Need some Help or Advice

Jan 17, 2011

I checked out an weight lose program and was schedule for an appointment about the Lap Band and the day of my appointment I felled and broke my forearm.  And broke both bones in my arm had to have surgery and found out that I had diabetes, my sugar was at 300+ and after surgery it was at 400+. That was an wake up call for me to lose weight.  After the surgery the hospital started me on an diabetes diet and it worked. I follow it from April to September and lose 35pounds plus.   I was on two different insulin and metformin.  After I lose the weigh the doctor took me off the insulin and put me on glipizide and metformin.  But when the holidays came I gain some but not all of the weigh back.  Now I need help on how to lose the weigh again.  If someone have any advice or words of encouragement please post it.  Thank You.
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