can expect after surgery.  Wooo.  It's gonna be rough, but I can do it.  I think I will feel better when I can eat eggs.  IMO, eggs are Mother Nature's super food.  I wonder how a raw egg would settle with me... Naw, I couldn't do it.

Liquid Diet: Day 5

Aug 22, 2008

     So, it's day five of the liquid diet.  I bought Whey Protein powder by Body Fortress in vanilla flavor.  I was surprised at how decent it tasted.  If I get bored, I'll blend up some fresh fruit, and that helps.  I also put some in my cereals, which helps but a sweet spin on them.  I even add some to my yogurt to get any extra protein in that I can.  I discovered that I have an intolerance to most sugar free products, which makes this diet really stink.  If I eat sugar free pudding or jello, then I get a raging headache, dry mouth and racing heart.  
    My day usually consists of cereal with a half scoop of protein powder for breakfast, soup for lunch, protein shake for supper and yogurt in between.  I go easy on the yogurt because it's not sugar free.  If I get super hungry at night, I'll have another small bowl of soup.  I supplement in between with LOTS of water.  Yeah, I'm peeing like a horse.  It's crazy!!!
    I haven't noticed any difference in my weight, although to be honest, I haven't weighed myself because my scales are junk.  I'll have to buy some post-op.  I don't really think I'm losing any weight and that worries me a bit. I really want a slim liver for the good doctor to manuever around.  
    I'm amazed.  This is not as hard as I thought it would be.  Most of the time, food was a filler for a hungry stomach, so this liquid diet thing isn't bad.  I still have 4 days left, so I may change my tune...even tomorrow. I feel quite cheered by the fact that I am doing so well and the closest I came to cheating was to sneak a banana.  To me, this liquid diet is just another thing that MUST be done.  Of course, when I'm hungry...WATCH OUT!  My husband stood between me and my can of soup to tell me a story and I snapped in the middle of it and yelled at him for being insensitive.  I realize that he wasn't; he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Poor fella.


Denied...Then Approved!!

Aug 18, 2008

     Holy Moley! Friday was a hairy sort of day.  The doctor's office called to let me know that my insurance company denied my vertical sleeve gastrectomy because they consider it investigational.  That sort of felt like a sucker punch to the belly.  I was then asked if I would be interested in trying for the RNY and I said yes, of course.  Even though this type of surgery is literally last on my list.  It's the whole dumping syndrome thing.  It's just so unpleasant.  I just keep seeing myself writhing around in pain, poohing every where after taking a nip of ice cream.  Oh, the horror.  

    For the last 8 months, I have lived the VSG.  I admittedly know very little about the RNY surgery, although thanks to this amazing site and the even more amazing people, I am quickly getting educated. 

    So, after an agonizing weekend filled with indecision and angst, I was finally cleared today to have the RNY surgery...and yes, I'm having it.  I swore it would be the VSG or the DS.  I still have doubts that I'm having the wrong surgery, but I'm desperate.  If I wait and find a new doctor (since my fella doesn't do the DS) and go through all of the red tape, then it may be too late.  All of my testing will expire in January and I'll have to start from scratch.  And after a grand total of $9,700 in testing, well...there just ain't no more money for that again.  So, it's now or never.  And I wouldn't have to worry about expiring tests if it wasn't for that goll darn doc that I had before my new fella.  Oye!  That's a rant for another day.
   When I found out I was approved I bawled like some kind of freak show.  I'm guessing it was something akin to how women feel when they give birth...that pure joy and excitement.  Even if it's not the surgery I initially wanted, I will make it work.  They say these surgeries are tools to work with.  So I have a hammer instead of a screw driver.
    Alas, I started my liquid diet today.  It will be for only 9 1/2 days instead of 14, so how can I complain too much?  Ha! Well, I'll blog on day 5 and see if I have any threads of sanity left.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 31, 2008
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 25
Four Stones and 3 months
