Looking forward to Vacation

Aug 03, 2007

Life has been hectic and stressful lately, but we are going on vacation and our departure is right around the corner! Sunday morning we'll be dropping the dogs off to our friends who are watching them while we are gone, and then we're taking off for some MUCH NEEDED relaxation. School has really been kicking my butt... Summer classes are the worst! On top of that, my grandma died on July 28th, so we have been doing much traveling and schedule-juggling. I've been pretty self-centered and focused on many things that don't involve Amy or our relationship. I feel bad for putting her and our relationship on the back burner, but she is the most understanding and patient woman. I am hoping we can recharge our batteries while we're gone and get back to "us". 

Some really good things have happened in all this madness. I got a bonus at work last week- totally unexpected, and needed more than I can say. Also, I found out that my work will reimburse me for my classes this Summer, as long as I get at least a "C" in them. So hopefully around the end of August or the first part of September, I'll get an extra $1500! Let's keep our fingers crossed that I get at least "C's" in my two classes. 

I've been having a hard time eating the last few days. Today I tried some soup with no luck. I hope this gets better soon. I miss just being able to sit down and eat.

Well, that's it for now. Thanks to everyone who reads this and encourages me in this journey.

Emotional Eating

Jul 22, 2007

I've been struggling with eating lately. I find myself snacking often and otherwise eating less healthy food. I recognize these eating patterns as responses to emotional stressors, but I have not yet found a way to break these habits. I've gained 1.5 lbs, which is really pretty insignificant in the scheme of things, but I need to get a handle on the stress-related chowing. I don't really know how to control it on my own. Maybe I could replace food with drink when I'm eating out of frustration. At least maybe that way I'd get in my needed 68oz of water every day! HA! 

Right now it just feels like everything is caving in on me at once. Stresses with the demands of school, not having time to work out, always being broke, not having enough time to keep the house up, and never getting enough sleep are just hitting me all at the same time and I feel like I can't stand up to the pressure. I've been a moody beast around the house. Even if other people can't see it, I can sure feel it inside me. We have a vacation planned but I can't even enjoy the idea of it because I am so worried about having the money to go and recouping/getting back on track when we return. In some ways, I wish we weren't even going because the money stressors that come with a vacation seem to outweight the opportunity for relaxation. 

School is a major pain in the ass right now. I hate taking Summer classes. It would be okay if I only had one, or even if I had two on the same days. But right now I have one on Mon&Wed and one on Tues&Thurs. The one on m/w  is from 7p-10p. I get home around 11p, and have to be up at 6am to be in class again from 8a-11a. I squeeze in 30-40 hours at work around school. I never have time to study or clean the house. I actually took today off work so that I can catch up on my assignments and study for an exam scheduled for tomorrow. 

At least one good thing has happend, which is that BioLife finally approved me to donate (sell!) plasma. That was such a fiasco trying to get approved!!! So much for being honest and playing by the rules. It cost me almost $200!! Anyway, donating isn't that bad of a deal. I can't say I love the idea of it, but right now it's a means to an end. If I keep this up, I'll be able to give everyone a good Christmas and have money to spend on our cruise in January! 

Well, I better get back to my homework. I have to write a short paper about the social stratification of language. FUN!

Loving my fill (mostly)

Jul 02, 2007

Well, I think I finally got the hang of this fill. It kicked my ass at first, but now, three weeks out, most of the vomiting has stopped and I'm actually able to eat. I've lost about ten or eleven lbs in just over three weeks! I'm down to 220 now, an even 83 lbs gone!!! I wonder if I can make it to my goal of 199 by my 30th birthday?! That would be the best present ever!!! At the rate I've been going since my fill, I might just be able to do it. I've been getting a lot of compliments on how much thinner I'm looking. I've begun wearing some shirts that don't hang on me and pants that don't droop in the butt. I'll try to get a picture up here soon.

Classes start again today... tonight is 7p-10p... ack!!


Jun 26, 2007

Well, time for an update. My weight is pretty much holding steady. I haven't been able to eat much today. Think it might be a combination of the weather and my time of the month. Everyone says the band gets tighter then. At any rate, I hoarked all over a public restroom floor today... gross. It kind of sucks because I haven't been able to eat the really healthy stuff I should be getting in, because it won't go down. What DOES go down is starchy, carby, sugary stuff. Hopefully my band will get back to normal soon and I can eat a regular diet again.

School's going good. I have my final in statistics this Thursday and then my new classes begin on Monday. Hopefully I will be able to pull off an A in stats... that would do wonders for my g.p.a. I am trying really hard to graduate with honors. I know I can do it!

Well, I guess that's it for now. I know, I know... I need to update my pictures.

Doing Good

Jun 18, 2007

Well, after a rough week or so, I'm finally getting back to myself. My last fill was really tough on me, the hardest one so far. But since yesterday, I've been able to eat a little bit better. I've lost 78 or 79 lbs, depending on the day :) I feel really good. I'm down into a size 38 (men's) or an 18 (women's)!

School's going good. This semester is just about over with, and Summer session will start the first week of July. I can't believe I'm almost done! I need to start getting my resume out to some places. I also need to do some work on my digital portfolio. I sure hope I can get a decent job right out of school. I'm fine with it being entry level, but I'd really like to get in someplace where I can get some good, solid experience. My boss is going to let me do an internship, so I should get some valuable portfolio items from that.

Amy's doing really good with her weight loss, too. I think she's down 47 or 48 lbs. I'm proud of her!

Today I interviewed for another job. I should hear something about it on Friday. Hopefully I'll be able to get about 50-55 hrs a week between the two jobs. It will be convenient because it will be in the cafeteria where I already work.

We've been slowly pecking away at the landscaping in the yard. This weekend we mulched and edged an weed-matted three of our beds. Step by step, we're whipping the lawn into shape!

I've been lifting weights at the gym at work. I'm starting to see some improvements in my arms and legs, but if I start working this second job I won't have time to work out. Kinda sucks, but I have to pay the bills. Hopefully I can pick up the weight lifting (what a pun... and I didn't even mean it!) when school starts again.

Amy wants to know if I'm writing a book or something, so I guess I should sign off for now.



Jun 03, 2007

I've been eating a bunch of CRAP lately and I gained back two pounds! I'm so mad at myself. I've been so hungry, though! I really need a fill. I've been really hungry, but I've also been snacking out of boredom and doing a fair share of emotional eating. I MUST cut this out. I had it conquered and now I'm falling back into my old bad habits. I'm so scared I won't be able to get back on the straight and narrow! How do I break these bad habits for good?! Maybe it will be a lot easier and a lot better once I get my fill. I sure hope so!

It's been a while...

May 30, 2007

It's been a long time since I've posted. A lot is happening with me. For one, I have a new job. It's much closer to my house, pays more per hour, and I'm working more hours. I like this new gig for the most part. Also, I'm set to graduate in December. I got some good news from the registrar, which is that they are going to allow me to apply some of my elective credits toward a gen. ed. requirement so that I don't have to take an extra class in the Fall. I'm really excited and surprised that this worked out for me! 

I had to put close to $900 into my truck recently, which totally sucks, but at least it is working now. There goes my "fun" money for the Summer. Oh well... gotta have wheels. 

I've lost almost 70 lbs and have gone down three pants sizes! I'm also able to wear some size Large shirts, which is beyond my imagining! I am at a plateau right now, which sucks, but I'm going in for a fill soon so I should start losing again before long. Also, I've started lifting weights, and my goal is to do it three days a week. I lifted today and I feel really great about it, even if my arms are like wet noodles now! I haven't been working out on the eliptical like I should lately. I just can't seem to drag out of bed that early (5am)... I crave sleep like a drug or something. Tomorrow is a new morning, though, and I'll try again.

Hopefully I'll get some new pictures posted on here soon. I think I'm looking a lot different than I did six months ago.

hello again

Apr 30, 2007

Man... I haven't updated anything on here in so long. We don't have internet access at the house right now, so the only time I can get online is when I'm at school (like now), and I'm usually too busy to mess with this at those times. Anyway, just wanted to give a little update. After a plateau and actual gain of 3 or 4 lbs, I'm losing again and I'm down to 239!!! I'm so happy!

School's a pain... just got done with a final exam... I think I did well. I am not thrilled about my new job at this point, but hopefully it will get better soon, with some more training.

Amy's doing good... she just got her first fill last week and has lost one pound every day since. She's estatic :)

The warmer weather is very welcome. Can't wait to go to Fest!

You have to chew bananas.

Apr 04, 2007

News Flash!

Bananas have to be chewed. Otherwise they hurt going down. I think I was just biting and swallowing lots of things before my band. Painful lessons...


Mar 30, 2007

Well, lots of good things are going on for me. I hit the 60 lb. mark recently! Right now I'm wearing a pair of pants I got back in 2000! And they were snug then! (They're not now!!)

I'm all set to graduate in December, which will be a huge accomplishment and great big goal reached! I can't believe I'll be done in eight months! 

I'm starting a new job in a few days. I got a transfer to Gratiot, in the Medical Records dept. It's more money, more (and better) hours, and the drive is much shorter. My current job wants me to pick up some hours until they find someone to fill my position, so I'll do as much of that as I can. It will be great to have the extra hours... I have some catching up to do. 

I am getting over bronchitis and Amy has it now. I feel bad for her because since her surgery it really hurts her belly to cough. She got some meds for it so hopefully she'll be able to nip it in the bud early. 

Well, I guess that's it for now. Gotta go to Ebay and look for a dog crate.

About Me
Mid, MI
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2006
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 62
118 Days
A great day
I love free wireless internet at work!
fill today
Looking Back on a Year
Another Upper GI and
Crazy Train...
What a gross day.
