Eating too fast... its addictive

Sep 14, 2009

Well I went and done it - I ate too fast and am now stuffed to the point of wanting to lie down...  It is scarey because that is a familiar feeling from not too long ago - its an addictive feeling...  Although it feels rubbish - it is that feeling of fullness that makes you feel whole, complete and satisfied.  The drousiness that accompanies this feeling is that which makes you for get your feelings and emotions....

This is where the battle begins - in the same way I don't want to smoke those little white sticks - I don't want to be an addict of fullness!  This is how your pouch gets stretched, and this is how you fail!...
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Reponse to friend asking for Lap Band Update

Sep 07, 2009

The pain - My tummy has been sore as you can imagine - no laughing or coughing - but can chuckle and clear my throat now :D  The sorest thing was having my drain removed the day after surgery...  that was horrible!!  And now getting comfy on my work seat, or even walking about is a pain...  I'm re-evaluating my posture...  

The surgery went well - I've a stomach of steal - I've not felt sick once...  until this morning...  

I'm on a liquid diet - until yesterday I was including dutch crisp breads because the surgeon said they count because they disintegrate into nothing...  My online support group strongly recommended against it though... so as of yesterday I have re-evaluated what I am eating - so for another week or so - I am on liquids - I have protein shakes (this mornings protein shake was hard to get down without feeling sick) to get my protein levels up and lots and lots of water - which I can only drink in sips...  Other than that I can have yogurt, ice poles, jelly - all sugar free... Soup with no bits...  the soup I have has little bits - so I can start them on Friday, when I was originally supposed to move onto purees...  I am going to do liquids for a bit longer to ensure I heal, but will include these soups then...  

After this week I've to do purees until the 1st of October... scrabled egg, blended soft food...  And then October onward I'll be on a soft food diet where I should not eat:  

Meat (red)
Raw Vegetables
Fresh bread  

I've to get 150g of Protein a day - ensure I have my RDA of vitamins and drink 2 litres of water...  

For now the band is empty (unrestricted)  It has slowed down my ability to consume, but I am frequently hungry - over time they fill the band with saline though a port that I have under my skin on my belly...  1ml at a time.  it goes up to 8 ml, and somewhere along there I will find my "sweet spot" A restriction with is tight enough to keep the sensation of fullness for a long time, but lose enough not to block food altogether... At this point I will be on a strict 3 meals a day...  Any hunger in between is to be evaluated - if it is genuine hunger (ie not in the head) - I've to seek out a protein snack...   

Side affects are rapid weight loss (12lbs so far) and possible hair thinning - which should grow back...  Not too worried about this as I've a lot of hair...  I've approximately 7-10months to maximise my weightloss with the band as after a while my top pouch will get bigger. It's about the size of a golf ball now and will be the size of a lemon by this time next year.  So hopefully the first 50lbs will come off eaily enough - then the life style changes I am making will hopefully take care of the other 50, but this may take 2 years or more to achieve... :D

The day before

Aug 30, 2009

In brief I am scared... Why did I decide I could do this on my own?  I have a feeling I am going to miss my flight, or not get to the hospital on time.  Or lose something...  I think I am worried about all these things because it stops me worried about the actual procedure.

Confession time, ever since I was supposed to be on a pre op diet, I have stuffed my face...  I hope he can find my stomach passed my fatty liver...  I hope he doesn't open me up, and can't do it...

In through the nose 10, out through the mouth 20.....
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5 days till the big op...

Aug 26, 2009

Currently my biggest fear is that I don't get to the airport on time, or I forget something I need, and can't have it done...  I am supposed to be going away at the weekend, but will have to cancel plans in favour of getting ready - I want my house to be immaculate before going away (and hopefully the cats won't mess it up too badly!)...  I would like there to be frozen purees in the freezer ready to go, so I don't have to stress getting home...

Conversely I am really excited about getting home...  I'll have 3 days off before going back to work...  I am hoping to chillax get used to the eating and the tiredness...  And also starting my exercise regime....  Which hopefully can also include swimming... 

That's all for now...

New to OH - old to weight loss (or not as the case maybe)

Aug 18, 2009

Well, here's a little about me - My name is Amanda, I weigh about 270lbs, and I would like to lose 110 of those.  I have chosen the lap band as my ideal weight loss surgery option.  I am from the UK, and we have a national health service, which does on occation do weight loss surgery for free, I have however been told that i do no qualify...  So I am now going private - the surgery in the UK costs £12k - but travelling to the continent, to Belgium, it only cost £3.5k...  Any way I have a date of the 1st of September - I have paid my deposit, and booked the flights and hotel...  Eep...  I am set to go.

Any way I have started to read Weight loss Surgery for dummies...  And I have to say that i am terrified.  But I am launching my self into "feel the fear and do it anyway" - I've not read the book but that is now my new mantra.  This summer i have quit smoking, bought a new car, I am going for weight loss and eye surgery...  this time next year I am going to be totally different!

For now I am looking for advise on pre op diet.  I am also curious about what swimming would be like with a lapband.  Where are the insitions for laproscopic suregry? and how long do they take to heal?  Do you have to get the band removed if you have are going to get pregnant?

Thanks for reading...

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