Fill in 2 days - still a lazy bum. . .

Nov 10, 2008

I'm ashamed to say I have not gotten back on the exercise wagon after falling off 2 weeks ago.  I still walk my the new puppy about 1 mile per day, but he stops so much that I don't even work up a sweat.  My 2 other sissypants dogs are so small that a 2 block walk in my neighborhood is exhausting for them, plus they balk at the cold, so I can't count on my dogs to get me in shape - LOL!

I don't know what's up with my attitude.  I've been so gung-ho and by the book since a month or so before surgery.  I was very happy with my Leslie Sansone dvd and was up to 3 miles/day, 5 or 6 days/week, then pthtt - missed a couple of days and there went that "habit."  What kind of a lazy bum am I?

I've been trying to find a part-time job, and last week I had a second interview for one that I really wanted.  They were supposed to let everyone who interviewed know today as to the outcome.  No one called, so I'm a little peeved about that.  I really didn't expect to get the job, but I did have my hopes up just the same.  I wish they wouldn't say they are going to call if they aren't.

So as long as I'm just a substitute teacher, I have no routine.  Some days I teach.  Some days I take care of my MIL.  Some days I volunteer at my kids' schools.  Some days I do nothing (except housework, yardwork, laundry, errands, etc.)  But because my days have no regular structure, I find that I'm having trouble getting back into an exercise routine.  I know I have to just take that first step, but somehow, after all these months of being dedicated to this lifestyle change (regular exercise), I find I don't have the will to start back.  I'd love to get a treadmill and try that, since I enjoy it at the gym, but I can't justify such a large investment since my current level of dedication is waning.  I need a swift kick in the butt, but so far I have no takers.

Once I get my first fill I hope to experience something, even if it's only psychological, that will get my arse in gear.  It's not like I lay around - I'm a very active person.  But I know my chances of weight loss success are greatly enhanced with regular exercise.  If anyone reads this and wants to give me some grief, go ahead - it may help.

I did get some neat clothes this weekend, which I will post about at another time when I feel like gloating.


Want to get to overweight

Nov 03, 2008

Just realized I never looked up what weight I have to be to no longer be regarded as "obese."  I found out that at 164 lbs I will have a BMI of 29, officially "overweight."  I'm at 190 now, so that's 26 lbs to lose.  At 2lbs/week it would take 13 weeks, making it a reasonable Valentine's Day goal.  I'm going to have to get back to daily exercise right away, if I'm going to make it happen.  So that's the plan.

Even losing 40 lbs. I still can wear most of my clothes.  They don't fit well, but they aren't bad enough to get rid of yet.  I look forward to moving into a 16, but I still have enough 18s to get through Christmas, I think.  The maybe I can pick up some sweet bargains on the few things I need.  I hope to finish the journey in a size 12 or less, so I don't want to dwell in any other size for long~!

I have my first fill next week and I'm very anxious to see what real restriction feels like.  I don't feel like I could eat a horse, but I do experience hunger on a daily basis, usually 1-1/2 to 2 hours after a meal.  I am very good about eating the correct amounts and choosing well, but I haven't been eating the teeny bites and very slowly lately.  I just get in a hurry and don't pay attention.  Perhaps this fill will help me be more conscious of my band eating habits.

spreadsheet - lapband costs

Aug 22, 2008


















My %


My $

Cost note

























est. 1 hr/bill actual











1 night est only










upper GI











PCP consult











sleep study #1











titration study











esophogeal manometry






















exercise physiologist












1st consult











2nd consult











3rd consult










surgeon consult









copay only


med. dir. consult









copay only


gall bladder ultrasound











chest xray

^three paid










stress echo

>>>>to Mem. Hosp.










blood labs






















psych consult

































package followup difference











surgeon consent appt











h. pylori breath test









ins. paid zero




































Aug 08, 2008

Procedure:                                   Date                      cost           $ after ins

Mammogram                        8/8/08                      3730          240

Titration - 2nd sleep study 8/5/08

First sleep study                     6/24           

Stress echocardiogram

Upper GI

Chest x-ray

Gallbladder ultrasound

Esophogeal manometry


Nutritionist X 2

Exercise physiologist X 1

Psychologist X 1

Medical director X 1

Surgeon X 1

Support group meetings X 3

Initial consultation w/NP:  02/2008

As of August 8, I am officially done with everything I have to do to have surgery . . .for the 3rd time!

My dr. office keeps telling me I'm done and just waiting for all result, the dr. will give thumbs up and assign a surgery date.  Then it's "oh, yeah - one other thing."  AAARRRGGGHHH!  I just hate this limbo!  I need to have a date, even if it's in December,  just so I have something to focus on and look forward to.  I've worked hard and acquired some good habits (and dropped some bad ones) that will serve me well when I am banded, but I feel like I'm just about to go on a binge-a-thon, from frustration and aggravation.  In February I decided that I wanted to do this, in June I was approved by insurance, and I'd like to move on to the next stage!  This is a rave, a vent, a silly coniption fit, that I would ordinarily put on the message board, but I know it's boring to ready someone else's whiny-pants antics.  So I will just fill in the dates of all these things I've done, along with the costs, and use this post as a record-keeping tool.

I feel better now.


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 01, 2008
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 4
Fill in 2 days - still a lazy bum. . .
Want to get to overweight
spreadsheet - lapband costs
