Having a good day

Jan 13, 2009

How's every one out there doing?  Surgery date almost here?  Just had surgery?  I'm happy to report I'm having a fine day  and am a wee bit closer to my goal of losing the weight I regained over the past year. 

Walking Poles

Jan 11, 2009

A friend told me about walking poles - much like ski poles.  I have begun using them and think they are great.  Found them at Target for $19.99 a pair.  It says on the pkg that you will burn 45% more calories using the walking poles than you would walking without them.  I have no idea whether you actually burn that many more, but I do believe I can tell I am burning more.  I recommend them.  I tend to slump over when I walk and, if nothing else, they are helping me improve my posture.


Jan 08, 2009

What's Chicke?  Does anyone know anything about it?


Jan 05, 2009

As you get to know me you will learn that I usually am gung-ho for what ever I do - in my "other life" a couple of things were eating and shopping (through the Lane Bryant catalogue)  Well, in this life two things are compliance and shopping (EVERYWHERE).

So this is for all you shopper's out there:

A man went to work one morning and told his friends (who knew his wife was a big-time shopper) that his wife had checked into rehab due to her shopping frenzies   They asked him why she had decided to do it right then.  He told them it was because they were having a sale!

Have a very good day.

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Reality Is Here

Jan 04, 2009

Well, it's back to the routine of homemaking, school & work.  Good, bad, or indifferent, the holidays are behind us.  Hopefully, what we ate during the holidays is NOT behind us (on our body's behind that is!)

As some of you know, I'm in the process of taking of the weight I gained during this past year.  While I can still wear the same size clothes I wore when I reached my goal weight 2 years ago, I definitely want to get back to that weight NOW!  This past week was a little rough.  Saturday friends invited us to their house for breakfast and I did very well there, but then Sunday came and some acquaintances were in town and we took them to the Officers' Club for brunch.  While I did not pig out there as I have done on some occasions this past year (of course, pigging out now would have only been a snack in my pre-surgery life), I did not control my food as well as I would have liked.  I don't weigh on Sat or Sun (or any day I don't get up at my regular work-day time), but this morning I was happy to see that even with my weekend eating I had still lost from my Friday weight.  YEAH!!!  FULL-STEAM AHEAD WITH COMPLIANCE!!!!!

Hope all is well with you and yours.  I know for some this is surgery day and for others their surgery will be later this week.  i WISH YOU WELL!  To all of you, as well as those who are post-op and those who are just beginning their journey and all inbetween, let's take this adventure together.

Have a fine day.

HAPPY 2009!!!

Jan 01, 2009

Good Morning everyone - Isn't great to know we no longer have to be fat?!?  Talk about good news - that is certainly good news for all of us.

I hope you are as excited by that truth as I continue to be after three years out from surgery.  The wonder of it never ceases to amaze me.  Sometimes it is almost more than I can comprehend.  And to think, we do it by just being compliant one day at a time while we go right on living a full and rich life.  Can't beat that!

I know this will draw no sympathy from many of you, but here in the Florida panhandle it was 41 degrees this morning with a wind chill of 37.  Now I know to some of you, that would qaulify just fine for a heat wave, but to me it's mighty cold.  Think I may do my walking today in the mall.  Since I have my "blck belt" in shopping walking in the mall can be hazardous to my check book's health - but it isure if fun!

Her'e a big heartfelt THANK YOU to those who have written to me.  I'm new to this site and wondered if I would hear from anyone.  Feels good to get messages.

I wish for each and every one of us that 2009 is a best year yet and that the years that follow will be even better. 


Getting to know me

Dec 31, 2008

I'm new here.  I had my lap band surgery three years ago.  I've lost 100 pounds.  It took me a year to lose to my goal weight.  It is the 3rd time I've lost 100 pounds (I'm 76 years old) and always before, whether I'd lost 1/2 pound or 100 pounds, within a month I was on my way to regaining all that I'd lost plus more.  While I've regained a little, I can still wear the SAME clothes for the 2nd year in a row!!!  I am a practicing psychologist and am facilitator for a bariatric support group.  Reading your stories, progress, and struggles is an inspiration to me and the others in the support group.

I wish for all of you a joyous and prosperous year and may 2009 be your best year yet.
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About Me
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Dec 31, 2008
Member Since

Friends 42

Latest Blog 7
